A/N: Hello to all again, this is Agurra of the Darkness and Neonzangetsu with yet another new crossover for your viewing pleasure. Today we will be brining you a relatively untouched crossover, which w hope will lead to other crossovers of a similar nature to be produced. The series in question is the ecchi anime Freezing-which while being a bit of a knock off of Claymore its still a decent and entertaining crossover. I figured since it hasn't been done much, and those that have been done haven't gone very far, it would be a nice change of pace. Not too much else to say right now so let's dive in. Major props to Agurra of the Darkness for writing most of this chapter. So...

...here we go!

"This is the competition? How...dissapointing."


Ninja of the Nova

"Pandora...Female warriors, designed and trained to battle against Nova, protectors of humanity...And this is how they train themselves? Baffling." These were the words ringing through the visage of the faceless figure as he observed the procceedings below. Cloaked in blackness, surrounded on all sides by broken or rotting buildings, he looked on with ease despite the heavy rain drops pouring down upon him for every second he sat prone upon the broken balcony.

His vision, not obscured, allowed him to continue to watch the sight unfold before him, which was unusual to say the least. That being several teenage girls, in bright purple uniforms, complete with insanely short skirts and cute little blue bows….Currently in the midst of stabbing, slashing, gouging, eviscerating and generally mutilating each other in more ways than any movie slasher villain.

For a single moment, his eyes locked on to a young girl with a pair of green pigtails, swinging a pair of what appeared to be a pair of small tomahawks at another, smaller, blonde girl, deflecting the strikes with a cross shape spear weapon. Despite their young age and seemingly fragile appearance, both teens fought with unmatched brutality and intensity, each peering into the other with a mixture of concentration and determination, with the goal of which to be the last one standing.

The exchange lasted for a few moments, with the battle being a standard "give and take" affair, one blow being deflected or counter by each figure. For a moment it seemed the spear wielding girl held the upper hand, taking advantage of her weapons longer reach and the momentum she gained from rotating the spear along with her body, essentially creating razor sharp wheel movements.

She seemed to have the tomahawk girl cornered, when without warning, the girl launched one of her axe like weapons at the girl, firmly planting it into the girl's right knee, splattering blood in every direction. Splinters of bone and sinew spattered across the ground, eliciting the slightest twinge of sympathy in his eyes., along with a few bone fragments.

Kneecapped, the girl's assault promptly sputtered and died. Losing her grip on her spear she dropped onto her one good knee, screaming in blind agony; her voice drowned out by the rain and thunder. However, the green haired girl hadn't finished her assault, quickly closing the gape between her and her opponent before slashing her throat wide open with her remaining weapon. Blood sprayed, spurting from her neck as though a hose had just been punctured, leaking fitfully between fingers that stuggled to slow the flow.

The now dying girl piteously attempted to scream again in agony-only to let out a sickening gurling noise. Blood flowed from her mouth in small bubbles, wordless sounds leaking out of her mouth. All the while her eyes remained wide in an eerie sear of terror and pain, tears seemingly leaking out, yet the rain preventing any accurate measure.

Barely mustering out one last choked sob the girl promptly fell flat into the wet muddy ground, her blood quickly forming a large puddle around her, while her attacker looked on with apathy. Instead, she opened up her free hand, resulting in a strange blue like energy forming, the ethereal flow gradually taking shape before forming a second replacement tomahawk in her palm.

With both weapons in hand, the girl turned to leave and seek out new prey...

...Only to stop and let out a pain filled rattle as three arrows quickly pierced her unprotected backside, one drilling into her her lower back and another puncturing her right knee.

In less than a second, she too hit the ground, weapons falling from numbed fingers, blood also forming around her body, quickly mixing with the water surrounding her. Her assailant meanwhile, remained unseen to the observer, eyes remaining trained on the defeated pair for a moment, watching as more of the fluid that helped provide them with life, slowly washed away with the rain.

"A brutal test to establish dominance and skill amongst the ranks. Effective in terms of combat experience and application. In terms of preservation of life and mental health however, hardly the standard that would be deemed acceptable."

His eyes quickly raised from the scene below, now overlooking the massive battlefield on which he stood. Roughly five miles of land surrounded him, countless half-completed and/or broken buildings littered the area, which was considerably darker and more atmospheric due in part to the rain and blackened sky. Thankfully -depending on who you were asking- this cacophony of noise served to drown out the anguished cries of the countless defeated souls who languished in their suffering; each covered in grizzly injuries, some with missing limbs or ruptured organs, screaming in pain that couldn't even be described through written or spoken words.

The spectacle had been going on for roughly two hours at this point, during which he'd seen individuals who likely knew each other and interacted with each other as comrades in arms and potentially friends, went out of their way to effectively mutilate each other seemingly without mercy. It was….Unsightly to say the least.

Ignoring the rather brutal showing of carnage, the stranger also took note of the level of skill or rather the more skilled combatants of the warriors currently in battle. Taking particular note that only a small handful of those individuals remained, all of whom were currently congregating in a single area.

In the mere blink of an eye, the stranger quickly zoned in on the group's energy signature, noting that there seemed to be roughly seven individuals left, each with varying levels of power. Blue eyes flashed into red-an all too familiar gleam for one who knew were to look."

"Distance from Targets, two hundred meters." he murmured. "Estimated time of arrival, ten point eight seconds."

With a single superhuman burst of speed that would've put a stealth bomber to shame, the stranger rocketed towards the spot, yet without so much as a making a single noticeable nose. Moving as quickly and silently as the wind, with the rain and thunder helping to cover any additional sounds his movements produced, he flitted through the battlefield.

As he lept through the obstacles before him, his mind remained locked on the battle ahead of him, though things were already seemingly in motion.

"Number of potential targets, reduced from seven to five….Five to four…..Four to three."

It seemed as if with each step he took another target signal fell, combatants being dispatched with unprecedented speeds. Ordinarily for such a bloody and brutal form of combat, that would be commonplace, especially with such a large group. However, what caught the strangers' eye, and interest was that prior to approaching he took note that one of the energy signatures seemed slightly stronger than the others from before. And it was that same signature that was currently laying waste to the seven remaining combatants.

A loud scream alerted the stranger that he was near, effectively breaking his concentration for a moment. Though it didn't matter at this point as he alighted only a few feet away.

Quickly ducking into the shadows, his eyes scanned the field below him and acted with internal surprise at the sight before him. Seven similarly dressed individuals, all laid about on the ground, each covered in injuries of varying degrees of severity, blood flowing out of each of them in large and potentially hazardous amounts. Weapons similarly adorned the ground around and near them, some seemingly whole, while others were all but shattered, broken, and reduced to little more than shards of metal.

His eyes quickly intensified their scan, promptly locating the only remaining signature that remained strong enough in the area. There standing seemingly triumphant among the bodies of her defeated opponents, stood a young girl, seemingly around seventeen years of age, with long blonde hair and blue eyes, clad in a long red and white, gold trimmed dress and brown boots. In her hand however, was one of the oddest weapons the stranger's eyes had ever seen. It had the appearance of a massive single blade, yet it was mid-handled, held predominately in a reverse gripe, with the majority of the blade pointing upwards towards the girl's shoulder in a bracing stance.

To further add to the girl's already substantial intimidation factor, there was a seemingly dead, borderline sociopathic look in her eyes. It almost looked as though her mind was completely focused into a single-minded pursuit, that drive being battle and carnage, to crush any opponent that stood before her, and proceed to cut them down to any degree in order to keep them from advancing.

"Observation, The Pandora clad in red, appears far stronger than the others seen upon the battlefield. Her energy level is surprisingly high, and her mental state, based on what I can see, indicates a lack of regard for personal safety or remorse towards those she fights, be they Nova or even her own allies. Determination: Threat level, Mid to High level. Further observation is required."

"Well, Well, Well. Guess we're the only ones left, huh."

The stranger's focus quickly diverted from the blonde Pandora, locking on another girl who seemed to appear out of nowhere and make it past his sensors.A substantial feat. In terms of appearances, the girl was clad in the same uniform as the other warriors, her red hair done up in side braids with blue ribbons. Brown eyes shone from that heart-shaped face, glittering with such arrogance, that caused the stranger to actually frown at her. In his estimation, a high opinion of onesself always resulted in casualties.

The blonde Pandora seemed to share his sentiment, as she barely acknowledge the girls presence, only returning her question with a slight turn of the head and a deepening frown upon her face. Though her grip on her oddly shaped blade had increased significantly, she stood still as a statue and made no move to strike.

The red head, looked at the fallen warriors who had tried and failed to fell the stronger Red Pandora, laughing slightly at the sight, "You certaintly made a mess of things here. I have to say though, I figured you'd have a little more restraint since this is meant to be a combatant exercise and simulation, don't want to actually kill or cripple anyone now do we?"

Again the blonde Pandora said nothing, though this time she actually turned her entire body to face the Red head, raising her right arm slightly so as to better guard herself in the event of an attack.

"Still keeping with the silent treatment I see." The red head said in a manner meant to indicate mocking, as she carelessly shrugged her shoulders. "No big deal I guess, not like we're expected to communicate with the people we fight."

The Blonde Pandora quickly raised her guard as the Redhead's face became battle hardened and psychotic, opening her arms wide as four chains, tipped with heavy metal spikes appeared on her back.

"So, let's just skip the pleasantries and get right on to the part where I rip you apart and take the Number One spot. Shall we, Miss Untouchable Queen?"

Without another thought the Redhead launched herself at the Blonde Pandora, chains following at high speed, while the stranger continued to watch in interest.

"Observation, the Chain wielding Pandora is showing signs of great confidence in her fighting capabilities, yet the energy I'm sensing from her doesn't even come close to matching those of the Pandora, now classified as Queen. Similarly, her emotional state, while intense, does not exhibit the same level of concentration and focus of Queen, making it unlikely she will be defeated."

His words seemed to ring true, as the Redhead and the blonde-haired Queen, leapt all across the battlefield at one another. As expected of one wielding such a strange weapon, the Red-hair girl launched her chains in every direction attempting to skewer the Blonde. Yet with precise movement and impressive grace, hr adversary easily evaded or deflected each attack launched at her.

The battle continued with no apparent end, as the pair seemingly made it to the boarder of the battleground. Queen, currently had her back pinned to the wall, yet was showing no clear signs of fatigue, while the Red haired Chain wielder was currently breathing somewhat heavily, but had not lost her grand standing confidence.

"Well Miss Queen, looks like you've run out of places to run. Guess it's finally time I DETHRONED YOU!"

With a ferocious roar, the girl launched all four of her chains simultaneously at the Blonde Pandora, the speed at which they flew also seemed to have increased as the Blonde target of the attack could not evade in time, but quickly mustered a defense, consisting of her massive blade, placing it before her body. The bladed chains collided with the blade, unleashing an ear splitting screech as the blonde girl was sent rocketing through the wall, crashing against it with bone shattering impact, actually breaking through the wall itself and flying beyond the field limits.

The red head, unleashed a rather unsettling laugh at her attack, "So much for being Untouchable. Now I just have to finish her off and I'll be the Queen around her."

She quickly proceeded to fly through the hole in the wall, after her target. The stranger took note of the sight before overlooking the field he remained on, observing what appeared to be several air born vehicles, I.E. helicopters descending upon the field.

"Overall Assessment: Battle simulation seems to have concluded, yet Target known simply as Queen, seems to remain standing within the contest along with the Chain wielder. Due to her current threat level, it would be wise to pursue her further to gather additional information. Additionally, multiple energy signatures are approaching the field, likely to perform medical treatment on the wounded. Best to leave now to avoid compromising the mission."

With that last thought, the stranger quickly sped forward, exiting through the hole formed by the last two combatants as he made his way towards their continued fight.

Picking up on his intended targets respective energy signatures was relatively easy, primary Queen's as despite the consistent battles, her energy remained strong, while the Chain wielders seemed to quickly be fading with each second.

Within milliseconds, the mysterious watcher found himself hiding on the ceiling of what he could only assume was part of the massive school in which the battlefield resided in. Looking down he quickly regained his bearings and focus on the two fighters.

The Red headed chain wielder looked pretty worse for wear, her clothing being ripped to shreds, leaving her mostly in her underwear, with plenty of cuts on her body. Her disheveled state was further accentuated by a maddened look in her eyes, glaring down on the Blonde haired Queen with rampant fury.

Speaking of the queen, despite being blasted through a wall and fighting for several more seconds with the girl, she remained unscathed, there wasn't so much as a speck of dirt or hair out of place.

"Fascinating, continued evaluation of the one called Queen, further reveals she has great skill in combat, remaining unharmed despite fighting numerous battles. Threat level, seems more suited to High rather than mid-level."

The pair seemed prepared to square off again, when the sound of footsteps quickly diverted the watchers attention as he heard the words:

"It's you isn't it….Kazuha?"

His gaze quickly zeroed in on a young, presumably Sixteen year old teenager, with short blue hair and brown eyes running towards Queen, meriting a more intense gaze.

"New subject approaching, physically he appears unimpressive, no muscle or apparent combat training prevalent give his appearance. Likewise his mental state seems rather fragile or innocent, simply put naïve. What exactly is he…?"

As if like a domino effect, the watch saw, with a mixture of fascination and confusion as the blue haired boy quickly hugged the blonde girl from behind. Though a few missteps, caused by the girls own confusion at the situation, she promptly fell on her back, with the boys face directly in her chest. Naturally being such a hardened warrior, one would expect the Queen to respond with violence, potentially strike or even severally injuring the young boy.

Instead her face of calm concentration, was replaced with a look of sheer panic and terror, practically begging the teen to get off her. Rather than comply he remained latched on tight, which in turn resulted in the Red haired Chain wielder to take advantage of the opening and strike the downed blonde….Specifically in the Eye.

Her scream echoed throughout the halls, and several people started to take note of the situation. However, the observer didn't seem the least bit interested, instead going over what he'd just seen in his head.

"Strange, all prior experience shows the one called Queen as a highly capable warrior and combatant, able to fend off attacks from armed warriors without so much as flicker of fear in her eyes. Yet a single touch from such an…unimpressive being as that boy and she suddenly becomes completely helpless. Strange. The actions of the redheaded one however...unsetting. Temporary intervention deemed neccessary."

Frowning, he pointed one finger forward thumb rising behind it in the parody of a toy gun. One eye squeezed itself shut as he concentrated, a thin current of energy began to gether at the edge of his fingertip. Counting the seconds, he resolved his aim and squeezed the trigger. In his mind, an imaginary hammer came crashing down, releasing the energy he'd held in check.


The bullet of wind rocketed forward without so much as a sound, striking unerringly at the Queen's opponent before she could follow up her foul attack. It was a clean through and through, piercing her stomach, but for whatever purposes, his sneak attack seemed to spur the Queen into motion. Lashing out with her weapon, she furiously carved a crimson trench into her opponent, sending her tumbling away in a shower of blood. Odly the watcher found this sudden display of brutality amusing.


He continued to ponder this for a moment, watching as the Queen and the other young girl was quickly taken away, leaving the boy looking on in horror at the cold murder that'd had just taken place. The watcher gave the blonde girl one last look, "These recent events, demands further study to better understand what exactly just took place. However, today's observations must cease, as continued surveillance may very well result in exposure."

With that he promptly vanished again, quietly moving throughout the high points of the building, quickly making his way towards the outside of the school itself.

"Overall assessment: Pandora seem to have a great deal of fighting potential, with some, such as the one called Queen being especially dangerous. Yet they also seem somewhat fragile, either being easily felled by their own comrades or through other undetermined means. Hopefully continued obersavation will determine…."

"Hey! Buddy!"

The shadowy watcher looked behind him, finding three young girls staring at him, all clad in the same purple uniforms he saw the other Pandora from before wearing. One of the girls had red hair similar to the chain wielder, but it was not done in any fashion, save for being slightly longer in the back, while also having rather pale skin and brown eyes. The second had dark blue hair in a short pony tail and green eyes, while the third had rather long orange hair in a long pony tail. Of the three the last was the only one with a different appearance, seemingly replacing the traditional uniform for a pair of shorts, sneakers and a purple uniform top, exposing a good amount of her body to the world.

The three girls all looked at the stranger with obvious wicked intent, each smirking with apparent interest as they slowly made their way towards him, gradually surrounding him.

The red haired girl, the apparent leader, spoke first, "Well girls, it would appear we found ourselves an intruder on school grounds. Surely he must have known that this is private property and only students or staff are allowed on campus without a pass of some kind."

The orange haired girl chuckled at the comment, "And according to school rules, any intruders found on the premise must be brought to the headmistresses office when discovered, with force permitted if necessary."

The blue haired girl seemed to lick her lips at the prospect, "And since the three of us didn't get to participate in the Carnival this year for our unsavory actions, we haven't had a good battle in a while."

Each girl promptly summoned the same blue energy seen earlier to summon forth weapons. The red head's weapon was a long, axe like halberd, while the blue haired girl summoned two chain flails and the Orange haired girl called forth two double bladed swords.

Quickly the trio encircled the stranger, eager to draw blood. The stranger meanwhile seemed uninterested in the group, mind instead focused on a different matter.

"Subject has been discovered, risk of exposure no prevalent. Appropriate response…" With a quick shift of the wrist, he slowly flexed his left hand, making a loud cracking sound as he did.

The red head looked on, laughing lightly at the sight, "Well, seems we've got a tough guy on our hands ladies. Guess that means we don't have to hold back." Each girl readied their weapons and charged.

With a single gaze, he locked onto all three girls with his eyes, one last thought running through his head before they attacked.

"Terminate Witnesses with Extreme Prejudice!"

For the briefest second, Satilizer El Bridget, remaining good eye widened as she found herself drawn to a nearby window looking on for some unexplained reason. The feeling however, was fleeting and vanished as quickly as it began.

Her only thought was thus:

"What was that?"

The slaughter was as short as it was brutal.

A loud cough was heard as the Orange haired sword wielder, her eyes wide as saucers, toppled on her back unconscious, her broken blades stabbed into the ground, quickly fading away. Similarly, the blue-haired lass struck the dirt face first, eyes wide open for a single moment, some blood leaking from her mouth, whilst her chain weapons were broken all across the ground. All the while the remaining Pandora slowly found herself hoisted off the ground and into the air. Her axe lay broken in twine, with the intruder's hand wrapped firmly around her head, squeezing with intense pressure that made it feel like her skull was going to cave in on her at any moment.

She couldn't even manage a scream, having been quicky struck in the throat by her attacker before he caught her in this position. She could only hang their, quivering as he looked upon her with a pair of dead, almost machine like eyes.

"Witnesses incapacitated, to be terminated in order to ensure exposure of subject is prevented."

That cold, robotic voice, caused the girl to squirm in panic, trying desperately to manage a scream only to produce practically inaudible whispers. His hand quickly tightening around her head as her panic grew, and her squirming increased.


She promptly ceased her struggles when he spoke, hoping against hope. Almost immediately her world went black-body crumpling as result of a hard strike to the abdomen. Her body was dropped unceremoniously into the ground itself, the stranger left looking at the three.

"Any termination of witnesses would result in likely exposure of subject as well, which must be avoided for now. Thus counter measure must be employed."

He then proceeded to flip the girl over and latch his hand onto her head. Though he used his left hand, which upon closer inspection one would note was completely covered in bandages, obscuring it from view. Once his grip was established, the arm seemed to glow for a single instant, and the girl appeared to physically cringe before settling down. He repeated this process with the other two before taking another glance at them, eyes.

"Counter measure successful. Information and memory pertaining to this encounter has been removed. Observation can continue without fear of retaliation."

With that he promptly and swiftly made his way to exit the campus and return to his original hiding spot, taking one last note of the days events, "Of the subjects observed so far, Queen appears the most vital target to best assess the strength of the Pandora. Will continue observation of her and report findings when satisfactory data has been gather. Once said objective is complete, annihilation of the Pandora will be a success."

A/N: And there we have it! What is Naruto doing working for the Nova? Why is he spying on the Pandora? All those answers and more will be revealed in the next chapter!

So...in the Immortal words of Atlas...


R&R! =D