Sleeping Wendy

Chapter 3


After raising the sword Stan saw The Frog King appear.

Narrator states "the frog king will help Stan Marsh."

The frog king says "Stan Marsh you must fight and destroy the Mecha-Bitch."

Stan replied "I know that."

The frog king states "you must be strong and prevail so you can bring your girlfriend back from her comatose state."

Stan replied "I know that."

The frog king added "while you fight the evil bitch I will stay here in this gun shop and read Hustler Magazine."

Narrator states "The frog king will jack off to a Hustler Magazine."

Stan sarcastically replied "thanks for repeating that."

Jimbo screamed "you fucking frog that's my Hustler Magazine."

Stan Marsh headed up into the mountains. He'd been on his feet for an hour when he heard a harsh scream.

Stan knew it was her.


All of a sudden Mecha-Streisand came out of nowhere and knocked Stan out cold.

30 minutes later Stan woke up and found himself hanging upside down in the mountains. He saw his sword just 10 feet away in the snow.

He heard the Mecha-Bitch coming from the around the corner.

He closed his eyes and then yelled "COME TO ME SWORD OF PANTHEOS!"

The sword came to him allowing to break free and when the Mecha-Bitch turned the corner she leaned down which Stan took advantage of and he was able to behead her.

Mecha_Streisands eyes closed and the body fell. SHE WAS DEAD!

Stan walked through South Park a hero. Token said there'd be a big party at his house. Wendy awaited Stan on the steps of South Park City Hall.


Sadly Stan became ill and couldn't attend the party that takes place in the next story. I wish to thank KennyScream10237 and RatherOddRanger for their help in creating this story.