A New Opportunity

'True I wasn't born with a bright mind or any special talent, but that doesn't mean I can't still become the greatest Sekiryuutei that ever existed!'

I don't own High School DxD or anything related to the Franchise. The story and characters belong to Ichiei Ishibumi.

Ise's POV

I'm fighting against an opponent that is impossible to defeat.

The location where my opponent and I were fighting one another is the white realm within the Boosted Gear. Or it was since the white world within the Boosted Gear is now tainted into a purple darkness. The furniture within the realm is gone and my past senpais are petrified into statue due to the malicious darkness within Boosted Gear.

I was down on the ground in my crimson scale mail after receiving a brutal beating from my opponent, who place his foot on top of my head. He pressed his foot down on my head, which cause my mask to slowly crack till it snapped into many red tiny shards.

"You're time as Sekiryuutei is up," my opponent said, putting more pressure on my head. "Now I'll take everything that belongs you. You're body. You're powers. You're identity. It all belongs to me now!"

I slowly rolled my eyes upward to see my opponent, who is a robust man fully dressed clad in pitch-black medival armor and a rustic helmet with a thinly carved slit displaying the ghastly glow of his eyes. Within one of his hands carried a lethal dragon slaying sword that probably more fatal than the Ascalon and Gram combined.

He took his foot off my head and pointed the tip of his dragon-slaying sword right at my bloody forehead. He then raised his sword back up with both of his hands on the handle. Before he finished me off, he asked: "Any last words?"

I didn't say anything a single word to my dark armored opponent. Instead I mustered all the remaining strength I had to grabbed on to one of his legs and I tried to crawl back up, however it was futile since I was too badly injured and exhausted to go on. The knight quickly shook me off of his leg by delivering one last kick to knock me down for good.

After hitting the ground for the second time, my conscious slowly began to fade. Fade just the last time it happened to me seven years ago... Jeez...That sure brings me back memories.

seven years ago...

"Blow away! Crimson Blasteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer!" I chanted out my final blow to Shalba.

[Fang Blast Booster!]


Enormous amounts of crimson aura were released from the cannons!

"Fuhahahahahaha! Either way you will also die from Samael's curse! Sekiryuutei!" Shalba screamed before the red aura enveloped him whole.

I, who had defeated Shalba, released Ophis from the ropes made from demonic-power while enduring Samael's curse.

"Sekiryuutei, why did you help me?" Ophis then asked me.

I said it while sighing. "You saved Asia and Irina."

"That was my gratitude towards them," Ophis claimed. " It should not be a reason for Sekiryuutei to help me."

"Asia and Irina are my important friends," I explained my reason. "If you saved them, then a reason for me to save you will also exist. I began to think that you are not a bad guy. Why did you cooperate with them?"

"They promised me that they will defeat Great Red," Ophis replied. "I want to return to the dimensional gap and obtain "silence"."

"There's no way that they will keep their promises. Weren't you used by them a lot?"

Ophis then shrugged. "If I can defeat Great Red, then that's okay. That's why I gave them snakes."

…Dream. Ophis's aim. Ophis continues.

"I went to Sekiryuutei's house because I thought I could find something that would fulfill my dream. Abnormal growth. I thought the secret behind the "True Dragon" and "Heavenly Dragon" lied there. I thought I could find the reason why I exist."

"…I see. I finally got it." This guy is purer than anyone. Old-Maou faction and Hero-faction used that. They used her for their own deeds.

Their ambitions. To control the World or to seek a battle against superior beings. But that is something irrelevant to Ophis… This guy isn't a last-boss at all….!

It was all an illusional boss that the Khaos-Brigade created….! I'm glad I rescued her. I think this guy is someone who I can talk to unlike Shalba. I will take her home and speak with her about many things.

I thought she was creepy, but she is just a pure Dragon who is merely naïve. She is strong and infinite. Everyone became scared of her and made her into something people would fear. She was tricked into becoming the leader of the terrorists.

…A lonely and poor Dragon. That is Ophis. …My consciousness is getting worse. Is it because of the curse…..? Geez, I need to get home quickly.

"Hey Ophis. Do you want to become friends with me?" I asked as I felt dizzy.

Ophis raised a brow "…Friend? What's the benefit if I become that?"

"I could at least become someone you can talk to."

"I see. That sounds fun."

Yeah it is fun. That's why let's go home. To that house…..

The building collapsed and the surroundings were being sucked into the hole.

A field that is collapsing. Even if I go into the dimensional gap, I will be safe for a while if I wear my armour. I will be alright as long as everyone summons me before that. I got up and walked forward. To return home…


…The crumbling field.

I'm walking…in that field… But I don't have the strength to walk any more…

I'm going forward…while having Ophis lend me her shoulder… It's the effect of the curse…

…It's truly ironic since I'm having Ophis help me when I came to rescue her…

…My eyesight is getting blurry. …That's weird, since I'm not even sleepy.

…I don't feel the pain…from Samael's curse now… It doesn't hurt…nor is it painful…

[Partner!] I could vaguely hear Ddraig's voice. [ It's almost time! Azazel and the others are probably about to open the Dragon Gate for us! Then the only thing left for them is to summon us!]

…Ddraig. I know it… Let's go on…

…Oh yeah, what should I do once I get home…? Reflect on…what I did wrong for the promotion test with everyone…?

…Oh yeah…we still have the mid-semester test as well…

…Once I get…home, I will first…

"…Hey Ophis," I said.

Ophis cocked her head in confusion when I called her name out of the blue.

"What do you want to do once you return…?" I asked, trying to make some small talk to stay awake.

"Return? I, do not have any place to return to. The dimensional gap, I do not have the power to return to it."

"…Then you can return…to my place…" I told her.

"The house of Sekiryuutei?" She asked.

"…Yeah, that's right. If you were able to get along with…Asia…and Irina…then you can get along with…everyone else as well…"

My legs…won't go any further…

Huh…? My sight…goes to the side…and then up…

…Did I fall down…? No, I can't even tell that…

"…Ophis, have you ever…fallen in love with someone…?" I suddenly brought up tiredly.

…What am I saying…?

However…I can see…that beautiful…crimson hair…in my mind…

[Partner, get a hold of yourself! Everyone is waiting for you!]

…Yeah I know…

…Asia…is a cry-baby so I have to return quickly…

…Akeno-san…is a very fragile person…even if she looks like that…and Koneko-chan…I'm glad she's getting along with Ravel…

…Xenovia…and Irina…I remember when they were enemies at first…

"Ddraig, this person has the curse circulating through his entire body. —He's at his limits!"

[I know that, Ophis! I already know that! But he won't die! This man has always kept on standing up!]

…Rossweisse-san…Gasper…hurry and come…home…

…Azazel-sensei…Kiba…Matsuda, Motohama…my important…

[Let's go home! Partner! What are you doing! Stand up! You always stood up!]

…Sairaorg-san…Vali…I still…want to fight…you guys…

…Rias…the one I love…

《—Ise, come back to me.》

…I'm glad that…I confessed to her…

…I will definitely…return to…your…side…

"I love you Rias…"

I'm glad…that I could at least…say that…


[Shame isn't it?]

I heard a voice that I didn't recognize. The darkness that I could only see in my eyees now vanished away by the strange light that looks to be static that you see in the television.

[Just as everything was going so well for you, you died.] There was that voice again. [Was it all in vain? Has everything you been through was leading to this particular moment? The moment you died?]


I can't die yet. T-There was so much things I wanted to accomplished before I leave this world. I wanted to learn how to use the power of the Hakuryuukou that I stole from Vali during our first fight. I wanted to become the ultimate pawn and become ultimate class devil with Kiba. T-There also my promises to fight against Vali and Sairaorg in the future. I-I also want to further my relationship with Rias and the other girls in the Occult Research Club and become Harem King.

[So you want to live? Is that it?]

Y-Yeah I guess I am.

[Then how about a deal?]

A deal?

The static slowly started to clear up to show an imagine. The imagine was a young dark skinned man dressed in a white tux and top hat. He had beautiful straight silver hair that reached down his shoulders and bright golden eyes. He carried a white cane in his hands, which each were covered by a white glove. The background he was in was a fancy living room with a fireplace and large book shelf.

[I'll save your soul from Samael's curse and in return you must do something for me. Do you have a deal?]

Sure... If I can see Rias and the others one more time, then I don't mind being in your debt.

[Good. Now get ready Issei Hyoudou. I'm sending your precious soul and memories on a ride of your life time.]

The mysterious man used the bottom part of his cane to tap the ground. Then a purple magic circle appeared beneath his feet. The bright light coming from the magic circle flashed up. Everything around the living room is getting enveloped by the light of the magic circle.

[Let's meet again, Oppai Dragon.] The mysterious man said before he vanished by the light.

Before I say anything: Ahem! Happy birthday to me! Happy birthday to me! Happy birthday to Gunmare! Happy birthday to me! Now everyone sings it! (JK)

Today I turned 19, plus I finished High School with a advance diploma last Monday! (Oh yeah! I'm on fire!)

Important News: I'll do one more chapter on A Second Chance. I've been receiving a quite of fan mail of having Akeno reunite with her mother and forgive Ise for the misunderstanding and hiding secrets from her.

Well I know the prologue isn't much but this is it.

If you're curious who is the black knight Ise is fighting in the beginning in the story, then you must wait and see. Also has everyone noticed how many years I've decided to send Ise back? Yes, seven.

Why did I do this? I want to do something original that's why. You'll see why I send Ise seven years to the past and what new things I'll decide to change that is different from A Second Chance.

Also though this doesn't apply to the story, but I want people to know about Highschool DxD's translator and what's he has been through lately if you haven't looked over his blog. I want everyone to be very thankful to Code Zero for still translating the Light Novels despite what he's been going through.

Also I'm also excited for Volume 18 for being out (And love the spoilers by the way) and seeing that a 3rd season of the anime is coming out. So I can't wait for Kuroka, Arthur, Tannin, Sairaorg, Juggernaut Drive to appeared, Oppai Dragon Song, and Asia having first kiss with Ise (along with the ecchi, can't forget the ecchi.)

Now for the preview of the second chapter:

In the next of A New Opportunity: Body of a child... A new reality... Self Doubt... A reunion with the last person you suspect.

Next time in A New Opportunity: Reality Shift

Ise: Was everything I've been through all a dream?