So...this is a thing. A new perspective on the Cullen's schemes and the situation they made for themselves. Expect minor manipulations of lore and possibly offensive beliefs. If you can't deal with differing perspectives or beliefs don't read this story. Don't ask about pairings, I don't even know yet.

Reviews are appreciated.

Disclaimer: I own nothing, nor am I making any money from this work. All characters outside of my own are property of Stephanie Myer...if I spelled her name right. I don't care enough about disclaimers to check. You lawyer types get it. Let's get started.

Just A Nomad

Being a nomad wasn't as easy as coven dwellers thought.

For one you always have to be on the lookout, be it wars or construction, you always had to know what the human world was up to. Not that that was hard for me. I'm likely one of the few connected nomad vampires on the planet. Most of us simply read the news at some shop and bolt. I happen to be well versed in internet usage; I even have a phone!

Another problem was that you had to know your geography; if you got lost you couldn't just run in one direction and stumble upon a feeding ground. Yes, we did have super speed, but that took effort, massive amounts if you were going long distance, and that drained you faster than anything. It was possible for a vampire to die of malnourishment or starvation, we are still mortal.

The final large problem, one that I severely lack in, is the ability to defend yourself from other vampires. Be it a coven you stumbled upon or fellow nomads, there was no law saying you couldn't kill other vampires as you pleased. I attempted to remedy this by knowing of where known covens lived.

Alaska was pretty off-limits, the Denali sisters lived there with whomever they wanted to with impunity from the Volturi due to some diplomatic arrangement made centuries ago. They were some of the older vampires around, meaning they respected the Volturi's authority. Say what you will about them, but they had kept us hidden for millennium. Perhaps not the current leadership, but the idea and organization certainly had.

The current vampire political climate was rather delicate, and left me little option in my next target. While close to Alaska, Canada separated the two locations, meaning that I would have little to worry about. The Southern vampires of the USA were not very accepting right now due to an internal power struggle, one ambitious nomads were flocking to.

If there is a rule for being a nomad outside of doing the Voltrui's bidding, it's never retrace your steps. This left me two options, Canada, which I was not too keen on going to due to it's rather unique population distribution, or the State of Washington. Specifically Forks Washington. It was close to a major population center but the town was small enough to avoid too many questions from higher government authorities should humans and wildlife disappear in small numbers. I am planning on staying there for more than a few months after-all. This whole Southern war thing needs to die down sometime.

The only problem with this very ideal location was that it is a possible camping ground for the pseudo-nomad Cullen coven. They are the closest things you get to when it comes to political enemies of the Volturi and an authority that can override their more minor laws with little worry. The Cullen's power alone was enough to cause caution, but the network of allies the Cullen head has formed is more than enough to cause the Voltrui to allow them to live in peace.

What were the odds of them being there now? Slim at best, they had countless safe-house locations dotted around the world. They were also known for their compassion, understanding, and tolerance. This had made them, likely unknowingly, into the nomad's ally should they be under fire from another coven or nomad group. It was rather amusing to think about the coven's cluelessness on why nomads always found them; it wasn't by accident.

So, even if I was to find them, it wouldn't really matter all too much. I could just say 'hi' and then leave after a few days. To replenish my strength of course, I would never take my chances. I hand't lived for 700 years just to be killed by the 'kindest' vampire coven on the planet.

My decision made, I packed up my many books, maps, and other scholarly items and began my journey to the great gloomy state of Washington. Perhaps now is the perfect time for introductions?

I was born and raised in England, my parents were nobles in the court of Duke William and we were a rather wealthy set of nobles due to our position as 'favorites'. Growing up I had been taught about the power of knowledge, how knowing things was more powerful than being able to take action. This notion would rule over my life for many centuries to come. My parents were relatively loving, but compared to this age's idea of parenting they were the worst. So I tend not to think about those silly notions of 'soft' parenting. I turned out just fine! If a little immortal and murdery.

Moving on, I married a prominent noble at the age of 16 and lived a rather comfortable marriage and lifestyle until the age of 24, when my entire life took a turn for the better, or worse as some might have you think.

On a routine visit to a fellow noble's house me and my guard were attacked by a vampire. He was truly a beauty to watch in combat, a shame we never worked out. He changed me due to his obsession with me, one that had apparently been formed years prior. For many decades me and him were teacher and mentor, but when he got too power hungry I was forced to kill him. Murder my maker. The irony and tragedy was not lost on me.

After that particularly trauma inducing event I went out on my own. He had taught me how to find out the most recent vampire happenings, and I didn't waste those teachings. I kept far away from vampire conflicts, far away from vampire government, and far away from species wars. He would have been so proud.

I changed my name many times in my long life, but after many, many years settled with Natalie Albrook. Odd last name, but I like it, so don't judge. I look like your average female vampire; porcelain skin, flawless beauty, great figure, flowing brown hair down to my mid back. I did have a small bust, and I've been told my cheek bones are a bit high on my face, but thats beside the point.

In the following centuries I learned myself on the many academic topics humanity had to offer. Whoever says that being a vampire is boring obviously needs to sit down and read a good book on economic theory or philosophy. Hell, make your own economic theories and philosophies. Mine is pretty simple, do what's best for you. Selfish? Maybe, but it's great for survival.

I even published a few books of my own, but that was the least of my accomplishments. I can pass a doctorates test in economics, philosophy, many fields of mathematics, biology, chemistry, and many more. It helped that my power was perfect for learning. I had a flawless memory; I never forgot whatever I read or heard once. Many would call that lame, I would call them foolish.

I watched the rise and fall of the British Empire, I witnessed the discovery of India, Africa, China, Japan, the Americas. I saw the horrors of both World Wars, stood by as the Native Americans were massacred, took in the rise of America as a super power and compared it to the times of the Civil War; how far that country has come.

I took in that history with both apathetic analyzation and overwhelming happiness. How could one not enjoy watching history unfold before their eyes? I never once participated or interfered, why should I? It was much more interesting to watch things naturally unfold. Apathetic would be a good way to describe my personality on the outside, inside I was still somewhat of a child, but I always looked at things from an analytic standpoint. Emotional investment was not something I was eager to re-experience.

I was probably one of the oldest nomads around, but I am certainty one of the most inexperienced in combat still alive. At least the Voltrui didn't know of my existence, I made sure of that. The last thing I needed was them making me their accountant. Or them trying to shove their mythology down my throat; how they think we are a product of the Jewdeo-Christian God is beyond me. From what I hear there are a few over-zealous members who can't wait to convert you. Bloody extremists. At least they weren't homophobic. Vampirism tended to decrease ones bigot ability.

It had only taken me a few hours to get to my new feeding ground, animal blood could sustain you, but it tasted horribly and was not good for long-term nourishment. It was the main reason animal drinkers had such a problem around humans. But animal blood was good enough to get me to my destination without exhaustion problems.

When I finally arrived at the actual town, I was extremely disappointed. The Cullen's were here and taking the guise of High School students as to allow for long term inhabitance. To make things even better a male with floaty hair somehow spotted me in my hiding spot near school grounds. I was only looking for some decent food and now I have to deal with the second most powerful coven still alive. How lovely.

Digging through my mental library, which was something I could actually picture, I I found the information on the Cullen's that I would need to know. Just basic stuff, I couldn't find anything too in depth.

Edward- The Mind Reader

Alice- The Clairvoyant

Jasper- The Empath

Carlisle- The Leader and Diplomat

Rosalie- The Beauty and Judge

Emmet- The Fighter and Protector

Esme- The Mother and Companion

With that in mind, it was obvious I wouldn't be going anywhere unnoticed. So I stuck around the School, waiting for them to leave so we could talk this out. I hated mind readers, so over the centuries I had tried and tested many possible defenses. My most effective one was to shield your core thoughts with many disorganized ones. Static, if you will. After many years of practice it was second nature to me.

So with my thoughts on puppies, cats, and whales in full effect I waited. And waited. How long was school again?

Finally, after hours of sitting in one place for far too long, the 'children' of the coven left the building. And my hopes of diplomacy were shattered.

They were leaving with a human. A Human female, why did I have to witness the Cullen's of all covens breaking a very important law? Seriously, had they gone mad?!

My thoughts were interrupted by the sounds of footsteps heading in my direction. In my shocked state I had failed to notice the human had been escorted to one of their overly expensive vehicles and driven away. The rest of the coven was coming for me!

Springing from my crouched position, I immediately turned and full out sprinted away from my pursuers. I needed to get out of here, they were going to kill me!

I heard a growl emanate from behind me, but I wasn't foolish enough to look back. Never look back. Never stop running and never look back.

The forest a blur I ran through the wood of Washington with reckless abandon. They were still after me, and two of them were gaining! How was an animal drinker gaining on me? I still had some human blood left in me!

It was when I was about to jump over a canyon did they catch me. And whoever did was not nice, not nice at all. I felt a hand grab my left ankle, and I knew it was all over for me. The vampire yanked me back and effortlessly tossed me into the trees around us. My marble-like body absorbed the damage, but my head still reeled from the sudden stop and impacts. I truly was pathetic in combat.

At least I was smart, for once my senses returned, which likely took under a second, I felt many unwanted hands on me. My simple attire of blue jeans and a grey Adidas shirt was torn and ruined, but the hands on my head, arms, and legs were much more pressing matters. I had been in such a rush that I had left my items by the school. I would have liked to burn with my belongings at least.

But I froze the moment I realized my very sensitive position. They could kill me at any moment. With a single twitch of a muscle my head would be severed and my body ready to be disposed of.

"What did you see?"

A gruff, almost animalistic male voiced asked me. I dared not try to move my neck or eyes, afraid the slightest of movements would trigger them. I knew what he was asking, hopefully they didn't bring the empath, he could look past my shallow emotional barriers.

"N-Nothing at all!"

"She's lying."

God-dammit. Stupid empaths.

"Should we kill her?"

"I don't know...what if we-"

And so the debate over my life began, and thank the Gods that may or may not exist for instilling kindness into the hearts of Alice, Emmet, and kinda Jasper. Jasper just let Alice speak for him due to her gift and apparent trust in her ability to chose correctly. They must be bonded. Edward wanted me dead, and for very obvious reasons. I would have killed me if I were them. Thankfully they were much purer and kinder souls than I.

"We are going to let go of you, any sudden movements and we will tear you apart, got it?"

Edward really knew how to get his points across.

"Yes, yes I understand."

I felt the many lethal hands leave my body and I began to involuntarily breathe again. Slowly rising, I made sure to slow my movements to a human level, I simply stared at the vampires around me. They looked like upper-class school students, brand name clothing that cost more but felt the same. Only the short, pixie like one stood out. She had a sense of style unmatched by any of the others. But I wasn't exactly absorbing in their clothing style. I was too busy being scared of the monstrosity of a vampire in front of me, smiling like a child. He could tear me in half!

Glancing around as my captors shifted, I realized that they were surrounding me. I guess I was going to be escorted to their home or den. Whichever they called it. The large one stood behind me, with Edward and Jasper taking up the two flanks, and Alice standing in front of me. Were they really planning on having me walk the entire way?


Alice spun to look me over quick.

"Just stay my speed and follow right behind me. Shouldn't be too hard, yea?"

I just nodded my head, still incredibly nervous about my position. Alice turned back around with a wink and started to pick up speed. I did my best to keep at a constant distance and not seem suspicious, but Edward just kept staring at me. He must be trying desperately to read my thoughts. Poor guy. Not really, I hated mind readers.

It didn't take long to retrace out steps, but I was rather exhausted by it all. My stamina had always been low compared to other vampires, hence my need to learn the ins and outs of vampire nutrition. The four seems perplexed by my tired state, it wasn't every-day you saw a vampire hunched over after a run.

"Are you okay?" The ever empathetic Alice asked.

"I'll be fine. Doesn't matter anyway, you guys are going to kill me."

I didn't get a response to that, though I did feel a sudden urge of regret. Where did that come from?

Their house was actually very intricate and beautiful, whoever designed it deserved a reward. At least I would die surrounded by tasteful architecture.

"Come on, it's time we all decided on what to do here." Emmet put a hand on my shoulder, trying to reassure me. It only made my stomach drop deeper into my being. I really should have learned some combat skills.

The four vampires escorted me into their not-so-humble abode, where I met the remaining three member of the Cullen coven. Rosalie, Esme, and Carlisle, all waiting in a large living room. My judgment room was rather cozy, with two carmel colored sofas, a wide screen plasma, and many delicate glass works decorating the room. They really did have good tastes.

Carlisle, the leader, got up from his sitting state and made his way towards me before introducing himself with an outreached hand.

"Carlisle Cullen, you would be?"

I accepted his hand immediately. "Natalie Albrook."

"Your eyes, they are almost brown. Are you trying to feed only from animals?"

My fate likely depended on my answer, but I couldn't lie. The empath would know. So I didn't.

With a slow shake of my head, I answered in my normal uncaring tone. "No, having a balance in diet is the only reason I ever drink from animals. Both blood types have their uses."

It seemed my diet comment intrigued the coven leader. Enough at least to prologue this obvious stalling of the inevitable.

"What do you mean by 'balanced diet'?"

"Having a balance of animal and human blood allows for a repression of base instinct while retaining a good portion of the strength gained by having human blood in the system. You know of the different affect blood has on vampires, right?"

It was an honest question, one I really wanted to know. Had they really been ignorant of the workings of blood? They really were lucky on their rise to power.

Edward found my comment amusing, if his indignant snort was any indication.

"That strength did you so much good in your 'fight' against us."

"You have a clairvoyant, empath, and brute on your side. I hardly stood a chance."

They all seemed mildly surprised by the fact I knew that they had those powers, and who those powers were attributed to. They truly were ignorant of their political power. Pathetic. But Edward seemed smug, as if he had fooled me. Such a child this one.

"You didn't fool me, you overgrown child. I know you can read minds, why do you think all you can hear from me is static, useless thoughts?"

The room relaxed a bit as Edward tensed; at least they had a sense of humor. Most of them.

"How do you know all this?" Alice, the ever curious, questioned.

"Your not nearly as invisible as you believe. Why do you think nomads always find you? It isn't by accident."

"So you were looking for us? Why?" This was the first time I had heard Rosalie talk in my entire time here, and her voice was truly beautiful, even for a vampire. The harsh tone couldn't even detract from it.

"I wasn't, I was looking for more adequate feeding grounds. Forks is situated quite nicely for human and animal hunting."

Many looked uncomfortable at the mention of human hunting, except for Jasper and Carlisle. They seemed unphased by my comment.

I notice Alice seem to go limp as her mate, Jasper, caught her. Edward looked ready to rampage through the house, while Carlisle held whatever he was about to say.

Alice came out of her comatose state after a few tense seconds. Blinking a few times, Alice enlightened those without mind powers to her vision.

"We can't kill her."

Edward growled, Emmet gave a relieved chuckled, Esme seemed happy enough, Jasper and Carlisle were neutral, Alice seemed overjoyed for whatever reason, and Rosalie looked pissed but compliant. I was relived beyond belief, but wasn't about to show it. So I didn't.

"But she saw Bella! She's going to go to the Volturi!" Edward was understandably angry, for apparently the human Bella meant a great deal to him. How interesting.

"You should have never gone after that human, Edward. We tried to warn you."

"Not this again Rose! I saw Bella becoming one of us, so everything is fine! Trust me."

"I don't doubt your ability, Alice. I just worry what we may have to sacrifice to get your vision."

The room devolved into two sides, one who was fine with this Bella, the other opposing. The opposing side was a bit short handed, but surprisingly Jasper was on Rosalie's side. This caused Alice to be less vocal, meaning that the sides were rather matched due to Carlisle's neutrality.

Not that I cared, I was ready to bolt, but I wouldn't get far. I was running on empty. Eventually the debate ended when they noticed me slowly making my way out of the house. Damn creaky floorboard.

The reaction was instantaneous. Edward was on me in a second, growling the whole way. I didn't even have time to think before his hand was around my throat and I was shoved, quite literally, into the wall.

Giving a strangled hiss, I clawed feebly at his hand as my eyes narrowed. I wanted to nail him in the gut with my knee so bad, but I feared any hostile action would only end up with me having more grievous injuries.

Seeing a flash behind Edward's head, his furious orbs of gold were thrown away from me, his claws vanishing from their previous position at my neck, I fell to the ground and struggled to stand. Today was just not my day.

Thankfully Alice was by my side in under a second, helping me up and dusting the dust away from me. All I wanted was some blood, was that too much to ask? Apparently so. Shoulda just went to Canada.

"We're sorry about that, Edward has quite the temper on him." Alice tried to placate me, but I just wanted my supplies and human blood. Animal blood could disappear for all I cared at this point. I didn't need this shit, I didn't want any part of it.

Gently removing myself from the overly affectionate pixie, I stared into her carmel colored eyes before replying. "I just...can you escort me to my things? I left them behind in my haste."

"Oh. Oh, of course! Yes! Lead the way." She finished with a goofy bow, and I allowed a small smile to cross my face. She was an odd one. Without glancing at the restrained Edward or the rest of the family, I simply walked out with Alice bouncing after me.

"Why don't we run there?"

"Don't you ever get tired?"

"Sometimes, but it's really rare. Most of us simply eat all the time, so we never run out of you have a gift?"

"Why should I tell you?"

Even with us not running, we were still going rather fast if compared to a human. About the speed of a professional athlete. Nothing too hard.

"Idunno, cuse I saved your life?"

"I've lived far too long to be swayed by notions of honor or favors. Try again."

"Oooo. Mysterious. How old are you?"

"Again, why should I tell you anything? And we're here."

Scooping up my large green cylinder I called 'supplies' I turned to face the perplexed face of Alice. What was it now?

"Why do you carry around books and maps? Are you that young? Do you not remember anything?!"

She looked more exited at the prospect of me not knowing who I was. It seemed that they didn't trust my take on diets, so they still thought I was a youngster. Oh, how wrong they were.

"I assure you, I'm not young, and I remember just about everything from my human life."

"Awwwww." I could literally see her deflate. I was almost saddened myself. Almost.

"So you don't know anything then?"

"Nope. Only that I come from Mississippi. And that I woke up alone, my creator nowhere to be found. Where's yours?"

"Dead." No harm in telling that one.

"Oh...I'm sorry."

"No need, I'll be going human hunting soon. I know you and your coven are animal drinkers only, but I ask you understand and tolerate my own feeding habits."

"But...but you kill people." I could see the sadness in her eyes as she spoke to me, those carmel orbs boring into me and revealing my very soul to the world. However, I wouldn't be swayed. Besides, I didn't always kill my prey.

"Not all the time, but yes, I normally do. Listen, since I know it makes you guys uncomfortable I'll refrain from killing anybody. Sound like a deal?"

Life coming back into her face, Alice excitedly bounced on the balls of her feet and nodded eagerly. But she didn't move. Dammit. She was going to follow me. I had hoped she'd be dumb enough to allow me to hunt in peace. Guess not. Not all vampires are smart, some are idiotic hicks.

"I assume your going to watch then?"

"I don't want to but...kinda have to."

"Forks or Seattle?"

"I'd prefer Seattle. We have other things here."

That didn't even make sense, but oh well. Getting into my jog, which was the speed of about 30 MPH, I began the rather short trek to Seattle, which would be my hunting ground for the foreseeable future.

"Why are you so tired? Do you not drink enough?"

"No, I've always had low stamina compared to other vampires. You should't be so surprised, theres always minor variations in each vampires physical ability. I just happen to have a negative."

"I guess that makes sense. I've never really gotten to know many vampires outside of my family."

"Is that what you call it?""

"Yes, you have a problem with that?" Her normally cheery tone took on a steely edge. Sensitive subject I see.

"No, more perplexed than anything. Do you truly function like a family?"

It wasn't unheard of, but it was certainly rare for vampires to truly coexist like humans. I've always wanted to study the psychology of those covens; perhaps I could here?

The rest of our trip was spent with her detailing many family stoories. It wasn't dull, but I could have gone for something more stimulating. I'll take what I can get.

Hunting without killing is, technically, against the laws. Not explicitly, but the few times I did, I did it out of experimentation. Mainly to see if it was indeed possible to restrict venom flow during feeding. Turns out it was. I also wanted to test the psyche oh humans, to see if they would accept what happened to them. But that was back in the old days, days without globalization or running water.

Entering the city limits, conversation stopped and I opened up my senses to the world around me. Hunting was one of my favorite experiences, I could almost feel the world rotate under me and smell everything that moved. Hyperbole of course, but it's truly euphoric for me.

Running through the alleyways, I came upon what appeared to be a homeless gathering of sorts. Barrel on fire, rugged looked humans surrounding it, alcohol thrown about. It was textbook perfection for someone like me.

There were five of them, more than enough to refill me without draining one of them. My eyes dark as night, I wasted no time in using my super speed to knock them all out. The drugged up fools didn't know what hit them.

Picking up the limp body of the first, I pulled aside his heavy coat and sank my teeth into his shoulder. Sweet, sweet blood filled my mouth and I greedily drank it. The taste of was comparable to the finest of wines back in the 1300s, when the ingredients were pure and aged to perfection. Without the alcohol taste of course.

Feeling the mans heart start to wain, I just dropped him onto the ground and moved onto the next, and the next, and the next. All that running and pathetic resistance I called fighting had really worn me down. And I had kept my word, all still lived. For now. They would die of exposer to the cold and possible complications due to massive blood loss. I didn't kill them.

In my haste I hadn't noticed Alice off to the side, watching the display with morbid fascination. Don't tell me they didn't know about venom repression.

"How can you bite them without turning them?"

I gave a sigh and shook my head.

This was going to be a long, long stay with the Cullens.

That's chapter one. Tell me what you guys think. Reviews are more than welcome.