Disclaimer: I do not own anything that belongs to GIRLS und PANZER and , anything else is a property of mines unless stated otherwise.

Authors Notes: Well, another one! This time is only centric to the GuP universe so no crossovers this time. But here is the premise, we have all heard of everyone's tank simulator World of Tanks right? Since GuP has arrived on the scene, WoT has jumped on the GuP bandwagon, using as a base to promote World of Tanks in Japan. Now comes time to watch as our favorite characters throw fits as their shells bounce off the squishiest tanks in the game, now ONWARDS WITH THE STORY!

Chapter 1: LET'S ROLL OUT!

Oarai Girls High School Academy Ship

Sometime during the day

"Miporin! Come on let's go!"

"Hang on, I'm coming!" Miho responded. Saori was gesturing to her friend to quickly join her.

"Saori-san, no need to rush Miho-san, please Miho-san, take your time."

"I'm here guys." Miho said in shortness of breath.

"So, we're ready to go?" Yukari asked.

"Can we hurry up so I can go back home and sleep?" Mako yawned, Saori gave her a sour look.

"You're never fun."

"Sleeping is always fun." Mako retorted. Saori just sighed and the three other girls just laughed at Mako's remark.

"Alright, we can go now." Miho said while slinging her bag over her shoulder. The girls nodded and the five began walking.

"So where are we going?" Mako asked.

"Does it matter?" Saori replied.

"Wouldn't kill you to tell me?"

"Just a normal hangout Reizei-dono, I think we're going out for ice cream, isn't that right Nishizumi-dono?" Yukari looked at Miho.

"Yeah, just a date between friends Mako-san."

"Oh… At least I get to eat something."

The girls laughed again at Mako's response. They walked along, pointing out sights they'd never seen before until they got to a section where all the buildings were taller. The sight of doors and windows was replaced by neon signs and street vendors selling their wares. The girls continued until they reached a building with a clear stain glass window that lined the front. Patrons were inside, waiting in line, some sitting at the tables and stools.

"Looks like we're here!" Yukari shouted.

"I'm getting vanilla." Saroi said.

"Can you make that two?" Hana asked.

"Sure why not? We can share, how about you Miporin?" Miho was having a hard time deciding.

"Um…um… I guess I'll go with Sundae." Miho finally decided.

"CAN I SHARE WITH YOU NISHIZUMI-DONO!" Yukari exclaimed, Miho laughed nervously.

*Laugh* "Sure you can have some." Yukari thanked her and quickly ran inside.

"Wait… Where's Mako?" Saori said while looking at the spot where Mako was last seen, the three looked around until they heard a tap on the glass. "Oh… Found her." Mako was already sitting down at a table tapping the glass with her spoon, ice cream in front of her. The three soon went inside and the five enjoyed the quality team time that was provided to them, soon after they were walking out of the parlor, Mako still licking her spoon.

"Ah that was nice." Saori said while stretching out her arms.

"That ice cream was delicious, wish we could do more of this." Hana said as she was throwing some napkins in a trash bin.

"Glad you liked it." Miho said. All the girls thanked her and she blushed at the compliments she was receiving. The group began to walk again, browsing past the store fronts, occasionally peering into some stores until they reached a building that had tinted windows.

"Why are the windows black?" Saori asked tapping the glass.

"This looks like the internet café'" Yukari pointed out.

"Never been in one before." Hana said while looking at the poster out front.

"Same here." Miho added.

"We should check it out." Yukari said while grabbing the door handle. The girls were confronted by a chilling blast of cold air, so cold that it made Hana shiver. The rows upon rows of lit up screens and whirring computer fans and clicking filled the air. There were some patrons on cushions with laptops on their laps while there were some that were at a small snack bar drinking tea and coffee. The girls calmly perused the stations until they spotted three heads far in the back in a row. They turned the corner to see three girls glued to their computer screens, no motion beside the sounds of the mouse clicking and the taps of the mechanical keyboard. One of the girls looked up, she was wearing a pair of swirly glasses and had cat ears that belonged to a costume of some type, and she was also very lank with her back arched forwards. Miho recognized this person.


The girl tensed up at the sound of the name.

"Um…umm… Nishizumi-San…go..od to see you here." Nekota said brokenly.

"No need to worry, it's just us." Hana reassured.

"Surprised in seeing you guys here, what brings you here?" Nekota asked, by this time her two friends rolled their chairs back and revealed themselves.

"Oh! Nishizumi-San, wonders of you being here." One girl said excitingly. She had a preach eye patch and rain boots on.

"Good to see you Momogawa-san." Miho greeted with a bow. "And you to Piotan-san."

"So what are you guys doing?" Yukari asked.

"Playing outside." Nekota said sarcastically. Yukari laughed at the clever remark. "No but we're playing games."

"What kind of game?" Yukari continued to ask.

"World of Tanks." Nekota answered.

"That sounds interesting, what is it about?" Hana asked.

Momogawa replied with, "It's a multiplayer game where you fight an enemy team with tanks from the 20th century, you then gain experience to unlock upgrades and new vehicles."

"That sounds pretty cool." Saori remarked looking at one of the computer screens.

"I would like to it a try." Miho said suddenly. Nekota suddenly perked up.

"It's free to play so you don't have to pay for it."

"That sounds even better!" Hana added.

Miho smiled at the members of the Anteater team and said, "We'll try it out and we'll get back to you, see you guys later!" Miho and the rest of Anglerfish waved and Anteater waved back and returned to their computers.

Later that afternoon….

"Download complete!" Miho exclaimed as she looked at her computer screen.

Yukari shot her fist in the air and said, "Alright! We can get started!" The girls were sitting across from each other with Mako bridging the gap by sitting in between. They were greeted by the login screen that showed some game art.

"That's some pretty cool art." Saori said while pointing at the screen.

Yukari leaned over at saw the work, "That's Waffentrager E100, It's a german super tank I've read about before."

The girls all simultaneously hit the Enter key on their keyboards and were taken to a screen that showed a garage with tanks lined up and a single tank in the middle. They took notice of the row of tabs that showed a picture of a tank from Germany, Russia, France, England, China, and Japan.

"Look at this big selection." Miho pointed out.

"Eh… I only see the tanks in that tab, you call that a wide selection?" Saori said while crossing her arms and frowning. Mako tapped her shoulder.

"You should hit the research tab."

"How do you know that?!"

"I looked at the screen."

Hana laughed "*Laugh* that's why she has the highest grades in our class." Saori clicked on the research tab, the other girls followed suit.

"WOW!" Yukari exclaimed.

"So many vehicles! I can't see myself owning all of them." Miho remarked.

Hana looked at the lines and said, "It seems the other nation have expansive lines as well, this should be fun."

Saori's face grimaced, "Eh… how do we play?"

Yukari leaned over once more, "The tutorial is right there and it seems you get some credits and some gold."

The girls clicked on the tutorial except for Mako who was already done. After some time the girls were back in the garage.

"Okay, I sorta got the jist of it." Miho said.

"I'm still shakey." Hana and Saori added.

Yukari raised both of her fist up, "THIS GAME IS AWESOME!"

Saori looked at Miho's screen, "You seem to know what you're doing, try playing!"

"How do you do that?"

"Just click the vehicle you want in the lineup and hit the battle button." Mako informed. Miho did as Mako said and soon was greeted with a loading screen with the names of other players on her team and the other team, it also listed the tanks they were using. The girls crowded around Miho's screen and saw the little Tier One Leichttraktor on Miho's screen. The map was a place named Abbey and there was a timer counting down. When the timer hit zero everybody began to move and a voice came from the speakers.


"It's beginning!" Yukari said while pointing at the screen.

"What I 'am supposed to do?" Miho asked while looking at the little mini map at the bottom of the screen. Mako pointed at the little flags on the map.

"You're supposed to capture those flags or destroy the tanks on the enemy team."

"I see now."

Miho drove her little tank down a little road while the rest of her team took position on the ridgeline. As she drove down the road, small icons red icons started to blip onto the mini map accompanied by a ping sound.

"What's that sound?" Hana asked.

Mako pointed to the markers, "Your team is spotting enemy vehicles and you can see where they are on the map, upgrading your radio can increase that range later in game."

"How do you know all this?" Saori wondered on her friend's sudden knowledge.

"Just read the manual."

"There is no manual."


Miho was still concentrating, her tank was in a small town area and she saw an enemy tank coming up ridge that led into the town.

"THERE'S A TANK RIGHT THERE!" Yukari shouted. Miho hugged the wall of a nearby building and waited for the enemy tank to turn the corner. Mako saw the tank type.

"T1 Cunningham, just shoot it anywhere."

The Cunningham turned the corner, turret already traversed towards Miho Ltraktor. Miho entered sniper view and saw the bright red outline of the Cunningham. She fired her first round and she watched as the HP fell.

"You got him Miporin!" Saori exclaimed.

"Eh…. You shot him and he didn't blow up?" Hana wondered. Mako interjected once more,

"Tanks have an HP pool so you have to deplete their HP before they die. Guns often have different damage output depending on the tank."

The Cunningham fired back and Miho saw her tanks HP go down, she fired again and the two tanks exchanged fire until the Cunningham fell back behind a rock.

"He's behind the rock." Miho said to everyone.

"Be careful Nishizumi- Dono." Yukari said while clenching her fist. Miho's Ltraktor advanced towards the rock that the Cunningham was using as cover. Miho tensed as she turned the corner and fired, the round missed and the Cunningham fired striking her tank bringing down to 3 HP.

"You're about to die!" Saori cried. She saw as Miho's hands begin to shake and she saw a sweat form on her head. Miho moved her tank around the rock and tried to flank, she inched forwards and peaked over and got a shot at the Cunningham, bringing it down to the same amount of HP as her tank. Miho decided to take the initiative, she backed up and advanced forward, the Cunningham appeared from behind the rock and Miho quickly aimed at its hull and clicked the left mouse button. Nothing happened.

"Eh…. What happened?" Miho wondered. Mako looked at the screen again.

"It seemed your team captured the base and won."

The girls all cheered at Miho's first victory, she wiped the sweat from her forehead and spun in her computer chair.

"Whew… that was more intense for my liking." Miho said while leaning back.

"Nice job Nishizumi- Dono."

"I'm happy for you Miho-san, I wished we all had your skill." Hana said while smiling. The post battle screen appeared and the girls looked at it.

"What is this?" Miho asked.

"That's the amount of Experience and Credits that you receive at the end of the match, since you won, you got a 2x bonus. The girls wooed at the prospect of such a reward.

"This game is fun, it's sorta like Senshado." Miho noted, the girls nodded in agreement.

"Well… let's stop standing here and get playing!" Saori said excitedly. They all sat down at their respective computers and clicked the battle button. In perfect unison the countdown timer ticked on the speaker. Then a voice, doubled in volume due to the synchronization boomed through speakers.



Authors Notes: Yay, I always had a story like this in mind, actually I had an idea of the strike witches playing War Thunder or something like that but that is a story for another day. Some extra information if you don't mind is that yes, I am and avid World of Tanks player, name is the same here and I am also part of Kuromorimine Girls Academy so if you see me around feel free to send me an invite to platoon or something (If you're on the US Server, Sorry ASIA Server) But I digress, hope you enjoyed the story and remember to review and critique because it's always appreciated!