Chapter 10
"What Happened With Hammer!?"
"Well, a lot."
Steve clenches his jaw, and look to the side.
"I'll go through it."
Natasha stood at the edge of the red carpet, her arms firmly around the shoulder of Bruce Banner. She smiled and waved, while Bruce shyly nodded in the direction of the photographers. They stood side by side, both in similar three piece suits, though Natasha was also sporting some gaudy orange sunglasses. They walked to the end of the carpet to several open doors leading into the hall. Bruce let out a large breath as he walked in.
"Next time you want to go to a charity event with me, let's go in the back door."
"But the camera's are so fun."
"I need a drink."
Natasha released his shoulder, and he walked off to the bar. She whipped off her glasses as she caught a glimpse of the outside through the many open doors, and large wall incubating windows. She tucked the glasses away in her front pocket and clasped her hands together as she peered around the room. Crowds of people filled the place, and the area was lit with amber light. Bruce could be seen off in the distance Rubbing his temples and nursing a drink. Natasha slowly walked over to Bruce, and joined him on a stool.
"What's got you so stressed?"
Natasha turned to him questioningly.
"I haven't been out in a long time. Especially not to a place with this many people."
"Eh, it's okay, it's not like I intend on talking to any of them."
Bruce chuckled slightly.
"We can just sit here."
Natasha turned round on the stool to face the same direction as Bruce, and ordered a drink for her self. Bruce swished the drink round in it's glass, and pushed up his glasses before opening his mouth to speak again.
"I was kind of surprised that you asked me to come."
She grunted as she grabbed her drink from the bar tender.
"You normally come to these alone don't you? And besides I thought Steve was coming with you."
"What? No. I don't think star spangled banner even knows this is a thing. And normally I do come alone, but I was told to bring a plus one this time. And besides, I heard someone you know is here."
Natasha gently motioned to a woman in the crowd. Bruce's eyes brightened instantly. He set down his drink and stood up. He sputtered as he searched for words.
"H-how do I look?"
"Like you."
Natasha lifted her leg, and gave him a gentle nudge with the sole of her shoe. Bruce stumbled slightly, but walked forwards towards Betty Ross. Natasha let out a half hearted smirk, and took another sip of her drink.
The crowd outside of photographers roared and chattered once again as another guest arrived. Their excitement over the new comer was much louder than before. Out of a bright red car, in the drivers seat came the fiery red head, Natasha Romanoff. And out the other side, was Steve. Romanof had clearly taken the time to pick out a suit for him, infact that he looked almost modern. Natasha shook slightly as she stood up from her stool, and straightened her waist coat and jacket. Steve moved into the building, smiling as he caught Natasha's gaze. She finished off her drink quickly, and moved to meet him at the entrance. Stridingly she moved across the room to the large double doors at the front. Suddenly she was jolted to the side by someone pulling her in the other direction. Natasha's face distorted it's self with confusion. She couldn't see who was pulling her through the dense crowd of people. But she did catch Steve's puzzled look as he broke away from Romanoff. Natasha was practically throw towards a man in a cream suit, and square glasses.
"Hammer. Nice to see you could make it."
He said tipping his drink in her direction. She had to try desperately not to gag. He sat down with a gentle twirl.
"I know Natasha."
He said smugly with a sip of his drink. She sighed.
"I have no idea what you're talking about Hammer."
"Well I think you do."
He set his drink down and walked over to her slowly. He closed in, and whispered to her.
" I just want you to know darling. You can't win this time. I've got you."
He pulled back with a slimy smirk playing on his features.
"I don't know what you're talking about."
"Oh come on Natasha. Don't be like that."
"Okay, look. Even if I did know what you were talking about, which I don't. There would be no point. You're not smarter than me. I can kick your ass any day. Have you really not learnt that by now?"
Hammer just laughed. He moved round her, and extended his hand down. And planted his hand firmly on her ass. Before Natasha could turn around and punch him square in the face. A hand grabbed his collar and held him a good foot of the ground. Steve held him securely by his collar as he fought back a barrage of rude and distasteful word that were on his tongue.
He growled in response, and Hammer wriggled and panicked.
"Help, help me."
Hammer's body guards moved to help him cautiously. However stopping when Steve shot them a stern glare.
"Steve, baby. Let me handle this. It's just Hammer."
"Natasha, he…"
"I know. I'll deal with it popcicle."
Steve's expression changed from a furious glare to a gentle look of disapproval. He slowly lowered Hammer to the floor. Keeping his eyes on him. As Hammer's feet touched the ground, he straightened his tie, and jacket.
"Thanks Stark, but I didn't your help."
"I wasn't helping you."
"What are you-"
He didn't have time to finished before Natasha's fist collided with his face, and she shouted for everyone to hear.
"Never touch my ass without my permission!"
She grabbed his drink and finished it off for him. She grabbed Steve arms and pulled him away. Steve was still fuming. Eventually Natasha managed to drag Steve to the back, out through a door, and into the gardens.
"I can't believe him, I'll-"
Natasha a had one leg over the railing that sectioned off the ground level balcony from the res of the garden.
"What are you doing?"
"Through the garden?"
"I'd rather not have my picture taken right now."
Steve clenched his fists and closed his eyes.
"I'm sorry, I'm going to teach that guy a lesson!"
Natasha quickly hoped over the partition to catch him. Only to trip. Steve forgot his anger and rushed in the other direction to catch her. He caught her, her head falling on his chest. They both froze. Natasha held onto his shirt for fear of falling over. She slowly pulled self up slightly, and said, without looking at him.
"It's fine. I already punched him."
"I know but-"
Natasha raised her head , her body still resting against his.
"But what? Steve?"
His name cut through the air. Steve was sure she had called him by his first name before. She must have. But somehow this seemed like the first time. Anyway he looked at it, Natasha was beautiful. Maybe not in a traditional sense. She wasn't wearing a fancy dress, she didn't have on a lot of makeup. But she had the most gorgeous dark wavy hair. Deep brown eyes he could get lost in. Her hands were calloused and rough, but they held everything delicately. And That look, that look that said. I've been there, I've seen a lot. But you're still new to me. Neither Steve nor Natasha were sure when it had happened, but his hand was in her hair now. Slowly gliding over her scalp. Natasha's mouth parted ever so slightly, her eyes lowered, and Steve said.
"You're so beautiful."
Her eyes widened. She looked scared, but she didn't move as Steve got closer. Suddenly they heard the clicking of cameras. Three, no, four, maybe five? Natasha pushed Steve away in an instant, and Steve ducked his head. The two of them raced inside though the flashing of cameras.
Steve caught a glimpse of her as she ran out the door, and back to her car. Steve's face dropped in an instant. And Bruce walked up.
"How am I going to get back now?"
"You can ride with me and Romanoff if you want."
Steve didn't face Bruce as he said it, he just stared off into the distance as Natasha's car raced away.
Okay, Hi, fistsOfTheDemiGod here. Oh jeez. Lots of news.
First off, go to my tumblr for updates on the story, I'll post how I'm doing on a chapter, and post any chapter you may have missed. I also take suggestions for other stories.
Secondly, I am extremely busy. I've just started university, I'm working on a book (That I swear isn't as badly written as this.), and I have an art exhibition coming up.
Third, I'm still working on this story. I'll keep working on it. I just want everyone to know why it might be a little slow. And if you really love the story, now would be the time to drop a review and tell me. I would really appreciate it. Really, really, really appreciate it.
Forth. The book I'm working on is a large portion of what I'm doing. So, you know look forward to that. It's YA urban fantasy. It should be really funny.
Lastly. Thank you. Just thank you.