A lot of people have asked me if i'm going to write a sequel to this story, as of right now I'm thinking about it but i have several other stories I'm working on so i wont add a sequel until after I'm done with them. Also if you want to see Nevena's outfit its on my profile. and if you enjoyed this story so much, you should Check out "The other Wagner Girl" on my profile.

Here is a list of other stories that i am in the process of writing and will be put up soon:

The Pirates lost Daughter- Pirates of the Caribbean- Jack/OC

His Brown eyed girl- The village- Lucius/OC

Loving An American Teenager- The secret life of an American teenager- Ricky/OC

A Sabretooths супругa(Mate)-X-men-Victor/OC

The bulls northern Rose- Game of thrones- Gendry/OC