"Damn, you suck!" I said in a teasing way, throwing basketballs to their hoop with ease. Rin shot a glare my way and tried to shoot yet another ball to the hoop. It dunked back, and I laughed. "And you swallow! I'm just not good at basketball!"

"What, because of your height?"

"That's really not something for you to say, short-ass!"

"Oioi, you're shorter than I am." I said, pulling Rin closer so I could compare our height. Rin's cheeks turned red and she quickly pulled away, averting her eyes. Gah, that sort of reaction from her isn't too bad every now and then. "T-There's only a 5 centimeter difference, idiot!"

"Yeah, yeah." I laughed and ruffled her hair. Rin's face turned even redder - apparently that was possible. She quickly took my hand and threw it away, staring right at my eyes with those sharp aquamarine orbs of hers.

Fucking hell, if you keep looking at me with that expression of yours, I'll…!

Wait, huh?

I'll… What?

"A-Anyway! A different game! I'll win for sure this time!" Rin said, desperately looking around for a game she'd be good at. I wondered what kind of games someone like her'd be good at. Sh-She's a gorilla, so… fast-paced games? I think I remember a machine with banana pictures all over it somewhere.

"That!" Rin pointed at a big machine, the words "Undead War II" scrawled all over it. It had to be a game about zombies. How original.

"A… Shooting game?"

"Hnn." Rin smiled at me as she took my hand and pulled me towards the machine. I wanted to protest, but then Rin excitedly inserted the coins and handed over one of the toy-guns to me. She looked very eager for me to try it out. "I happen to be pretty good at those!"

Well, whatever.

"Undead War… II!"

A cutesy voice said the title. The blank screen was replaced with an animation of a girl with green-tea eyes and a little chunk of her long, sea-blue hair tied into a bun on the right sight of her head on a school rooftop. She had small tits. Based on all that, she's probably a tsundere character? Minus the pigtails, of course.

"Senpaiii!" The girl said with the same, cutesy voice as earlier. "I… have something I've been meaning to say, ever since that day you helped me out on my club! I, truthfully, I…! L-Love…!"

The girl's expression - no, her whole face changed. Her white skin changed into moldy gray, and her eyes looked like they were barely stuck in place. Her throat was hanging dry, and her hair was all messy and bitten up. Holy hell, the game had creepy art. I sneaked a glance at Rin, but she was barely flinching. In fact, she looked like she'd never been happier. The background was replaced with a dark school yard filled with zombies.

"Ready… Go!"

"That's… 4-5 now!" Rin spat, putting her pink toy-gun back to it's original spot. Rin had won Undead War II without batting an eyelash, and made me do three more shooting games after that. I challenged her to candy-grabbing machines, and other various machines, and figured something out. Rin was practically unbeatable at shooting games, but she sucked ass on anything else.

The current score was 4-5 with Rin on the lead. We had just finished a shooting fishing game-thing. I needed to just challenge Rin on a non-shooting game, and we'd be on a tie again. That was all I needed to do. However, as much as I hated to admit it, I was crazy tired. 5 shooting games - 4 on a row, table tennis, mini bowling, mini golf… God, the amount of stamina I have, as a prideful guy, makes me sad.

Although she lost on all of them, Rin looked like she had tried her damn hardest on the non-shooting games. The look on her face was what made me unable to go easy on her. Losing on purpose when your opponent's trying their hardest just ain't my style.

"Well, li'l prick?" Rin puffed out her chest that was barely there on the first place with a smug look on her face. "Wanna go home to Mommy already?"

"Shithead, if half the machines here aren't shooting-games, you'd be dead toast."

"Wh-! That doesn't have to do with anything, you sore loser!"

"Who said the game's over?" I smirked, standing up and putting my blue toy-gun back to it's original spot. "You're not allowed to quit when you're ahead, after all."

"…Or so I'd like to say."

I collapsed, and immediately after that, heard Rin kneeling down in front of me. I forced myself to lift my head, and the smiling face of an angel who had just had tons of fun was in front of me.

"Great match."

"I said it's… not over."

"You have such low stamina."

"Maybe you're… the one that… has too much."

"There's Area 62 right in front of this arcade, y'know."

"Ah, fuck it, might as well."


Hold on, did I just call this man with no dick an angel?

"I'll have one of everything for the food! And for the drink, cold ocha! That comes with a free re-fill, right?" Rin practically stuffed the menu on the waitress's face. I've seen in movies where girls eat a damn lot, but I didn't expect Rin to be like that. Then again, I could imagine her being the type of girl whose gender guys forget.

I wonder if this unexplainable, comfortable feeling I have around her is one of the reasons why.

"Oh, err, rice omelette for me… I guess. And iced tea would do." I calmly said, pointing at one of the pictures in the menu. The waitress took my order and reviewed both me and Rin's, and then left. When I sneaked a glance at her face, Rin's face made me want to punch her. "Rice omelette~? What are you looking to have written on top of it~? I Love You, Master?"

"Are you retarded? Do you only know rice omelette in maid cafes? I guess that's as far as your knowledge goes, pervert." I glared at Rin, and she glared back. She was about to respond, but then I added, "Besides, that ain't anything for you to say. Your blackhole of a mouth sucks everything."

"Yeah, like your dick-" Rin said it all casually, but then quickly covered her mouth. My eyes widened, the events of this morning tugging at my memories. Did she accidentally blab that out? Then, last night, I got a blowjob from-! "Oh wait, you don't have one."



Bitch, what're you smiling all sweetly for?!

I paused.

And why am I disappointed?!

"Sorry man, not everyone has dicks like you do." I shot back and laid back on my chair, trying to act all cool and composed. The waitress earlier came by and dropped us our drinks. I thought it was weird that she didn't have a comeback, but Rin was calmly sipping her ocha with no care in the world. Deciding I was safe, I sipped my tea.

"Len, do you know there's something called a 'female penis'?"


I spurted my tea.

"If you can't…come up with a comeback, don't make…one up." I said between my pants.

"I didn't make that up," Rin glared at me as if I offended her, "In medical and sexological literature, the clitoris is sometimes referred to as "the female penis" or pseudo-penis and the term clitoris is commonly used to refer to the glans alone; partially because of this, there have been various terms for the organ that have historically confused its anatomy."

The hell is a clitoris again?

".…And why the fuck did you explain that?" I asked, and although it was meant to be a re-theoretical question, I knew she'd answer, and I didn't bother correcting myself. Sighing, I decided to sip my tea. Rin's gaze narrowed. "Well, you meant to insult me by saying I have a dick, and so I felt like it was necessary to tell you that females more or less have dicks too. I meant to contradict your insult, but you didn't get it, so-"

"I get it, I get it, so stop!" I said, not being able to drink tea in peace. "And why do you speak like that, and at other times you speak like… like that."

"The fuck you talkin' 'bout?"

"See, that's what I meant!"

"Huh?" Rin sighed and face-palmed before looking at me pitifully, "I'm sorry I don't speak idiot."

"You know what? Never mind." I shrugged it off before studying our current situation. "Hey, just how did we end up leisurely eating together like this? We've only known each other for a day, and all. The development is too fast, I can't keep up…"

"The text mes-" Rin was speaking all casually, but then all of a sudden her face heated up and she pointed at me using a fork. "J-Just so you know, don't get the wrong idea! This isn't… a date… or anything!"

How does she do that?

"Yeah, well, who would want to go on a date with you anyway?"

"The feeling's mutual."

Acting all calm and composed and then a second later, getting all flustered and making my chest hurt like this…?

Not a word was exchanged between us until our food arrived, and maybe I liked it that way.

Rin's 'one of everything' was everything. The place had everything; from Asian food that all tasted somewhat similar to exotic dishes I couldn't even name. Comparing my rice omelette to Rin's grand feast made me wish I ordered something else. Then again, I didn't have a big stomach.

Rin comped down all of her food in big chunks. Never mind that, I thought I could see the food going to her mouth - and then just disappear the next second. She didn't even blink while eating, hell, she didn't fucking breathe. And then, she suddenly stopped.

"…Just to be clear, you're paying right?"


There was silence between us.





"I left my wallet at home…"

"Yeah?! I'll check your bag, then…"

"A pervert! A pervert! A guy I've known for only a day is trying to take a look at my bag!"

"Yeah, the same guy who gave you his clothing when yours was wet, paid for the arcade, and might have to wash the dishes later because he'll have to pay for your food, too!"

"If there is a guy like that, tell him I need him, because the guy in front of me won't pay!"

"I told you, I don't have enough money on me!"

Rin glared at me and started to get ahold of a bowl of soup she hadn't eaten yet. I knew what that meant, and prepared to take cover. Other customers were looking at us, the employees were about to stop us, but we didn't care. Everything was slow-motion already, and-

"I'll pay."

What my head touched wasn't the cold concrete, neither was it the hard-ass chair. It was a soft, warm thing that had a somewhat spongy consistence.


I think y'all perverts understand already what Len meant at the end. But to those who do not: boobs. Len's head was trapped between boobs. Whose, you will have to guess. Not Rin's, that's for sure, I mean, she doesn't even - it wouldn't feel like that…? Never mind, flat is justice, after all.

I feel like I described the date too… meh, y'know? But in my defense, there really isn't much to describe, and the date's not even over yet. It might as well be, though. Wait, what? *coughs* I don't really have much experience on dates. They're all just… Movies, arcades, food, the same thing over and over again. So, sorry for the date description.

Favorite and/or follow if you enjoyed, please! Leave me a review, because I really do enjoy reading them and it motivates me to make another chapter sooner, faster, yeah! If you have any interest in what else I might be working on, check out my profile! I write about Fairy Tail and Sket Dance on my Chocolatesaregood account, and Vocaloid on my other account, RinnyRinRinArmy.

All the love,
