Edward sighed into the quiet hospital room, looking down at his sleeping baby. "Born August 12," he murmured, "Alice May Mustang." After having to tell Roy he was the father, Ed had gone ahead and given Alice his last name. It didn't matter about hiding it at that point, and it was just something he wanted to do.

"I'm sorry, Alice," he whispered. "I really am."

"Why are you apologizing?"

Edward's head whipped up at the sound of Roy's voice—the man was standing in the doorway, eyes glued to their baby. Ed tried to speak calmly. "I don't know, I just…I messed everything up. She was the only one here to apologize to…" He gulped as Roy finally looked up, black eyes carefully emotionless. "I'm sorry, Roy."

The man exhaled heavily and walked to the far side of the room, pausing before turning around and striding to Ed's bedside. He gestured to Alice. "May I?"

Wordlessly, Edward handed her over. Angry as Roy might be with him, there was no way he'd hurt their baby. The man turned away again, choosing to sit in the chair furthest from Ed. He held Alice carefully, stroking her face with just one finger. "How?"

The word was spoken so softly it was almost inaudible. "What?" Edward asked, though he knew full well what Roy wanted to know.

"How?" the man repeated, louder this time. "How did you manage this? Getting pregnant by me when we didn't—not that early, at least—"

This was the moment. Ed's one chance to explain himself and hopefully fix everything. The words just started spilling out of him, desperate. "It was an accident, I mean, you know I didn't know I could get pregnant! I'd just, I'd…I'd liked you for a really long time, and I woke up one night and walked out into the hall and I…" Edward paused, a flush rising to his face. Even now, after all they had done together, he found it terribly awkward to admit this to Roy. "I, well I heard you first. You were, um…"

"Just spit it out, Ed," the man demanded impatiently, his forehead scrunched up in concentration.

"You were having a wet dream, okay? I heard you moan, and looked in, and saw you, and I couldn't help myself…I had to go in…" The effort of forcing that out was enough to tire Edward out. He leaned back against the pillows before continuing hesitantly; this was where it got messy. "You finished before I did," he whispered, face aflame. "And I couldn't stop myself. Like I said, I didn't know it would do anything…but I used your, um, stuff as—as lube."

Roy snapped suddenly. Edward was glad to see he didn't have his gloves on. "That's what it was!"

"What what was?"

"I woke up one morning—now I know it was the morning after this adventure of yours—and there was jizz on my floor. I'd thought I somehow managed that, but…" Roy shook his head. "It was you. I should have known something was up."

Ed grimaced guiltily, unable to think of anything to say. The silence stretched on and on, before Roy finally broke it. "So you got yourself pregnant…by fingering yourself…using my jizz."

"Yeah," Edward whispered. It was so much more embarrassing in those short, simple terms.

The man before him just shook his head, once more directing his gaze towards Alice, who slept on. In one sudden, jerky motion, Roy had stood, and walked over to hand him their baby back. Ed took her, confused until Roy began to speak.

"I don't even care about what you did," he said through gritted teeth, angry now. "But—how could you not tell me? Did you really think it didn't matter? Didn't think I deserved to know I was going to be a father?"

Edward shrunk back, holding Alice against him protectively. "I was going to," he muttered, looking away. "But I was scared, Roy. The idea of being pregnant was a little bit of a stretch to me, and by the time I had that all figured out, it seemed like no time was a good time to tell you. What was I supposed to say? Especially after we got together—I thought you'd leave me, and I was going to have to deal with that and a baby, and…I just figured you were going to be like her father anyway, and at that point I didn't think I mattered. It was all the same in the end, only you wouldn't hate me…"

Roy placed a hand on his forehead, eyebrows drawn together. "But it is different. Do you know how much I wondered, after, as you said, we got together? What if the father decided to come back and you fell back in love with him? But it was me all along!" The man laughed humorlessly, lowering his hand to point at the baby in Ed's arms. "That's my flesh and blood, Edward. Alice is just as much my baby as yours. You know, I would have loved her even if she'd been someone else's, but now—she's ours! And you weren't going to tell me! I should have been able to look at her in your arms and be a proud papa, not be shocked when she looked so much like me! For fuck's sake, she should have carried my name—"

"She does," Ed interjected quietly. "Alice May Mustang. I figured it would be okay, since the truth came out anyway."

Silence. "It shouldn't have had to be a question, Ed," Roy answered, voice suddenly tired. "That should have been a given. You…you didn't have to do this alone. I might have been angry at first, but…I would have been behind you."

The past tense was not lost on Edward, and it cut him deep. His breathing came hard, his voice rasping. "And now?"

But Roy was leaving again, shaking his head as he made his way to the door. "I love you, Ed. That hasb't changed. But I just can't deal with this right now."

Edward tried to breathe evenly as he watched Roy depart, only allowing a silent, fearful sob once the man's back had disappeared. The jerking motion was enough, now, to wake Alice, who blinked and began crying.

Ed held her close, rocking. "I know Alice. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. It's my fault Daddy left, Alice, and I'm so sorry."

Alphonse peered into the doorway. "You alright, Brother?"

Edward snorted. "What does it look like?"

It looked like a resounding, "No." Ed was a mess, even changed into his normal clothes as he was, clinging onto his baby for dear life. Al sighed, remembering the teary debacle that morning when his brother confessed what had happened, how he had gotten pregnant—and how Roy reacted upon finding out yesterday. Alphonse really couldn't blame the man for being angry and confused, but it was still horrible to see Edward in such a state.

He sighed, wheeling the chair into the room. Ed sagged visibly. "Do I have to?"

"Yes, Brother, you have to. The doctor's need this room for other patients. It's time for you to leave."

"But where am I going to go?" his brother whispered despondently, wincing as he got up, his injuries manageable but not healed.

"Roy's house, of course," Alphonse answered as lightly as possible.

"I can't go back there! He hates me!"

"Brother, stop being so dramatic," Al demanded, watching Edward get situated in the wheelchair. "You told me yourself Roy said he still loves you. It's all going to be okay, and avoiding him won't help the issue."

Ed looked like he would have thrown a fit, was he not holding a giggling baby. "It's not like I've been able to move, Al. He could have come back, but—he doesn't want to see me. He doesn't want me there."

"Well, that's where we're headed. You two can fight it out and make up then. You don't have much of a choice."

That evidently brought Edward up short. It was true, though; where else were they going to go? Not back to the barracks with a baby, and going to Risembool would be a nightmare. Per his brother's instructions, Alphonse hadn't told Winry or Granny Pinako what had happened. Actually, he agreed on this point; Winry was liable to murder Ed with that wrench of hers if she found out he had a baby.

Al forced himself out of his thoughts and put on a fake smile. "Come on, Brother. It's going to be fine." And with that, he started pushing.

Roy really didn't know what he was doing at the hospital. True, Ed and Alice belonged at his house, but—was it right for them to come home when he was so mad? Edward and Alphonse didn't even know he was there. What was the point?

The point was that his lover and their baby were waiting to go home. And that that's what they were, no matter how that had happened. Roy hadn't been lying when he said he still loved Ed, and of course he loved Alice—how could he not? But…the boy had lied to him.

Well, kept a secret. Maybe lying was a bit harsh. But still, Roy had been kept in the dark. How was he supposed to forgive that?

Perhaps it shouldn't be as hard as he was making it. Realistically, Roy would have done the same thing if he were in Edward's shoes. Telling him would have been terrifying for the poor blonde, not knowing how he would react. And to be fair, Roy probably would have been furious if Ed had told him during the pregnancy.

Edward would be coming back to his house today. Bringing Alice with him. Roy shuddered to think what it would be like with all the tension, and Ed so sad…the boy's gaze haunted him even in the car, and the tiny sob Edward probably didn't know Roy had seen coming as he left.

With sudden decisiveness, Roy got out of his car, half running into the hospital and ignoring the nurse at the reception desk. He didn't have time for all that crap—nor did he have the energy to stay mad. He wasn't going to get the time without knowing Alice was his back, but Roy sure as hell wasn't going to waste any more moments being angry.

He almost ran headlong into Ed, who was being pushed down the hall by Alphonse. Roy smiled warmly before pushing Al out of the way, ignoring their surprised expressions. "'Scuse me, Al, but I believe that the father should be the one rolling his child's mother out of the hospital." He winked at the boy and Alphonse grinned in understanding.

Edward was still lost. "Roy," he said desperately, turning half around. "I'm sorry, I really am, please—"

Roy bent down and kissed the blonde's head, bringing him up short. "It's okay. Don't get me wrong, I'd rather have known, but…it's not worth it to stay mad at you. I'd rather put it behind us and just…be with you."

The boy nodded mutely, a disbelieving smile creeping onto his face. In his lap, Alice waved her fist about. Edward was silent as Roy stopped to fill out some last-minute forms, and still quiet on the way to the car. The blonde started to head for the front seat, and Roy could have laughed.

"No, no, you and the baby in back."

Ed pouted but followed his instructions, only for Roy to stop him just as he began to get in. Roy smiled at him for a moment, before kissing him, whispering just one thing against Edward's lips: "We have a beautiful baby."

Happy ending, yes? Soppy and hard to write cause it just felt cheesy, but at least Roy didn't walk out XD I was going to try to keep the suspense up for one more chapter...but I just couldn't.

So yes. This is it. Hope y'all like it~

Up next I'm starting a RoyEd wedding fic, so if you haven't voted in the poll on my profile yet, please do! I need opinions!

Also! I didn't have time to type any of this earlier, but this fic is my most reviewed fic to date (with more than twice as many reviews as the next highest). It's also my most viewed fic. I've gotten to type this announcement on almost all of my major fics lately, and I just have to say (as always) THANK YOU. Until I started writing, I never understood why people were so excited about reviews, but it is honestly the best feeling in the world to have someone write back to me about my stories (and faves and follows make me squeal a little as well). So yeah, just wanted to thank you guys for reading and encouraging me (especially on this fic, considering I actually thought it would be one people didn't like XD ) Much love to you all~