So, I'm back! Sorry I haven't updated in a bit, but I got caught up in a few things. Now, a lot of you don't want to see a Durza X Arya. You don't seem to understand what this is. This is not a normal sex story, no, I plan on having as many pairings as possible. So I will still do Durxa and Arya, but I'll hold off until the end. A lot of you also was Eragon X Arya. I won't lie, I want that to, and I actually already wrote it, but I am planning on posting that as the final chapter. I mean, save the best for last, right? So, just telling you guys, this chapter is a pairing I have never seen. So, see you guys after the chapter!

Disclaimer: If I owned the series, it wouldn't have had a shit ending.

Warning: Could be considered rape, but it depends on how you look at it. But then again, it's not rape if you like it. Don't read if you don't want to, but I encourage you to read at least the start of it, since it really depends on how you look at it.

The Magic in Alagaesia

Chapter 4: Eragon X Islanzadi

A soft knock at Eragon's door brought him out of his slumber. Quickly sliding out of bed, he tossed on some sort of clothing so that he may answer the door.

Opening the door, he found himself face to face with none other than Arya, the girl he loved. He had yet to apologize for the fairth he made of Arya. Looking back on the incident, he could see how stupid of a choice it was. He should have just done Saphira, since he knew her features just as well as he knew Arya's, which, mind you, he knew better than anything else he has ever seen.

"Hello, Arya. What brings you here?" He asked, after exchanging more formal greeting with her. He attempted to keep the tremble out of his voice; he truly thought she was going to hit him or something, and her being an elf, it would hurt very much.

She look right through him, as if picking out his thoughts. "I know what you are thinking Eragon, but we will talk about that at a later time. For now, my mother requests your presence."

Eragon looked back in confusion. Why would Islanzadi send Arya to tell him, and not a messenger or just another elf? He supposed he would find out. After all, Arya was probably thinking the same, and knew he would ask.

"I do not know, Eragon." She said, before he even asked the question. "I would only assume that it a more personal matter, and that she sent me, as to not let others know of your meeting. Just know that there is no meeting as of now, so it should only be you and her."

"Thank you for telling me, Arya." He responded, receiving a nod, before Arya disappeared as quickly as she had come.

He was very curious as to why Arya's mother sent for him. If Arya was correct, and it was more personal, he could not begin to guess what it would be. A few dirty thoughts came to his kind, but stomped the, into submission as soon as they came. It would be completely inappropriate, using the potions on his crushes (for lack of a better word) mother, and even more inappropriate due to the fact that she was the queen of the elves. They would likely disown him, but they would dare kill him or hurt him without healing him. He was to important for them to do such a thing.

Even if the potion gave the consumer a great desire for sex, it did not change their opinion of the person they fucked. It could still be considered rape, even if they loved it. Because of this, somebody who drinks the potion will ALWAYS fuck the first person they see, or the nearest person, but after the potion wares off, they are left with a perfectly clear mind.

Even if Islanzadi wanted to, without the potion, it would just be too inappropriate, and he would decline the request. Not to mention that it would only make Arya further away from him. He had decided that he would not use on of the potions on Arya. He wanted her love more than her pussy, but if all else failed, and they were not even friends, then he would use the potion. He preferred staying friends over fucking her pussy raw. But if she offered, he would make sure she wouldn't be able to stand straight for weeks.

Deciding not to make her wait, he cleaned himself up as fast as he could, and bolted out of the door. He was careful not to awaken Saphira. She had been very tired after training the day before, and it was far to early for her to wake up. In fact, it was to early for any elf to be up. It only made him more curious, and he began to struggle more and more to push the dirty thoughts out of his head.

As he finished tidying up, he made sure to leave a note for Saphira. He was certain that, under such awkward circumstances, Islanzadi wished to speak to Eragon alone. So he did not want to have Saphira inside of his head the whole time.

He also made sure to take a leather shoulder strap he had. It had a few loops to hold vials and tube like objects. It was here that he held the potions, for he never went anywhere without them. He had been questioned a few times on what the potions did, but he always managed to wiggle his way around the question, or give a reasonable answer. His best reply, which was a lie, was that they enhanced his senses temporarily. It was a good reply, since nobody ever doubted it. Such potions did exist, after all. Also, when asked where he got them, he claimed that Angela gave them to him, which was not a lie. Nobody doubted that either.

As he made his way to where Islanzadi resided, which was not in the palace, surprisingly enough, but was rather beyond the palace out of sight. It was only logical, for she was queen, and required privacy.

The guards were posted a ways off, out of earshot of the residence, and they let him through without question. It took only a few moments for him to reach the house. He softly knocked on the door, and waited for an answer.

Within a second, as if she had been waiting for him, he heard her grant him entrance from inside.

When he saw her, he was stunned, and struggled to keep his boner down, but he managed. Hardly. She was dressed in a very beautiful dress, one that exposed very much skin, and did not cover much. Her entire stomach was visible, as well as both of her arms. The area around her neck extended downward, leaving I between her tits exposed as well. If she were not a queen, he would pin her down and fuck her mercilessly. After all, she was Arya's mother, and it was clear where Arya got her beauty from. The dress, Eragon would not hesitate to call slutty, as if she was trying to get him in between her legs. Even if she was, he would not, no matter how tempting. It was just to inappropriate, fucking a women if her position.

As Eragon finished the formal greeting, she returned it in full. "Eragon, I am sure you are curious as to why I have called for you at such a time. Let it be known that I am speaking to you as a mother, rather than a queen, during this conversation."

Eragon nodded, and motion for her to go on. He was almost certain that this conversation was over Arya, and the fairth he made of her. Oromis must have spoken to her about it, because he knew Arya would not have confided in her mother.

"I am sure you have figured out what I wish to speak of with you by now. The fairth you made of my daughter made your feeling for her very clear. Is it true, that you harbor feeling for my Arya?" She asked.

Eragon hesitated, but knew that he could not lie to her. "Yes it is true. However, I wish to make it clear that I have had childish crushes, and this is far more than that." They were speaking in the ancient language, so he could not lie.

"I assumed as much. I imagine that you think I am requesting that you abandon these feelings, however, I am not. I know of they many reasons you two should not be together, but I think it would be good for her. While she is young, it would be good for her to find love, even if it is with a human. I am aware that she does not return your feelings, however, I have never seen her become so friendly with somebody, and I believe that her feelings towards you will grow. If they do so, I give you my blessing, however wrong it may be to do so." She concluded, with an envious look on her face. "And before you ask why, I know the extent of love. I have seen the fairth you made, through memories, and I can see the amount of affection out into it. I remember once feeling like that, towards Arya's father, and so I understand what you feel. Believe it or not, I am not of royal blood, but rather became queen when I took Arya's father as my mate. His parents denied me their son, and I recall how terrible I felt. Even if you are not an elf, I do not wish to see anyone as miserable as I was."

Eragon's shock had worn off partway through her explanation, and he had used the time to think out the rest of the conversation, so that it would go smoothly. But, he did not truly know this women, so he could not predict what she would say.

"You miss him, don't you?" He questioned. He knew he would probably regret continuing that leg of the conversation, but he wanted to know more about the father of the women he loved.

Anger did not flare in her eyes, as he had expected. "Yes, I do. He has been gone for a very long time, longer than normal humans live. For so many years, my needs have not been met. . ." Eragon had to force himself not to gasp. She did not look like she said it out of impulse, but rather on purpose. She also did not seem to regret her words.

Eragon then confirmed what he has suspected. Being called in so late at night, her slutty outfit, the tinge of lust on her voice that he only just noticed, and the magic in the air. He could feel magic, and when he reached out, he found that the room was warded from listeners, and the windows had illusionary magic on them, so a set image was seen, no what was actually going on inside. Islanzadi seemed to notice that he figured it out. Before he could deny her, he felt a sharp knife drive it's way into his mind, forcing him to keep silent. The power behind the attack suggested thousands of years or wisdom.

"Eragon, I am aware that this is extremely inappropriate, and I apologize, but I cannot hold off my needs any longer. It has been over a hundred years since I have had sex, and I cannot stand the desire. I would be able to resist a normal elf, or humans, but not you. When you become a dragon rider, your blood changes, and as you know, blood is what makes a penis hard. Because if that change, dragon riders have unnaturally large penises, and I cannot resist. I am aware that a hundred years does not spark ones desires, but after you have had sex, you want more. The thought of a dragon rider, and such a large cock, I could not resist. You see, when it comes to sex, I am weaker than most. Before the elves came to Alagaesia, we were not as fair a race as we are now, no, time did that too us, as well as the ancient language, which is only in Alagaesia. In fact, we were very similar to humans. I am far older than most know of, and I was alive before we came to Alagaesia. I am ashamed to admit that before we came here, I was but a common whore, allowing many elves inside of me, and a few other species that have been forgotten in time. You are the first person I am telling this too, die to this situation, and what we are about to do, so I do not have a problem with sharing such thoughts and secrets. The other species, one was very similar to the urgals, and they had cocks that were very large. At the time, I could not resist, and foolishly allowed one to impregnate me. I did not abort the child, since elves did cherish kids about all else at the time, and I allowed him to be born, Arya's half brother, sadly, he died days later. Half breeds are not meant to be, and often times die. human and elf half breeds are one of the few that can survive." She said. Eragon was very surprised by all of this. This women was that old, she was a slut, and Arya had a brother?! It was difficult to wrap his head around.

He still did not have control of his body, she did, and he knew that she was going to have him fuck her. The thought made him very hard, and he really wanted to fuck her till she screamed, but he could not by his free will. He just couldn't. But that didn't stop his rock hard cock from driving him to. However, she had full control over him, so even if he would fuck her, he couldn't control how.

She forced him to walk into another room, the bedroom, where she had him forcefully throw her on the bed, and get on top of her, pinning her down. He could not control it as he ripped of her clothing, revealing her full figure.

She literally squealed in delight when she found the potions in his mind, and forced them both to drink half. When this happened, she stopped controlling him, and let the potions effects take over. Now, he didn't care, he was going to fuck the living hell out of her.

When he pulled off the last of his clothing, this undergarments, and let his cock spring free, she cried out happily. "Oh my! Even for a dragon rider, you are huge!

Sadly, because of her sexual neglect, and her immense desire, she could not stand to not fuck him immediately, she skipped the oral sex that most people had before the actual sex. While this did not make Eragon happy, he was very exited to fuck an elf. In some of his free time, he looked up some medical books, that were never used due to magic, and looked through. He found that elves were almost twice as tight as humans, because male elves had longer, but thinner, cocks. So his long and thick cock could make any elven women scream.

Not wasting time, because Islanzadi had been begging him for a minute or two, he rammed his cock all of the way in, going into the womb slightly. Another thing, since male elves had long cocks, the female pussy was deeper too.

He was not disappointed to find that she was so much tighter than Trianna, Nasuada, and Angela had been. At least twice as tight, in fact. If it was not for the potion, he would have cum right then and there.

But alas, he held, and began to furiously fuck her, not even bothering to be gentle. After all, this women was a slut and a whore, so she was used to taking it rough. In this position, she was laying on her back facing him, as he was on top of her. Her beauty was enchanted in his eyes, due to the potion, making her look much better than she had. Being an elf. She already looked amazing, and now she looked like an angle, a goddess.

However, his opinion for Arya did not waver. Even if her mother looked so much better with the potion, he did not care. He loved Arya for everything she was, not just her looks.

As he continued to fuck Islanzadi, he felt her cum multiple times, and heard as she screamed his name, and for him to go harder and faster. He did just that, as his cock went harder and faster, covered in her juices.

In the back of his mind, he was thinking about how Arya would be better. They say each generation is better than the last, and if he was passionate with her, it would feel better, rather then what he was doing now, which involved no love for each other, only for their parts.

Eragon felt himself nearing his limit as he pounded away, and wanted to pull out so he didn't get his loves mom pregnant, but the potion, and her legs around him, prevented that. She screamed as he shot large amounts of cum inside of her.

"Oh, this feels so nice! Being flooded with cum. In all my life, I have never felt such pleasure!" She saw his thoughts, since their minds were still connected (which had served to increase the pleasure). "Do not worry. I placed wards on myself before, so this will jot get me pregnant. Though, if it were not for Arya and your love for her, I would gladly have your child, even if it would cause others to disown me. They would not for long anyway, since you are a rider, and are of higher status than myself." She explained.

The potion was still active, and Eragon flipped her over so she was on her stomach, and jammed his cock back inside of her, causing her to scream out again. Once more, he did not hesitate to fuck her as fast and hard as possible. Luckily Saphira was asleep. She still did I not know about his sex life, and he wanted to keep it that way. He was fucking the most powerful women alive (maybe not physically (though she is up there) but politically) at the moment, and she was submitting to him.

They both cried out as Eragon cum again, filling her up even more. Albeit, he he did not stop pounding her. The potion caused a person to let out even more cum than usual, so her stomach was bulging with the amount he had let out. Because of her unnatural tightness, nothing could get out unless Eragon pulled his cock out, which he did not intend on doing.

They continued on like this for hours, fucking in different positions, and both of them cumming. At one point, Arya even no key on the door, asking if they were okay, since it had to be well into the day, and easily past breakfast. They had un-warded the building at that moment, and told her that they were okay, only going over some important matters. Arya was probably suspicious, but she did not say anything, and she left without questioning what exactly those important matters were.

It was all a blur afterwards, but Eragon thought he may have used her asshole a few times instead of her pussy. With all the pleasure though, they could not tell. Elves digestive system was slightly different, so they did not shit the same. Because of this, their assholes were also very tight, and even his large cock would not be able to stretch it, and keep it stretched.

Once the potion had worn off, which it did while they were still fucking, they did not stop. It was only once Eragon cum without the potion did they stop. As he pulled out, it made a loud popping noise, and her pussy closed up again. Even as she became tight again, massive amounts if cum began to come out. Eragon helped it by pressing on her stomach, pushing it out faster,

Islanzadi screamed and cum a few more times as it all came out of her, the friction begin too much to handle. She sighed happily as no more would come out, though some was still inside of her and would have to come out naturally.

As they finished cleaning up the huge puddle of cum on the bed, a lot of which had soaked in, and finished getting dressed, Islanzadi wrapper her arms around Eragons neck and passionately kissed him.

"If you ever are in need of a good fucking, you are always welcome here. Oh, and if you can make Arya feel that good, I wouldn't don't care if you were an urgal, I would let you fuck her as much as you want. Just take care if her, okay?" Eragon nodded in response.

As he walked out of her house, he got an envious look from the guards as he passed them. Even though it had been warded, they would probably still smell it, and they would be able to guess from there. At least Eragon didn't smell like it, they had used magic to clean him up entirely, so it was as if he had never done it before.

But, much to his pleasure, he added a name to his list of fuck buddies. Women who would fuck him whenever he wanted. This war was doing more good for him than harm.

So, yeah. Like I said, sort of rape, but it depends on how you look at it. With the title, you probably thought that he would rape her, not the other way around. Really OOC? Yes, but remember that we know next to nothing about this women, and we do know nothing about elves before they came to Alagaesia. Some of you want a threesome, but I won't. If anything, I am against that. I will not do any gay sex either, so it's only normal pairing for me. Hammer than in now. So, I have no clue who I will do next, so leave your ideas. I might not be able to post tomorrow, so don't get to exited.

See you guys later,
