
Three Years Later

Ichigo looked out to the sea, listening to the waves crash against the rocks. He felt at ease here, more than he ever had during his entire life. He closed his eyes, breathing in deeply.

It had been a long time since that day.

"Mommy!" Ichigo looked over his shoulder, smiling brightly when he saw Syrian running into the water to meet up with him. She and Ritsuki were growing surprisingly at a semi normal pace, looking five despite only being three. He was glad for that. He got off his rock and catched her, picking her up. He smothered her with kisses, Syrian squealing with laughter.

"No mommy!" she laughed, Ichigo stopping with a chuckle. He sat back down on the rock, placing Syrian in his lap. They both gazed off into the sea, Ichigo pressing his cheek to hers.

"Do you ever hear the sea talking to you?" he asked, Syrian nodding. She yawned, resting her head against his shoulder.

"His name is Deion. He told me all these wonderful stories. He told me about Caesar and Cleopatra, about you and daddy." Ichigo smiled at that, feeling water rush over his feet.

"She is a very persistent girl," Deion told him, Ichigo nodding in agreement. Ritsuki possessed power himself. Syrian had the ability to talk to the earth, and Ritsuki possessed the ability to talk to animals. They both possessed the abilities and power of vampires, but like Shiro, did not burn in the sun. It confused Ichigo, but he was glad that he would be able to share sunsets with them.

"Mommy, is it true that you and daddy almost died when me and Ritsuki were born?" Syrian asked, Ichigo nodding as he took her hands into his. Her small fingers clenched tight, Syrian laughing as Ichigo did a little dance. He had grown breasts after they were born, and gained the full appearance of a female. But after they were mature enough, his body returned to it's more male self. He was glad for that.

"Is it also true that a puppy gave it's life so I could live?" Ichigo stilled, a sudden sadness tearing through his chest. He kissed her cheek, smiling softly.

"Yeah. He was a real good dog I had managed to save. He protected us until you came into the world." Ichigo hugged her, Syrian smiling softly.

"I hope I can meet him one day," she sighed, Ichigo looking out to the sea. He had a feeling he was still with them. And not only in their hearts.

"Come on, let's go see if daddy is home," Ichigo suggested, Syrian nodding. She hopped out of his lip and ran back to their home. It was a one story house Ichigo and Shiro made with the help of his father after getting married. It was everything they needed.

Ichigo ran after Syrian, roaring playfully behind. She screamed, slamming open the sliding door before running inside. She ran right into the arms of her father, Isshin, her grandfather, standing next to him. Shiro kissed her cheek, looking to Ichigo with a wide smile.

"Was mommy trying to eat you again?" he asked, Syrian nodding with a grin.

"Mommy!" Ritsuki yelled, running to Ichigo with open arms. Ichigo picked him up with a playful growl, Ritsuki laughing as he attacked his neck.

"Mommy's trying to eat me!" he screamed at the top of his lungs with laughter, Ichigo stopping before hugging him tightly.

"Ima eat you then your sister," he joked, Ritsuki patting his nose with sticky fingers.

"No," he said with finality, Ichigo scrunching his nose up.

"What did daddy let you eat?" Ichigo asked, Ritsuki's brown eyes going wide. Ichigo looked to Shiro but he quickly looked away, smoothing back Syrian's orange hair. Ichigo looked back to Ritsuki, the white haired boy raising his hands.

"Seasalt ice cream," he finally admitted, Ichigo gasping in fake shock.

"You promised not to tell you liar!" Shiro roared playfully, Ritsuki wrapping his arms around Ichigo's neck.

"Daddy bought it for me then bought Syrian one too!" he hollered, Ichigo's playful glare disappearing.

"Well than, since you brought one for your sister I guess it's alright," Ichigo sighed, Ritsuki jumping happily in his arms. Ichigo put him down, Shiro placing Syrian in her chair and handing her the ice cream.

"Go get in the bath," Ichigo told him, Isshin waving a hand at the two parents.

"You two go have some me time, I'll watch over the kids," he told them, Ichigo raising an eyebrow. With that said Ritsuki ran to the couch and turned on the TV. Isshin only let him take a bath if Syrian were there, making it less work for him. Ichigo hoped he liked getting soaked.

But they did as they were told, heading to their room.

Ichigo kissed Shiro once he closed the door, backing him up into the door. Shiro chuckled against his lips, letting the kisses rain down on him. Eventually Ichigo stopped, his hands sliding up Shiro's chest and grabbing his shoulders.

"Why do I feel like I haven't seen you in years?" Ichigo asked silently, pressing just a tad closer. Shiro sighed through his nose, shrugging his shoulders.

"I don't know, maybe you're just needy," Shiro replied, Ichigo's content face going blank. Shiro laughed, kissing him again. The kiss went from being a peck to something more intimate, Shiro slowly switching their roles. Ichigo was shocked to suddenly find his back against the wall, his eyes wide.

Shiro smirked.

He had decided to be less sneaky around Ichigo, especially since he wasn't afraid to beat the crap out of him, but sometimes he just couldn't help it. He kissed him again, his hand sliding down Ichigo's chest to his pants. Ichigo took in a sharp breath as his fingers wiggled their way in, button and zipper forgotten.

Ichigo tried to remain silent, fighting the urge to listen just in case someone was listening. He didn't want to have any worries while he was with Shiro. He started listening anyway, biting his tongue so none of his small sounds of pleasure would be heard. Shiro noticed, his lips placing kisses across his chin and neck.

"Babe don't do that," Shiro whispered, Ichigo gasping softly as his hand tightened around the shaft of his member. He focused back to him, reaching down and undoing his pants, pushing them down a tad. Shiro took his cock from his pants, stroking it slowly. Ichigo bit his lip, leaning his hips closer towards him.

"Can I ask you a question?" Shiro asked as he kissed his neck, Ichigo nodding as he turned his head away. He put a finger into his mouth, biting down lightly as he tried to muffle his small gasps of pleasure.

"Would you be up for another kid?" Ichigo's eyes snapped open and his hand grabbed Shiro's wrist.

"Are you insane?" he asked, Shiro smirking at that. He was a little, but he didn't need to know that.

"Come on, this time we're married. The wolves won't bother us or our children, and plus Yuzu has been near begging for another niece or nephew," Shiro encouraged, Ichigo staring blankly at him. He removed his hand from his cock and pulled up his pants, ready to leave.

"Do you even know how painful it is to have kids?" Ichigo hissed, Shiro staying calm.

"I was torn to pieces, but I don't know if that equals up to it," he replied. Ichigo still looked doubtful.

"We don't have too, I was just asking," Shiro countered, Ichigo relaxing. He found it hard to be mad at him, but the more he mulled the thought over in his head, the more he was agreeing to it.

His body screamed no, but life itself was screaming yes. Creation was a lot better to it then nothing at all. Ichigo sighed, walking over to the bed and sitting down. He just didn't know what he wanted. His mind was no longer his own. It was every little creature, organism, etc.

"What would you do?" Ichigo asked as he laid back, looking up to Shiro as he loomed over him. Ichigo forgot how fast he could move.

"Do what you want." Shiro said simply, Ichigo raising an eyebrow.

"And if I say no, I'll disappoint the planet. I say yes and i'll regret it when the labor kicks in."

"Was it worth it?" Ichigo furrowed his brows, now pretty much lost.

"What was what worth it?" he asked. This time Shiro gave him a blank look.

"Was seeing Ritsuki and Syrian worth it after all the pain?" Shiro asked, Ichigo not even having to think twice before answering.

"Yes." Shiro smirked, kissing between his eyes.

"So, tell me Ichigo, do you want to have another child with me?" Ichigo closed his eyes for a second. It was like a mental clean up for him as he shut out all the voices and thoughts, concentrating only on his own.

"Well, what I hear is yes, but ask again and I'll hang you." Shiro couldn't help but laugh at that, kissing Ichigo's nose.

"Alright, but I won't die anyways."

"No one is going to take you down either."

Author's note: Needed some couple sweetness to it lol, and now it all good. Thanks for reading this story and hoped you liked it as much as I loved writing it.