Part 1/7

Tony Stark



"But Loki!".

"I said no, Stark".


"No way".

"... Pretty please?"

"NO!" He yelled, spinning around to face the genius "I am NOT eating it, Stark!".

Behind them, from the safety of the couch, the rest of the Avengers watched in amusement, the TV long sense forgotten.

Clint smirked, "Who knew Reindeer Games hated chocolate so much?"

In the next second, Loki had locked eyes with him, and the archer immediately shrunk back under the harsh gaze.

"I do not 'hate' chocolate, Barton" He growled.

"Then take one!" Tony exclaimed, offering out the box again, "Please Loks, for me?"

Loki stared at him for a minute, before seeming to actually soften slightly, "I... I can't".

"Why not?" He asked quietly, "It's just chocolate".

"I just... I just can't, ok?" He growled, suddenly cold and harsh again, before abruptly standing up, and storming off.

The avengers stared after him, confused by his sudden angry snaps, before they all turned to Thor, looking for answers.

The God of Thunder simply shrugged, just as mystified by his younger brothers reaction.

Frowning, Stark glanced down at the box of sweets in his hands, then back up at the door Loki had just walked out through.

What was so bad about chocolate?