You all love it so much! Here's that next chapter for you! BTW thank you guys for so much positive feedback, especially on my deleted scene of Kaoru and Ciel ;). Before you ask, the answer is yes. There will definitely be more of that. So much more. Anyway, enjoy!

Ciel sighed, the world loved to torture him. Here he was standing in front of a group of male teenagers being gushed over, wearing this stupid, frilly, pink dress! He was the Queen's goddamn Guard dog! He's snuffed out the evils of this world, evils that should never reach the surface, but does anyone know that about him? No. To them he's just a really smart kid whose pretty as a girl.

Ciel sighed looking at the ground. Nina had decided to go on and on about the dress's design and then proceeded to talk about her spring collection of suits for men.

"I don't usually do boys older than 15, but I have done men's clothing before," Nina said, "If you boys would like I could probably whip up something gorgeous for you to wear to the ball! You too," she grabbed Haruhi again as if they were about to waltz and continued, "I would've liked to put you in a pale pink, low cut, v-neck dress, or even dare a sexy black; But, I think you like dressing as a boy more don't you?"

"W-wait!" Tamaki said appearing in the background, "I like the idea of Haruhi as a girl- please do continue."

"No way!" Nina scolded, "It is not yours, but the lady's place to decide."

"Oh but could you make us matching outfits?" Tamaki begged on his knees with his hands clasped, "Look! I already have a few ideas thought up!" Tamaki pulled out his book of cute things for Haruhi and him to wear someday. The sight caused Haruhi to cock a disappointed brow at her boss.

Hikaru went over to Ciel and took his gloved hand in one hand and then placed his other hand at the boy's waist. Ciel was about to screech protests when Hikaru said silkily,

"Ciel we have a proposition for you,"

"No we don't!" Kaoru wailed grabbing his brother from the shoulders and yanking him away.

"Kaoru," Hikaru scolded, "Come on! This will be a ton of fun otherwise the ball would just be a boring get together of people we don't care about. It would be way more interesting if Ciel and Kyoya went together as dates."

"What?" Ciel gasped backing away from the two. Ciel made the mistake of turning his head and meeting the eyes of Kyoya, and then Honey ran over and grabbed both his hands and cheered,

"Ciel go to the ball with Kyo-chan! It will be lots of fun and you can wear your pretty dress!" Honey spun with Ciel and then released him back stumbling into the twins arms.

Hikaru grabbed one arm and Kaoru the other.

"Let Ciel go!"

"You let Ciel go!"

"Get off Kaoru!"

"Get off Hikaru!"

Hikaru ground his teeth and let go of Ciel to get in his brother's face, and funnily Kaoru did the same thing.

"Why shouldn't Ciel and Kyoya go together!?" Hikaru howled.

"Because of many reasons! One being I'm pretty sure Ciel doesn't want to go to the ball posing as a chick!"

"Oh? Are you Ciel? No- so you can't speak for him!"

"Well I for one think it's already hard enough trying to keep Haruhi's gender a secret and now we have to hide Ciel's! Not to mention doesn't this date have to be an actual girl! I mean what was all the fuss over before, Kyoya-senpai?"

Kyoya sighed while straightening his glasses,

"I didn't want to disclose this but because of the prank you two pulled on Tamaki and I our fathers want us to bring female dates to 'clear up misunderstandings'."

The twins blinked,

"Wait so," Hikaru said pointing a finger at Kyoya, "You need a girl date to show what? That you're straight or something? And Tamaki too?"

Kyoya nodded,

"Yes. My father isn't very approving of homosexuality..."

"But it's the 21st century!" Hikaru yelled.

Ciel would've loved to stay and chat with them more but he felt like he couldn't breathe again. He motioned to Nina to come back to the dressing rooms. As they approached their room the doors opened themselves to reveal-

"Well well, Mr. Stiff shows his face," Nina hissed at Sebastian, "And what are you wearing! A teacher's robe! What are you! Ancient!? That's hideous," She ranted.

"I think I look rather good," Sebastian defended his attire, "Tradition is best."

"Tradition is!- Did those words just fall from your mouth?!" Nina fumed.

Just when there was about to be a battle to the deaths about fashion sense Ciel interrupted the two with,

"Could one of you please help me out of this before I pass out again?"

The two eyed each other before Sebastian stepped forward to help and Nina said,

"I'm going, I can't stand to look at his outdated attire."

Ciel sighed once she was gone; "This isn't going to work, Sebastian."

"By the way she's lacing it it won't." Sebastian said helping Ciel's boots off.

"No," Ciel scoffed, "I can't go to the ball dressed like this. My cover is blown. Those people out there know it's me."

"Those people?" Sebastian repeated with a smirk, "You mean your friends?"

Ciel scoffed but didn't say anything.

Sebastian then helped him pull off his dress and such. It was like opening a present. Unlacing the corset was undoing the silky red bow. Releasing the garters and pulling off the gloves was unwrapping the decorated paper. Undressing Ciel had just as much anticipation as unwrapping a gift.

When Sebastian was onto buttoning Ciel's shirt on, the boy said quietly,

"There's a way, but I don't want to do it..."

"Pray tell?"

"I could go as Kyoya's date to the ball posing as a female."

Sebastian stopped buttoning,

"...Come again?"

Ciel huffed, "Listen it's an idea that came about by them not me! But I realize how convenient that would make for our situation. The only trouble is trying to catch Druitt while posing as his date."

"You'll have to make the call."

Ciel groaned.

"Okay I get it," Kaoru said calmly, "You need Ciel to pose as a girl to not cause any problems over the host club while simultaneously getting your dad's approval, but really is that even necessary?"

"Of course it's necessary Kaoru!" Hikaru screeched, not going about this calmly, "Killing two birds with one stone here!" Hikaru yanked his hair in frustration and then glared at his brother, "Why don't you just come clean, Kaoru? You're in love with the kid, aren't you? That's why you don't want Kyoya-senpai taking him as his date!"

Kaoru stared, mortified as a flush burned over his face like a flame before he stomped his foot to the ground,

"No I'm not!" He ground his teeth in a grunt, "God I didn't know you were this much of an idiot!"

"Guys, come on-" Haruhi tried to sedate the situation.

"Yeah, Hika-chan, Kao-chan, don't start fighting again."

"Oh good grief! Can you guys handle anything without my help?" Renge asked with a bored expression setting down her briefcase. She had heard the dispute clear up the hall on her way there, and in just that short amount of time she had concocted the perfect foolproof plan.

Ciel stepped out of the dressing room with Sebastian following behind him (Sebastian had taken off his teacher's robe so Nina wouldn't comment). What the two saw was entirely and drastically unexpected.

"90,000 yen! Do I hear 95,000?" Renge called into the microphone over the crowd of girls jumping up and down excitedly.

"They're," Sebastian said with an eyebrow twitch, "Auctioning off each other."

Ciel couldn't believe. The hosts were up on a makeshift stage, with one stepping forward (Haruhi was up right now) presenting themselves to the audience. The girls were all in a frenzy with their father's checkbooks waving in their grasps.

That's right Renge decided that the way to go about this situation was to just auction off the hosts. Simultaneously getting them dates while getting the host club money. Kyoya was absolutely ecstatic by the idea and so was everyone else.

Tamaki blew kisses to his fans. The twins winked and smiled deviously. Honey waved joyfully, and Mori stood stoically. Kyoya simply smiled, charming as always.

"Sold for 100,000 yen! To Miss Kasugazaki!"

The girl that the gang helped with her fiancé had come back just for this special occasion to buy Haruhi off as her date. There was no romantic feelings behind it, her and Haruhi just got along and over the year they've become good friends.

Haruhi hopped down off of the stage to approach the girl who unknowingly took her first kiss and smiled fondly.

"Hey, long time no see," Haruhi said.

Kasugazaki blushed lightly, recalling this was the boy she accidentally kiss, but then remembering how kind of a friend he was and said,

"It's nice to see you."

While the two exited through the crowd Renge announced,

"Up next! Our cute~ new recruit, Ciel Phantomhive!"

Ciel froze up as all the eyes turned to him.

Sebastian was chuckling uncontrollably behind his gloved hands.

"Quiet you," Ciel retorted at the man harshly.

"Apologies, little one," Sebastian said in between his chuckles, "It's just... An amusing* turn of events."

"Oh shut up." Ciel said walking away from the aggravating man.

"Wait is that Professor Michealis?" some girl wondered aloud.

"Professor Michealis!"some girl called out.

Sebastian smiled and waved at his students/fans. Undoubtedly the girls would've rampaged the man if they didn't have an auction to bid at.

Nina scoffed stepping up to the clad man.

"I'll never understand,"she commented while crossing her arms.

"I've heard it's my charm," Sebastian replied with, in Nina's opinion, an annoyingly unfazed smile.

"What charm?" Nina said flippantly, "You lack personality and a sense of style. You're boring! You're Mr. Stiff."

Ciel begrudgingly walked up to the makeshift stage with a little lift from Mori-senpai, and when he turned around he felt his knees go weak. All the girls were looking only at him with excited shrilly squeals. Ciel felt like a clown in a circus- no worse. He felt like a prostitute. If his parents saw where he was now they'd certainly be rolling in their graves. Their son, their sweet boy, being auction off to a girl for one measly date to a ball. Not to mention none of the proceeds seem to be going into any kind of charity so this really is prostitution isn't it?

"Since our Ciel here is a rare delicacy we are going to start off the auction at 50,000 yen!" Renge announced with a flirtatious wink.

Oh dear lord, Ciel thought. What a horrible price. No girl should ever have to buy the company of Ciel Phantomhive especially to a ball. He has no dancing skills, his social skills when it comes to flirtation or romance is nonexistent. Jesus this was too much. And then it got worse.




They're actually bidding!?

"100,000!" Shouted a deeper voice- quite unusual than that normal, shrilly, girl voice.

"What's this?" Renge questioned the crowd. She grabbed her binoculars while speaking into the microphone, "Ladies it seems we have a surprise bidder, please welcome Nekozawa-senpai!"

The ladies clapped- all full supporters of Nekozawa and Ciel hooking up.

"Nekozawa?" Sebastian said aloud, "I believe that's the male who asked Ciel out or could I be wrong?" Sebastian took a closer look at the cloaked, shadowy, puppet-wielding creature; and there was no mistake. "That would be him." Sebastian confirmed with a bead of sweat at his temple.

"Your competition." Nina mumbled.

"Beg your pardon?"

Nina cleared her throat, "Nothing, remind me- how old are you again?"

"How old do I look?*" Sebastian asked with a secret smirk.

"Well judging by your personality centuries!" Nina criticized.

Sebastian chuckled, then you would be right.

Hikaru's, Kaoru's, and Tamaki's body's were paralyzed in fear at the arrival of Nekozawa-senpai. After a couple moments their bodies finally kick started into action. Oh no. The trio pulled themselves together into a circle. Kaoru silently yelled,

"What are we going to do!?"

"At this rate," Hikaru said with a grunt, glancing back a the bidding, "Nekozawa will have him for sure."

"Not today!" Tamaki silently yelled, "I've got an idea!"

And here was the idea...

...The twins sneaked out into the crowd to do some mischief while Tamaki stood on stage and kept the girls eyes on him.

"Oh my," Tamaki said silkily, "It's just so hot in here with all the commotion..." He threw off his blazer dramatically and then moved onto his tie, "my neck feels so constricted wearing this thing..." He loosened it slowly, yet surely- and the girls were losing their minds. "Maybe I should just unbutton a few..."

"AAAAAAaaaaa! Tamaki-senapi!"

"Yes, please unbutton a few more!"

"Today has been so interesting!"

"What the Hell is going on there?" Haruhi asked Kyoya with a bead of sweat at her temple while staring at the sight of her boss using his body to distract women.

While all that was happening the twins in the crowd were making great progress in hiding and yelling out fake bids.

"150,000!" Hikaru yelled on one end in his best "girl" voice.

"200,000!" Nekozawa said without even flinching.

"250,000!" Karu yelled from the other end in his own high-pitched and horrible attempt at a female voice.

"300,000!" Nekozawa said cool as ever as he kept waddling closer and closer toward the stage and his prize.

Kaoru bit his lip before yelling (forgetting to sound like a girl),


"Let me guess," Haruhi said to Kyoya with a face full of disgust, "You're just going to let this happen so you can earn a ton of money- am I right?"

Kyoya smirked, "You're learning more and more everyday."

How did I know? Haruhi thought bitterly to herself.

Nekozawa was at the front of stage right before Ciel and called it,

"1,000,000 yen. In cash." His servants Kuretake and Kadomatsu were right behind him and popped open a briefcase full of nothing but paper money.

Haruhi's jaw dropped to the ground. Never in her life had she actually seen that much money.

Hikaru smacked his face while Kaoru fell to the floor in a might-as-well-be-dead style.

Tamaki was paralyzed. He had stripped for this not to happen! And just about when he was going to scream protests Kyoya appeared out of nowhere in front of Nekozawa on the stage and announced,

"Sold to Nekozawa-senpai. Please step up on the stage and claim your prize."

Sebastian had to turn his back away from the display to conceal his laughter.

Nekozawa stepped onto the stage chuckling darkly as he approached Ciel with his long, spider like fingers reaching eagerly toward Ciel's face. Suddenly the lights went out (thanks to his servants for flipping them off and shutting the curtains) and he flipped off his hood to reveal his surprisingly gorgeous face; and with his hands cupping Ciel's chin he pulled the boy forward- and for a moment the girls thought they would kiss- but Nekozawa stopped right before that contact and smiled dashingly before saying,

"My Earl, I want it to be known that if it would've cost me all the cursed treasure of Cortés I would've gladly given it all up, if only to spend one dark evening with you."

Ciel had more than a massive chill, his body was frozen over like the Antartica.

What was wrong with this guy!?

"Th-thank you." Ciel managed to stammer out, spooked out of his mind!

Nekozawa smiled, and then stepped down off of the stage and with one hand extended Ciel, he said dashingly,

"Come with me, Ciel. We have much to talk about."

Hikaru was over by his brother fanning him back to life. His brother's emotional heart had stopped beating due to an overwhelming amount of disappointment.

"Someone please! He needs medical help!"

Hikaru gritted his teeth, and grabbed desperately onto Kaoru's blazer, and leaned forward with his head hung over his brother's "lifeless" form.

"Please Kaoru..." Hikaru said, "you have to pull through."

"Oh brother." Haruhi sighed at the cheesy sight.

But the girls! The girls were going nuts!

"What's wrong with Kaoru?"

"Do you think it has something to do with Ciel and Nekozawa-senpai?"

"Should we get a real doctor?" They all wondered.

That's when Dr. Honey and nurse Mori appeared at the scene.

"Alright everybody back up!" Honey instructed in his slightly deeper and authoritative voice, and the girls obeyed. Honey turned around to view his patient, and while rubbing his hands together he ordered,

"Hika-chan I'm going to have to ask you to step aside."

With a few sniffles Hikaru let go of his brother and stepped over to Haruhi and latched onto her and began "crying" on her shoulder.

"Hey! Knock it off, I just got this thing dry cleaned." Haruhi complained, but to no avail.

Honey leaned over to examine Kaoru closer, and with his stethoscope he pressed it against his chest. He could hear the faint heart beat of a broken soul and knew just what to do.

"Nurse," Honey said in his deep Doctor voice, "We'll have to perform a bear hug to get his heart beating again."

Mori nodded, and then with that Honey threw off his doctors get up and with Mori holding Kaoru up against his chest Honey hugged the "unconscious" boy- accompanied with Hikaru who came to help. They hugged Kaoru until his lungs felt too tight to breath and so Kaoru blinked open his eyes, taking a deep breath, and met his eyes with Hikaru's.


The girls applauded with tears at their eyes.

"Kaoru pulled through!" they cheered.

"No! This wasn't supposed to happen!" Tamaki screeched while grabbing fistfuls of his own blond hair and yanking them viciously seeing as it was the only way of expressing his anger without actually hurting anybody. Tamaki collapsed to his knees with tears streaming down his face,

"I knew this plan would backfire on me- mommy do something!"

"Sorry there are no refunds." Was Kyoya's cold response.

Tamaki jumped straight up with his face boiling like a kettle about to explode more than just a whistle. It was going to blow a whole damn lecture. He stomped right over to Ciel with his pointer finger already pointing and began,

"Ciel! Now you listen here! I forbi!-"

Yes, at that very conveniently inconvenient moment a banana peel had fallen right before Tamaki-senpai's step causing him to fall forward with his pointing hand colliding right into Ciel's back.

The boy had had his hand extended to Nekozawa-senpai and was about to step off the stage with the clad teenager when, with Tamaki's extra push, had fallen completely over.

Nekozawa taken by surprise managed to catch Ciel but not without collapsing to the floor. Ciel straddled Nekozawa-senpai with his hands on either side of the elder's head, and Nekozawa stared up at the young Earl completely dazed. What a breath taking sight! The Earl Phantomhive right on top of him staring down at him with those unforgettable azul eyes, wide from surprise.

Nekozawa's prayers have been answered! Scratch that- his wildest dreams were coming true!

"Um..." Ciel couldn't think- too much was going on at once.

Then with Kaoru just newly revived standing along with Hikaru, Haruhi, Honey, and Mori; and Tamaki crashed onto the floor of the stage with his head bent weakly upwards; and Kyoya observing coolly from his spot; and Renge with her binoculars; and Sebastian with his demon eyes; and every girl watching from where they were standing in the room.

They all bared witness to Nekozawa leaning forward and connecting his lips with Ciel's.

A. Real. Kiss.

Sebastian felt his body go rigid, Nina laughed into her hands- astounded, Tamaki couldn't hold his head up any longer, Kyoya's glasses flashed, the girls went crazy squealing,

"They just kissed!" or "He kissed him!" or "Oh my goodness!" or "It wasn't even an accident!"

Hikaru's emotional heart couldn't take this and he "fainted" into Mori's arms, and Kaoru stared in horror.

Renge of course narrated it all,

"We have yet another event for the history books! Today, live! We all bared witnessed to Nekozawa-senpai daringly kissing our youngest and newest member Ciel Phantomhive! No this was no accident! And you did not mishear me! Our two star-crossed lovers have indeed shared a real kiss. Never before has this happened. What will happen next?.."

Ciel had pulled away after the shock disappeared and stared down at the slightly ashamed Nekozawa in awe.

"Will new emotions spark between the two, will this date to the ball be the catalyst to a long lasting relationship between the two! Will Ciel accept and return Nekozawa-senpai's feelings? To all you out there has this been a heart-wrenching or heartbreaking sight? Is there anyone out there who could object to this love? Speak now or forever hold your peace?"

Tamaki managed to scrape himself off the floor to raise his hand and say weakly,

"I... I object."

"Whatever," Renge scoffed, "you turn down everything when you yourself aren't even tuned into your own emotions."

Haruhi stared at all this melodrama. Yeah, Nekozawa kissed Ciel, big deal. But the way everyone was making it out you would've thought these two were actual celebrities and this was some reality t.v show.

I guess they are in this school. Haruhi thought bitterly and then turned when something caught her eye. She saw Kaoru and his eyes looked glossy, and she could've sworn she saw a tear.

It then clicked.

She connected Kaoru's tear with him looking at Nekozawa and Ciel and it all made sense now. Kaoru was in love with Ciel.

But then why isn't he objecting?

"What's that?" Renge said with a sly smile, "No one objects? Very well then I hereby declare this pairing fanon! And my new favorite one true pairing!~"

Ciel scurried off of Nekozawa-senpai like he had seen a spider on the elder's face. Never in all of his life has he ever been in a place with this amount of indecency. Never in his life has he ever been surrounded by people like this. Never in his life was he ever applauded for kissing another male! Ciel's hands then clasped over his mouth at the realization, and in that moment he wasn't sure whether to yell, to run away, or!... Ciel has taken on many cases in his few years and none of them have ever left him at a lost for words like this. Ciel never thought high school would be like this! Why is this high school like this?

So many thoughts ran through his head. So many worries, concerns, problems- he couldn't breathe.

Nekozawa sat up a bit to look at Ciel who looked like a frightened animal. It was such an attractive expression on the boy's face Nekozawa would have to admit, but that was besides the point at the moment. Ciel looked on the edge and Nekozawa could sense that. The way the boy didn't speak- didn't breathe. Nekozawa extended a hand toward the boy and just that snapped the boy out of his daze. Ciel blinked, and without any warning he just paced past Nekozawa, and eventually everyone else. He didn't really run away. It wasn't out of fear or disgust it would seem. Ciel simply just left the room without a single sound or expression. It was as if he just remembered he had somewhere else to be,

The gang watched him go in complete confusion but none made a move to stop him; And even though Ciel didn't leave in a fit of rage Nekozawa still felt hurt- like it was his fault somehow. He tried calling to the boy just like Prince Charming at midnight to Cinderella,

"Ciel!" He called, "Ciel, please wait! Don't go!"

But it was no use. The boy would leave and that would leave Nekozawa there on his hands and knees on the floor of the host club room not knowing what he did wrong. Was it the kiss? Was he being too forward?

All the girls wept for Nekozawa-senpai as Renge narrated,

"Our hearts are at one sharing the pain Nekozawa-senapi is in. To see such a bold gesture go to waste. What could it be? Does Ciel not share the same feelings? Is this all too much for his young, boy heart? Will we ever know?"

At the sight of his master leaving Sebastian made a quiet exit himself using a different method of exit.

Kaoru watched with wide eyes as Ciel left. He didn't understand it. It's not as if Ciel left in a fit of rage or anything. Was something wrong? At that moment Kaoru didn't care that he didn't what was going on. He backed away from the group and weaved his way through the crowd. He was going to check on Ciel.

Hikaru had "awaken" from his emotional faint to see what the fuss was about when he felt like something was missing from the corner of his eye, and when he turned to see what it was he saw that it was Kaoru. Where his brother normally stood by his side was empty.

"Kaoru?.." Hikaru whispered to himself and then turned to look for where he may have gone, and then he saw only a flash of orange in the crowd of brunettes, blondes, and so forth. Hikaru knew exactly where his brother was going and a part of him wanted to follow, but a stronger part forced his legs not to move. He knew Kaoru was going after Ciel, he knew that Kaoru was falling for the kid, but he didn't actually think Kaoru would go through with it. It felt weird without his brother at his side. He felt scared and alone. He's been so used to having Kaoru that when he looks at his shadow he expects to see two.

Then he felt a hand on his shoulder.

He turned and saw Haruhi's worried face,

"Hey, you alright?" she asked.

Hikaru felt a small tug at the ends of his lips.

"...Yeah." I'm not alone.

Nekozawa fell to the floor as if all the strength in his body had been stolen. The curtains to the host club's room began to open as the lights were flipped back on. Luckily Nekozawa was wearing his special clothing- not that it mattered. The pain he felt from the light couldn't dare match the pain he felt in his heart,

"I knew this would happen," he wept to the host club's surprise. The dark student sat up and continued,

"I knew that it was only a dream that I, a lowly peasant could ever win the heart of the Earl of darkness. I should've tried to be his friend and nothing more. I was a fool to be brave. I am unworthy, undeserving, I am... pathetic."

Something in his words caused a spark on Tamaki's part. He had picked himself up off of the stage and stared down at the elder teen in curiosity.

"I should cancel the date." Nekozawa said surely, "I-it would be the right thing. Someone like him shouldn't be seen with someone like me. I'm a freak."

At that the rest of the host club felt a tinge of sympathy in their hearts cry out.

Tamaki in that moment knew that this was wrong. Nekozawa shouldn't being saying those things about himself. He jumped off the stage and walked up the the cloaked boy.

"I think you're very admirable." Tamaki complimented causing Nekozawa to tilt his cloaked head up the the teen.

"Confessing one's emotions is a very scary thing, but I think lying to yourself about how you truly feel is unforgivable. You shouldn't give up." Tamaki's tone then turned serious, "If you want to win the heart of Ciel Phantomhive then you mustn't quit, and if your feelings are sincere then it is my duty as a host to help you." Tamaki extended a hand toward Nekozawa to take.

The rest of the host club members stared in awe. What a strange turn of events. One minute Tamaki is trying everything in his power to stop Nekozawa and the next he's helping him; But then again it's so Tamaki. Haruhi smiled at her boss thinking that Tamaki was such a nice guy. He could never hold a grudge, he could never hate, and even though some talk down about him he never lets it get to him. He's always so polite, so forgiving. He never lets a single thing get in the way from doing the right thing. But then a thought occurred to her.

But doesn't Kaoru like Ciel? She turned her head to look for the teen that would've been standing by Hikaru when she remembered he had left. Heck, even Haruhi was so used to seeing Kaoru by Hikaru's side. Without him there was just strange, but good. He must've left to go check on Ciel.

Haruhi wondered whether she should say something, but something about the way the snow was falling outside told her that things were going to be alright.

Kaoru found Ciel just standing down the hall around the corner staring out the window. He didn't look sad or anything but Kaoru still approached the younger teen and asked as nonchalantly a worried person could sound,

"Are you okay?"

Ciel blinked, turning away his gaze from the windows and once he saw who had asked his gaze softened. This caused an immediate warmth to spread across Kaoru's face, and then the boy took notice what was in Ciel's hand. An inhaler.

"I suppose," was Ciel's bored response, and then he smirked, "I'm sorry if I worried you."

At that the blush burned across Kaoru's face,

"Huh? N-No I wasn't worried I was just..." Kaoru trailed, trying to not sound like an idiot and decided to comment, "You have asthma."

Ciel looked down at his inhaler and gave a small nod,

"It's not that bad."

At that moment Kaoru felt something stir in his chest. They were there in the hallway, all alone, in privacy. A perfect moment to say something, to ask a certain something. Kaoru felt the collar on his shirt become too tight as he felt a nervous sweat come on. But he has to do it. He can't be like his brother Hikaru and never say a single thing. Hikaru's still too immature to recognize what his feelings mean, but not Kaoru. Kaoru knew from the start.


The blue-eyed boy tilted his head upward at Kaoru causing the other to swallow nervously,

"I wanted to say that I..." He has to say it! He needed to say! He wouldn't let fear control his life. What's the worse that could happen? That Ciel would say, 'No'? Well actually that would be the worse- but Kaoru wasn't going to let it stop him. He inhaled confidently, and then on his exhale he said as quick as he could,

"I wanted to say that I li-"

"There you are."

Kaoru felt the weight of the world fall onto his back, crushing him to the floor as he watched the boy he was about to confess to turn his head to the culprit of the interruption- Sebastian. With a water bottle in hand.

"It's about time." Ciel complained, totally disregarding what Kaoru was saying- oblivious to it's true meaning. Kaoru sighed exhaustedly and smacked his forehead. Ciel was just like Haruhi. Too dense to even realize what was about to be said.

"Give it to me, Sebastian." Ciel ordered with his hand stuck out with his infamous frown on.

"It would appear you have yet to grow out of these fits." Sebastian commented as Ciel brought the bottle to his lips and took a swig. Sebastian then turned his attention to Kaoru and said, "Surprises are what usually cause them and it seems like this particular surprise took a toll* on him."

"Shut up," Ciel retorted before Kaoru could make any comment. "Don't make it sound like I'm so fragile."

"Apologies, little one." Sebastian said with a small grin causing an eyebrow twitch on Ciel's end. Ciel took another mouthful of water before thrusting the thing back to Sebastian and said,

"Let's go Kaoru."

Kaoru had a nervous bead of sweat on as he watched Ciel walk away after rudely giving the water back to Sebastian, and all Sebastian did was smile stiffly. Like it was the only expression he was capable of. Kaoru followed after Ciel quickly.

They both headed slowly back to the host club room, and all the bravery Kaoru had was pretty much gone. Just being in Ciel's presence was both comforting yet intimidating. But there was still a burning question in his head. Surprises cause asthma attacks. Was being kissed by Nekozawa such a surprise because... Ciel liked him? Kaoru had to know. Kaoru rubbed his arm nervously, not letting his hopes get to high, before asking skeptically,

"So do you like Nekozawa-senpai, Ciel?"

The younger boy stopped walking and turned to show Kaoru that the boy had an eyebrow cocked with confusion and his brows furrowed as he said,

"I hardly know him,"

"Phew." Kaoru let out a breath he hadn't realized he was holding. Kaoru one, Nekozawa none! Kaoru continued a little more up beat, "I know, but I think he likes you a lot."

"Hm," Ciel shrugged and started walking again, "I wonder what that's about. We've never met before but he says we have, and knows he wants to be with me."

"But you don't want to be with him?" Kaoru had to check.

"Not romantically, but he did buy my person to attend the ball with him so I might as well get to know him." Ciel still needed to know what all Nekozawa knew about him.

"This is going to sound stupid," Kaoru said, nervously rubbing the back of his head, "But do you like anyone?"

Ciel stopped walking abruptly.

The action caused Kaoru to flip out because he thought he had given himself away, and rambled hoping to diffuse the situation, "Not that I care or anything! But because of everything that's happened I was just wondering um..."

Ciel then started to laugh. It was a small laugh, the kind of laugh that makes you think that you have something on your face. Kaoru's eyes widened as he looked around to see what was so funny, because he must've missed it or something, but then Ciel answered his unspoken question with,

"Sorry, its just... This is what I expected high school to be like. Not whatever it is behind those doors there," Ciel pointed to reveal they were right in front of the host club room, and continued, "But what choice do I have?" and with that Ciel headed into the host club room leaving Kaoru with a question mark over his head.

Enough for this chapter! What a weird turn of events! You all thought I was going to make Kyoya take Ciel- haha I fooled you! Nekozawa bought Ciel as his date- compliments to Renge~ Ooo the next chapter should be posted soon! Okay I'm not sure if you guys ever read these but this is important so ahem-

nvm- I took that down- if you wanna know more about stories I plan to do look in my bio.

FYI just to excite you guys the next chapter will have Ciel X Sebastian so just wonder about that. Thanks for everything!