Chapter 2

I wake up to voices sounding as I try to squirm to get comfortable, "shh I got you, it's ok,we're here"he says to me, "ok"i barely murmur. I feel someone take me out of his arms, dad I guess, and then I'm put on gurney. I can hear doctor glass asking Hal some questions as I see and feel her black hair tickling my cheek, "how long as he been sick"she asks, "I don't know, he threw up about a couple of hours ago though and he's been really warm ever since"he says, "OK, Lourdes get the thermometer for me please"she says,hand gently placed against my cheek. Lourdes comes with the thermometer I guess because I feel her place it in my ear. It beeps at some point because I feel it get taken out and I can sense her frowning as she says something to Lourdes, "i don't like that, his fever's too high,104, we need to try and figure out what's going on", "OK"she says in response.

Someone sits me up as I feel my jacket being pulled off of me gently and then my t shirt, they then do my pants and lay me back down. "Matt honey can you open your eyes for me"she asks, I try to and I succeed despite the fact that I'm tired, "that's good, I'm going to feel along your stomach and I need you to tell me if it hurts alright'"she says, "yeah"i say weakly. I feel her hands press down on my stomach and it doesn't really hurt until she presses down on my right side, that's when I flinch and feel tempted to bring my knees to my stomach. "that's not good"i hear her murmur, as if she is trying not to scare me, I then sense her leaving as someone pull a blanket up across me. I'm really tired so I as much as I try to fight it I end up falling asleep.