I honestly have no idea where this came from...I'm fairly certain it was Nicole4211's fault for being on a Disney kick lately though. lol Anyway, I give you my first (but definitely not my last) LyLu story.
Hiro Mashima owns Fairy Tail.
Chapter 1
The guild was in its normal state of disarray, the usual fight commencing between Natsu and Gray which naturally pulled in Gajeel and Elfman and several others, Erza swooping in with shouts of anger to break it up. Of course, her vicious attack only added to the chaotic mess, and before long the entire guild was in an uproar. Just another day at Fairy Tail, Lucy thought as she ducked behind the bar to avoid a misfired projectile.
"What are you brats doing to my guild?!"
The sudden shout had most of the mages cringing in fear, but Natsu and Gray were too far gone to notice the deathly quiet. Lucy could still hear them hammering away at each other, their inventive slurs still ringing out in the room as though nothing had changed.
"They're gonna get themselves killed," the blonde muttered, standing to her feet to observe the takedown.
"You idiots!" Master snapped as his arms expanded to smack the two men's heads together. "You're going to destroy everything!"
Natsu and Gray cowered on the floor, each rubbing the tender spot on their heads. Lucy rolled her eyes as Master turned around and they quickly shot each other the bird. They were never going to learn.
The small man allowed his arms to shrink, and then he growled. "Now get this place cleaned up!"
Before anyone could respond to his fervent demand, the doors to the guild opened up, admitting the tall, hulking figure of a man. It was quiet for a moment before Natsu spoke up, "Oi, isn't that..."
"Jura," Master called and stepped forward with his arm outstretched. "How good to see you."
Lucy eased forward, angling her head to see around the man. Was he alone? He'd never come here before without Lyon and Chelia, so where were they?
The visiting mage reached out, clasping the older man's hand tightly before letting it go. "It's good to see you as well. I only wish it was under better circumstances. I'm afraid we need your help."
The wizened elder's face settled into a serious mask. "What's going on?"
"Lyon is in a magical coma..."
Lucy's heart stuttered to a stop, and for a time, she found she couldn't breathe. Lyon... She couldn't believe what he'd said, prayed that she'd heard him wrong, but no matter how many times she blinked her eyes to clear her vision, it remained the same. Jura still stood there, his face etched with worry, and she knew it was all true.
Tears pricked her eyes at the news, at the realization that the man she'd harbored such feelings for was in danger. And it wasn't a danger she knew how to save him from. There was no enemy to fight, no one to gather her team and face off against. She felt utterly useless...and scared.
The guild was quiet, everyone processing what Jura had told them, until finally, Gray stepped forward with a grave face and asked what they were all wondering. "What happened?"
"Chelia was with him on a mission, and according to what we've been able to surmise, Lyon was hit with a powerful spell, some sort of love spell. Chelia said he dropped almost instantly, and she chose to stay with him to find out what was wrong instead of chasing after the perpetrator. From what she has told us, his body is fine. He just...can't wake up," Jura answered solemnly.
Lucy looked on from her place at the bar and blinked furiously, trying to stave off the tears that threatened to overwhelm her. She couldn't fathom that this had really happened. How could Lyon be taken down by something like a love spell? He was so strong.
And what of a reversal spell or a cancellation spell? These types of things always had a way of counteraction.
Just before she voiced her thought, Levy piped in. "Have you discovered the counter-spell yet?"
"There is no counter spell per se," the Wizard Saint answered. "At least, not that we've found. However, we've come across a possible cure, if it can be called that. We aren't at all sure it will work, but..."
Lucy bit at her lip as a spark of hope burst in her chest. There was a chance they could fix him! But why hadn't they done it already?
When the mage from Lamia Scale failed to continue, Gray eagerly encouraged, "But what? You have to try, whatever it is."
"That's what we were hoping you'd say." Jura closed his eyes and sighed, then turned his attention toward the blue-haired woman beside the ice mage. "Juvia, we believe you are our only hope."
"Juvia doesn't understand."
Lucy didn't either. Why would they need Juvia? She didn't possess healing magic. If that's what they needed, shouldn't they have asked for Wendy? Then again, they had Chelia, so why...
The large man opened his mouth to explain, but suddenly Lucy realized where this was going. It was so obvious now that she thought about it. They needed Juvia because of Lyon's feelings for her. Feeling a deep sense of loss, Lucy smiled mirthlessly and explained, "They need you to kiss him. True love's kiss, right?"
The moment the words were out of her mouth, Lucy wanted to call them back. She didn't want it to be Juvia. She wanted to be the one to kiss him and bring him back. But her desires didn't change reality. If she were being honest, it made sense for them to ask for Juvia's help. After all, Lyon had made it perfectly clear how he felt about the woman.
She had known all that, had seen it all, but it hadn't stopped her from falling for him. It hadn't kept her heart safe from a one-sided love, and now, she would have to watch as Juvia saved him. She would once again be left on the sidelines because she had falled for a man who didn't return her feelings. She knew she was nothing to Lyon, nothing more than Gray's team mate at least.
Pushing down her hurt feelings, she focused on the conversation just in time to hear Juvia's response.
"But Lyon is not Juvia's true love," the water mage said softly, her hands wringing nervously.
And there was the crux of the problem. Juvia wanted Gray, Lyon wanted Juvia, and Lucy wanted Lyon. It was beyond the classic love triangle. Quite frankly, it was a mess. But no one even knew Lucy was involved. Not a soul in her guild or beyond knew that Lucy carried a torch for the ice mage, and that's just how she intended to keep it. Having her feelings revealed would only cause more problems for all of them and more heart break for herself.
And of course, it wasn't over, and it didn't matter that she already knew it. It still hurt just as much when Jura looked at the water woman and assured, "Yes, but you are most definitely Lyon's love. So, will you help us?"
A part of Lucy wanted to beg Juvia not to go, to keep her lips safely away from the silver-haired man the blonde adored so much, but she stuffed that horribly selfish side down. She cared too much for Lyon to wish his one chance away. So, she kept quiet and waited for the answer she knew would come. There was no way Juvia would let Lyon stay that way if she could help.
Sure enough, Juvia nodded. "Juvia will help."
Gray's body sagged with relief, and he placed a grateful hand on her shoulder. "Thanks Juvia." He turned to Jura and added, "I'm coming too."
Lucy ached with the desire to add her own name to the group, but she knew that was foolish. She wasn't needed, and volunteering to go without a reasonable explanation would only lead to questions she didn't want to answer. She silenced the debate inside herself, and with her heart throbbing painfully in her chest, she sank down on one of the stools at the bar and waited for them to leave.
The large wizard tipped his head in acceptance and motioned to the door. "We should leave immediately. Chelia worries that the longer he's asleep, the harder it will be to wake him."
"Um...if it's okay, I'd like to come too," Wendy chimed in hesitantly. "Maybe I can help."
"Very well," Jura agreed, then bent at the waist in a perfect bow to Makarov. "Thank you for your assistance."
The old Master brushed the sentiment away. "Any time. We're always happy to help friends."
Then they were gone without a word of goodbye or a glance back at her. And Lucy said nothing, just watched them go, the woman who actually was her love rival setting off to save the man Lucy cared so deeply for. It wasn't fair, but there was nothing for the blonde to do but sit and pretend her heart wasn't falling apart inside her.
Gray followed Jura down a short hallway, Juvia just behind him, quieter than he'd ever seen her. For once, the water mage wasn't cooing all sorts of nonsense about him being her true love, and he had to admit, he was grateful. Ordinarily her odd behavior would have simply driven him nuts, but considering what was happening, it would have probably caused him to lose his temper. To his mind, this was neither the time nor the place for such things, and to his immense relief, Juvia apparently agreed.
This was a hard trip for Gray, the prospect of seeing Lyon in such a condition ripping away at his usual calm. Lyon had been his rival since they were kids, but the truth was Gray cared a great deal about him. They were like brothers, and while Gray hadn't actually said the words out loud, he was terrified at the thought of Lyon never waking up again. He found himself wishing he had said all the things he'd kept to himself and wondering if he'd ever again have the chance.
No, he refused to think like that, denied the possibility of failure. Somehow, they would find a way to bring Lyon back, and when they did, Gray would be the first in line to hug him.
All of a sudden, Jura came to a stop in front of a door near the end of the hallway. He glanced back at the two mages, then pushed opened the heavy oak door and walked inside. Gray took a deep breath and entered next.
The sight that greeted him was startling. Lyon lay there so still, and for a moment, Gray was sure that he was already gone. But then Lyon's chest rose, slowly but surely, and Gray nearly sagged with relief.
"Are you ready, Juvia?" Jura asked, his tone soft and entreating.
The blue-haired girl nodded, then moved toward the bed. She leaned down, her lips hovering just an inch over Lyon's, and she whispered, "Time to wake up, Lyon."
With those softly uttered words, her head dipped down, and she pressed her lips to his. It was only a moment, scarcely a second, and she pulled away, eyeing the man stretched out on the bed. They waited, each one holding their breath and hoping for a sign that it had worked.
But there was nothing, not even a twitch. Lyon didn't make a single move in response to her touch. But how could that be?
Juvia's face fell. "Why didn't it work? Juvia doesn't understand. Why didn't he wake up?"
"Because you don't love him," Jura supplied sadly, his broad shoulders drooping just a bit. "I had hoped..." He shook his head, shooting the water woman a small smile. "Thank you for trying, Juvia."
Gray was at a loss. He'd been certain that Juvia would be able to bring Lyon out of it, but it appeared Jura was right. And if he was right, then what did that mean for Lyon? If his condition required a kiss from a woman who truly loved him, then what were they supposed to do?
Did such a female even exist out there? Was there a woman somewhere who felt such a depth of emotion for Lyon? A wave of worry slipped into Gray's mind, and his brow furrowed. Even if there was, he didn't have a clue where to begin looking for her.
He wasn't a fool to believe there weren't women out there that believed themselves in love with the silver-haired ice mage. That came with fandom, and Lyon was hardly unknown. But that wasn't real love, not the kind that this magic spell apparently demanded.
So how was Gray to find this mystery woman? How could he know for sure that a particular woman had true honest feelings for his self-appointed brother? Did he just trot them all in here for a quick kiss? The idea had him cringing in distaste. The thought of a bunch of women using this situation, scheming to get a kiss from their favorite mage from the Grand Magic Games, disgusted him.
Maybe he could have Cana do a reading about it. He had no way of knowing if that would work, but what other choice did he have? This was going to be like looking for a needle in a haystack.
Oh I can't wait for you guys to read the next chapter! :D