Me: YAY! New movie twist!

Drew: Finally

Me: HEY! I've been busy! Lots of assessments and stuff.

Ash: Hey look Misty! We're in this one.

Misty: We are? Oh joy...

Me: I'm glad you're all excited...Hang on, where's May?

May: *panting* Here! took me a while to get from there to here.

Me: *Sarcasm* Because that's SO descriptive

May:...It wasn't really.

Drew: Give up, sarcasm is a lost language on her.

Me: Ok then...Well...Let the fun begin! Enjoy guys.

The race is on

May's POV

"Ash quick! We're going to be late if we don't hurry." My head raised at the voice and the name Ash. Ash was here? Could it be who I was thinking?

I got up from the table and ran to where I thought I'd heard Misty.

Yes! There they were. Ash, Misty and Brock!

"Hi guys!" I yelled, waving as they came towards me.

Instead of stopping and talking, like you would've expected, they ran past, grabbing my hand and dragging me on the way.

"Hey!" I yelled, trying not to trip over my feet, "What's going on?"

"We have to get to the water Pokémon only de tour de alto mare in time," Ash said, "I want to enter and so does Misty."

"Hey!" Misty exclaimed, "I'm the one who found out about it first. I wanna race more than you do!"

"Well I want to win it!" Ash protested.

"I want to win it more," Misty argued.

"Are they always like this?" I asked Brock.

"Yup," he said, "Unfortunately they can be worse than you and Drew."

I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Me and Drew are not bad," I said.

"Yes you are," he said, "You haven't seen yourself. But unlike you guys, I have found a way to calm them without Drew having to give you a rose." I blushed slightly at the mention of Drew's roses.

"What do you do?" I asked.

"Well, it never worked for you, but it works for them," Brock said, "Just watch." He waved at Misty and Ash.

"Hey lovebirds!" he yelled.

Misty and Ash both stopped, their faces bright red as the glared at Brock.

"We're not lovebirds," Misty said.

"Yeah, what she said," Ash said.

"It's the only thing they can agree on apparently," Brock whispered to me.

I laughed.

"Look!" Misty exclaimed, "There it is! They're still open, let's go sign up."

"Hey!" I exclaimed, "can I race too?"

"Do you have a water Pokémon?" Misty asked. I nodded.

"Yep," I said, "I have Wartortle right here."

"Well then I guess," Misty said, "But I'm going to beat you."

"I wouldn't bet on it," I said.

"Hey!" Ash exclaimed, "Misty is the best water Pokémon trainer ever. You better watch out or she'll smash you."

I blinked.

Misty blinked.

"Is that a compliment Ash?" Misty asked.

"Are you actually admitting she's better than you?" I asked.

"Don't think about it Ash," Brock warned, seeing the younger boy was about to retaliate.

"Fine," Ash said.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY DOUBLES!" Misty yelled, "I thought this was a single competition."

"It usually is," the desk lady said, "but because this is the 25th anniversary, we are holding a special round where you partner up. Two of you could partner up, the other will either have to find a new partner or sit out."

Ash looked at Misty and then me and then Misty, not looking comfortable with the situation.

He wanted to stay in because he was competitive.

Which left him to choose…Me or Misty?

"It's ok," I said, "I'll sit out. I was the last to join anyway."

I stepped back.

Ash offered me a grateful smile and Misty grinned at me.

"Thanks May," Ash said.

"Thanks May," Misty said, "At least someone has some sense." She glared at Ash and I giggled slightly. How were they supposed to drive a wave-racer together?

"Well aren't you all grown up and mature now June?"

I clenched my fists.

"More than you grasshead," I said, spinning around to face my biggest rival.

He flicked his hair.

"Snappy come-back," he said, "Too bad for you, it's not true. I was gonna offer to help you, but if you're just gonna be rude I won't." He tossed me a smirked and started to turn away.

The nerve of this guy.

Tell me why I put up with him.

"What?" I asked.

He paused.

"What?" he repeated, smirking.

How I wished to slap that off his face.

"What do you mean you were going to help me?" I asked.

"So now you wanna know," he teased.

I refrained from growling like a Pokémon.

That would be embarrassing.

"Yes," I hissed.

"What's the magic word," he said, cupping his ear.

"Please," I said sweetly.

"That's better," he said, "I'll be your partner so you can enter if you want."

I frowned.

"Do you even have any water Pokémon?" I asked.

I'd never seen them.

"I do," he said, "and I just so happen to have her with me."

"I didn't know that," I said.

I didn't even remember him using one in the contests we'd entered.

He smirked. He pushed two fingers under my chin, tilting my head up to look at him as he leaned slightly closer.

"There's a lot you don't know about me," he said.

I flushed and he chuckled, letting me go.

"Jerk," I muttered.

"You haven't seen her because I haven't used her in a contest with you in it yet," he said.

"Sign up for de tour de alto mare will me closing in 5 minutes. Register while you can."

The announcement blared across the sound speaker system.

"Tick tock May," Drew said, "Your time is running out to accept my offer."

"Fine," I said, "I'll partner with you. But no sly comments!"

Soon I found myself on a wave racer, Drew next to me as we tried to balance both of us on the one platform in our swimming gear.

I released Wartortle and looked at Drew expectantly.

He released a Pokéball and I saw a Seel come out.

Both Pokémon went and strapped themselves into the harnesses as instructed.

"Seel huh?" I asked.

"Yeah, "Drew said, "I found her a while back. She was injured from a fishing boat. Fixed her up and she wanted to join my team."

Wow…I didn't know Drew had a soft spot like that.

I tried to steal a glance at his expression, but he was focused ahead.

"We gotta work together ok," he said eventually, picking up the rein.

"I know that," I said, doing the same.

"I was just making sure," he said, "You don't exactly give off the positive teamwork vibes around me."

"Check yourself," I retorted, "You're the one who likes to fly solo."

Drew rolled his eyes.

No-one's POV

"Ladies and gentlemen it's a beautiful day for Alto Mare's 25th annual water chariot festival! And it looks like we got a record turn up."

May, Drew, Misty and Ash all looked up at the sound of the announcer.

"Hey Misty," Ash said, "It's time. Are you ready?"

"Shut up Ash," Misty said, "I'm trying to listen."

"Are you ready for the main event?"

The sounds of cheers rose into the air.

"Trainers, when you hear the Xatu, that'll be your cue!"

"This is it," May said.

"I'm so ready!" Ash exclaimed.

Misty and Drew shot knowing, somewhat exasperated looks at each other.

Everything went quiet for a moment as three Natu counted down.


"Let's go!" Ash exclaimed as Corsola and Totodile took off.

"Woo! Hoo!" May squealed as their Pokémon also took off.

"Wha!" Shrieked Misty as the sudden jerk of Ash almost threw her off balance, "Watch it idiot."

"May!" Drew exclaimed, also having trouble with his balance as the brunette jumped happily, "Stop it!"

Ash looked up to try to find Brock, only to have Pikachu (who HAD been on the bridge until SOMEONE knocked him off while going goofy over a girl) land on his face.

Ash yanked on the reins and Totodile swerved, causing Ash's wave racer and May's to lightly bump. Not enough to completely unsettle them, but enough to knock them.

Pikachu scurried over to his trainer's shoulder.

"Ash!" Misty exclaimed.

"Sorry," Ash said, to both Misty and May who happen to have BOTH been glaring at him, "Not really my fault."

Misty rolled her eyes.

"Let's just go!" she exclaimed. She tugged on Corsola's reins and directed them away from May and Drew.

"You know what'll make us faster?" Ash said.

"What?" Misty asked.

Ash turned slightly, holding the rein with only one hand.

"Link your arm with mine," he said, "behind us. It gives us more aerodynamics."

Misty blinked.

"Since when did you know stuff like that?" she asked.

She linked her left arm with his right arm as they stood back-to-back, holding the reins with one hand each.

Their wave racer went just a little faster.

"Wow!" Misty exclaimed, "It actually works! How did you know that?"

Ash grinned.

"My secret," he said.

Drew turned to May.

"Do you trust me enough?" he asked.

"What?" May asked.

"Put your arm around me," he said.

"What!" May exclaimed.

"It will make us go faster, like them," Drew said, gesturing to Misty and Ash.

May's eyes darted to her two other friends.

"Come on May," Drew said, "You know you want to anyway."

"I do not!" May exclaimed, her face going red, "And I said no sly comments."

"You did," Drew said, with a smirked, "I never agreed. Just do it May."

"Fine," May said, "But only to win this."

She slipped her left arm around his body, flushing, only holding the reins with one hand.

"Hold on tight," Drew said, putting his right arm over her shoulders and pulling her against him.

May's face went even brighter and went the chariot suddenly sped up, she jolted and squealed.

"Drew!" She shrieked.

Drew chuckled.

"Well I said hold on tight didn't I?" he said.

"Shut up!" May exclaimed, hoping that Drew wouldn't say anything about her red face.

"Hold on!" Ash yelled as he steered the wave racer forwards.

Slowly, both May and Drew, and Misty and Ash came towards the front until it was them neck and neck with each other, with another racer just behind them.

Totodile pulled out suddenly and Ash went flying out of the chariot and into the water.

He surfaced, rubbing the water from his eyes.

Misty rolled her eyes and circled back, quickly pulling Ash back in.

"Quit messing around," she said.

"Now we're behind!" Misty complained.

Totodile found himself being lifted up and the wave racer went faster.

"Ash!" Misty shrieked, clinging onto him.

"It's not me!" Ash exclaimed.

"It looks like newcomers May and Drew are in first!"

May and Drew smirked.

"How's that!?" May yelled to Ash, only to see he wasn't there.

"huh? Where'd they go?" May asked.

"Oh wait! As they're approaching the final stretch it looks like Ash and Misty are catching up fast!"

Suddenly Ash found himself being pulled out of the wave racer. He looked down only to see he was walking on the water next to Misty.

"Mew! What are you doing?" Misty asked.

"I have no idea!" Ash exclaimed, "WHOA!"

He raced down a side street.

"What on earth?" May exclaimed as Misty raced past her, "Where did Ash go?"

"Fell off maybe?" Drew suggested, "Ash is clumsy like that. So are you. I'm surprised you've kept up your balance this long."

May's face went bright red out of anger.

"Well excuse you!" she exclaimed.

She pulled herself away from Drew and pushed him off and into the water.

"Misty and May are dead even! But where did the boys go? And they crossed the line! It's too close to call!"

The boys in question were both soaking wet in the water. Ash had been dragged up the stairs of some side path, over the railing and then dropped into the water.

Drew, was still in the water after being pushed out by May, not looking happy.

"The results are in from the judges! It looks like Misty has won!"

"yay!" Misty exclaimed, "You were great Corsola." She jumped out and hugged her Pokémon.


Misty looked to see a boy with brown hair and brown eyes who looked to be a similar age to Brock.

"Hi," she said, feeling shy.

"Great race," he said, "I'm Ross."

Misty smiled.

"I'm Misty," she replied, "nice to meet you."

"You're new around here aren't you?" he asked.

"How did you know?" she asked.

He chuckled.

"Lucky guess," he said, "but it was hard. You look like you belong here with all the water."

"Misty grinned.

"Thanks!" she said, "I love the water. I am a former water gym leader after all. I want to be the world's greatest water Pokémon trainer."

"I like your spirit," Ross said, "you're ambitious. Hey, how about I take you for a tour around Alto Mare. You sound like you'd like to look around."

"Really?" Misty asked, can my friends come too?" she asked, searching around for them. May had slowly gone back to pick up Drew, and Ash was still out of sight. But she could see Brock jumping and waving and cheering for her with her Togepi still in his arms.

"Sure they can," Ross said, "I'll meet you up on the bridge in about an hour. Gotta wait for the streets to clear and I have to fetch my boat. That sound good to you?"

"Yeah! Sure, thanks Ross," Misty said.

Ross nodded, waved and then guided his wave racer back to the shore.

Now all Misty had to do was find Ash…Easier said than done.

Me: ANYWAY! Once again, the ages of the characters here, differ from the ones in the actual movie. May and Drew are 16, Misty and Ash are 17 and Brock is 23.

Ash: Why are we so old?!

Misty:...*blushing* you'll find out later.

Me: Anyways! If they would stop interrupting me. I've already revealed my biggest twist. May and Drew.

May: We're a twist?



Me: Ok. don't think I had anything else to say.

Everyone: *sweatdrop*

Me: Oh yes! I know I kept calling the water chariots wave racers. But Waver racer sounds so much better than water chariot! So um yeah...Let's see how this turns out because I can't remember the plan I had for this other than one minor twist. So stick around for the show because it could get interesting and review if you liked it!