Disclaimer: I don't own any Dragonball Z.

The Day the Earth Stood Still

One day Videl became terribly ill. Dr. Briefs had already said that she was going to die. Gohan could not believe that nothing could help her. Everyday Gohan sat by his wife's bedside, only to await her impending death. Pan also would sit with her father to offer him some comfort as he watched his only love fade away in the night.

Finally the day that Gohan dreaded had arrived. Videl passed away quietly in her sleep. When Pan came in to her parent's room, she found her father holding the lifeless body of her mother in his arms. She had never seen her dad cry until now. Tears quietly fell from his face as he held Videl close to his heart. Pan decided to leave her father alone until he was finished saying goodbye to her mother.

She decided to go downstairs. As she reached the bottom, the phone rang. She hurried over to answer it.

"Hi Grandpa Goku." Pan said. He must have asked her how her mother was dong because she told him everything about this morning.

"I'm afraid that mom died in her sleep last night. Dad is just beside himself with grief. He just sits there and holds mom in his arms. I don't think that he is ready to let her go yet." Pan stated. There was a long pause on the other end.

"Pan, your grandmother and I are coming right over." Goku told her.

"Thanks grandpa. You're the best." Pan said as she hung up the phone. Pan then went and sat in the living room to await her grandparent's arrival. Finally after a long while, her father came slowly down the stairs. Pan saw the hurt in her father's eyes.

"Dad, are you alright?" Pan asked him. Gohan never answered. Pan became upset with her father.

"Mom is gone! There is nothing that you can do to bring her back. You just have to accept the fact that she's dead and be done with it!" Pan yelled. Gohan became enraged.

"Don't you EVER tell me about your mother and what is best for her. You have no idea what is good for her and you never will. There were never any problems with your mother and I until you came along. So why don't you just shut up and leave me alone, or better yet why don't you get the HELL out of my life forever!!" Gohan roared.

Pan took a few steps backwards, shocked at what her father had just said. The tears began to form in her eyes. She quickly ran out of the house and flew as far away from the house as she could. Gohan stood by the door as he watched Pan's figure get smaller. Realizing what he had just said to her, he broke down and began to cry.

When Goku and Chi-Chi arrived, they found Gohan sitting in the doorway of the house. Chi-Chi ran to him and gave him a big hug.

"Oh Gohan, I'm so sorry about Videl." Chi-Chi said as she hugged him. Meanwhile Goku went in the house and found no sign of Pan.

"Gohan, where's Pan?" Goku asked him.

"Dad, we got into a fight. I told her that I never wanted to see her again." Gohan stated as he started to cry once again.

" Goku, you have to find her." Chi-Chi told Goku.

"Gohan did you see which direction she flew off in?" Goku asked his son.

"No dad, I didn't." Gohan stated. Goku knew that he had to find her fast. There was no telling what Pan would try to do to herself. He knew that her father's love was the one thing that truly mattered to her. If she knew that her father no longer loved her, there was no telling what she would do to herself. He immediately began the search for her. Chi-Chi stayed behind to comfort her son. Chi-Chi prayed silently that Goku would find her unharmed.