Sex Appeal
Chapter One
"This is so romantic James! The entire evening was amazing, I didn't realize you had it in you." Serena gushed at her boyfriend's efforts.
The scene between them was romantic indeed. Something she was definitely not used to seeing from her boyfriend of a year. He reserved a private backroom from a five star high class restaurant in Los Angeles, had the room covered in bouquets of her favorite flower – roses, and had the chefs recreate her favorite childhood meal – spaghetti and meat balls, using her deceased grandmothers recipe. He had most certainly out done himself.
"I'm thrilled you are pleased, sugar." He replied taking her hands in his and gently stroking them. "It's our one year anniversary and I wanted to do something special for you…and I was hoping…" He started to explain. He never knew how to breach the subject, but after all the work he put into this evening he would hope she would at least think about it.
"Yes, James? You were hoping…?" Serena pushed him to continue. Her face beamed, hoping he was going to process his love for her. Something they haven't done yet.
He took a deep breath and continued. "Maybe, we can take this relationship to the next level…"
Serena took her hands away from his grasp, shock written all over her face. "Next level…?" She questioned.
He nodded. "Yes, I mean we've been involved for a year now and I think it's time we have sex." He admitted. He had never felt so nervous about asking for sex before. It usually came so naturally to him, but with Serena he had to be patient. She was different than the others and he was starting to lose his patience.
Serena was mortified. He knew how seriously she took her vow of abstinence. The entire world knew of her abstinence for crying out loud. He claimed he understood that when they first got together. She was angry. Was this entire relationship a lie?
"James, I thought we've been through this. I took a vow." She answered as calmly as possible.
He let out a frustrated sigh. "It doesn't mean you have to take it so seriously. Look at Britney Spears, she told the world she was a virgin only to find out years later she had sex with Justin Timberlake. Her career is perfectly fine. Selena Gomez, another example. She told the world she would remain a virgin until marriage and we all know she also had sex with a Justin. No one cares, Serena. It's just a hoax to guide children into waiting until the time is right to have sex and sugar, believe me the time is right for us." He explained and pleaded by taking her hands in his once again trying to sooth her.
She pulled her hands away once again and narrowed her eyes at him. "James, I want you to take me home. This discussion is over."
He abruptly stood up and starred her down. "Serena, you need to grow up. You're 21 years old for crying out loud and you live in a bubble. You are a child, not a woman. You claim this discussion is over? I say this relationship is over. I can have any woman I want, and my next girlfriend is going to be everything you aren't – sexy." He stormed out of the private room and out of her life.
Serena fought extremely hard not to cry. Was he right? Did she take the vow too seriously? She wasn't sexy, and she knew it, but she thought James loved that about her. She took deep breaths to keep her composure and a waiter came in with the bill.
"Miss Serenity, the gentlemen advised us to bring the bill to you. Will there be anything else?" He asked as he placed the bill on the table.
She gave him a weak smile. "Yes, can you please call for a limo to pick me up? And please charge this on this credit card." She opened her wallet and pulled out a credit card.
"Yes, no problem Miss." He smiled and took the credit card and walked away.
Serena couldn't believe he just left like that. Why would she sleep with someone who obviously didn't love her? If ever she decided to break her vow, it would be with someone who loved her and would be willing to wait for her. That's something she would never change.
Serena returned home to her fabulous Beverly Hills estate and walked straight to her bedroom. She was supposed to call her friends the moment she returned from her date, but she didn't feel up to explaining how the most romantic date of her life, ended in her worst break up of her life. She was so embarrassed by how it happened, but she was thankful in a way that no one was there to witness it. She looked in her mirror and noticed how her blue eyes looked dull, her blond hair looked frizzy, and she noticed a few blemishes on her face. She did not look like the Serenity the world knew and loved.
As a famous singer, her appearance always had to be spot on, but did she lack sex appeal? Was that why men stayed clear of her? When James first approached her, he seemed like the perfect guy. He didn't seem intimidated by her success, he claimed her respected her decisions. But all this time he admitted she didn't have sex appeal. Why did this bother her so much? Maybe it was time for a little makeover. A new sexy Serenity.
She quickly changed into her pajamas and went to bed. Tomorrow she would explain to her management team her new ideas for her new upcoming album. She wanted to prove to the world she can be sexy and still have her values protected. James thought she needed to grow up, she would show him and the world just that.
"Serenity, thank you for joining us this morning…or should I say this afternoon." Luna, her manager pointed out when Serena finally entered the studio. She pointed at the clock that showed it was 10 minutes past 12.
Luna was a woman in her mid-forty's, and has been her manager since she entered the spotlight as a young teenager. Luna was like a second mother to Serena and respected her greatly.
Serena rolled her eyes. "Hey, you told me to come in as soon as I woke up. You didn't specify a time. For your information, I woke up an hour ago. I got ready as quickly as I could!"
Luna knew it was a dead end to argue with the girl so she just decided to get straight to the point. "Serenity, we have a few songs that we think would be perfect for your next album. Have a listen."
Serena took a seat and Luna proceeded to play the tunes. She showed her 3 impressive songs, but Serena wasn't feeling it. She thought it would have been appropriate a few days ago, but ever since her breakup, she wanted, needed, something more grown up. How in the world would she explain that to Luna?
"Okay, stop the music!" Serena shouted as the music was playing. Luna gave her a questioning look and turned it off.
"What's wrong Serena? You don't like them?" She asked her client.
Serena shook her head. "It's not that I don't like them, I just…I think it's time I grow and try my hand at more….how do I say this?…mature music?" She tried to explain.
The older woman thought about it for a moment. "Mature music? Care to elaborate? What exactly do you have in mind?" She was confused.
Serena already had three albums that reached platinum, why would she want to mess with her obvious success?
"I'm ready for a new phase in my career. I want to be sexy…" She explained, blushing slightly.
"You…Want to be…sexy?" Luna gave her another questionable look and laughed out loud.
Serena felt embarrassed. Her own manager didn't even think she was able to pull off being sexy. She looked down and played with her hands.
"Oh, you're serious!" Luna noticed how Serena's demeanor changed. Serena was ready to change her music style.
Serena looked at Luna with pleading eyes.
"Okay, Serenity, if that's what you want. This changes a lot. We can try to obtain a new music producer, to see what exactly you had in mind. Give me a few days. In the meantime, I will need to speak with the label. I don't think they'll argue about this change, they have been hinting at it for some time now, but seeing as you're ready, I think everything will work out. I'll have to talk to Artemis about this. We need to get you a new stylist, one that can gradually evolve you." Luna went on and on about what the new plans. The more Luna explained her plans, the more excited and nervous Serena was becoming. She smiled, she was so grateful for Luna.
"Thank you Luna, if that is all for today, I have plans with Raye." She looked at the time.
Luna nodded. "Yes, I will work hard to make this your best album yet. I'll text you the details once everything is organized." She explained to Serena as she was walking out the door.
"Okay, thanks Luna!" She waved goodbye, and felt like weight as been lifted off her shoulders. She was truly ready for th new Serenity.
"I FUCKING NEW IT! He's an asshole!" Raye, the fiery raven haired beauty yelled in a crowded restaurant. Every one turned around to check out the commotion she was causing.
"Raye, calm down. Everyone is starring." Serena whispered to her best friend.
Raye knew at that point, she might have over reacted, but how else is she supposed to react when her best friend tells her, her boyfriend dumped her on their one her anniversary!
Everyone at that point noticed Serena and ran to her in a frenzy. "Serenity! Can I have an autograph?" She heard one person ask. "Serenity, can I take a photo with you?" Another asked.
Serena smiled politely and took her time with her fans. She signed everything they wanted her to sign and she took pictures just as they requested. Raye looked on in annoyance. She was proud of her best friend, but she wished they would leave her alone sometimes. She's been at it for an hour now and the crowd was finally starting to disperse.
Serena was finally able to eat her now cold meal and left with Raye to a more private setting. – A secluded spot at the park, near the restaurant.
"Okay, spill. What do you mean he broke up with you?" Raye asked once they were alone.
Serena sighed and explained the entire evening. She always told Raye the truth, so she didn't leave anything out.
"He's an asshole Serena. I'm happy you didn't sleep with the bastard. He didn't even tell you he loved you. Why would you sleep with him?" She defended her. "Men are so dumb sometimes."
"Do you think he's right though? That I need to grow up…" She asked her opinionated best friend.
Raye hesitated. "I don't think you should change who you are, and your beliefs. But he may be right about you living in a bubble." She admitted. "You always do what you're told, and you don't live the life of a normal 21 year old. I mean, come on….you haven't even had a drop of alcohol. That's something all people your age should experience at least on their fucking birthday!"
Serena looked down. She was right. She was always right. "You may be right…I mean, I've been in the spotlight since I was fourteen…My management team have kept me guarded, but that's all going to change now."
Raye looked at her. "How is it going to change?"
Serena smiled. "My next album is going to be….more sexy. James being my source of motivation. I've already spoken to Luna about it, she agrees its time."
Raye was shocked. "Wow that's great! That's what I'm talking about. Revenge will be sweet. You show him you can be sexy! Show the entire world."
It's been five days since she's heard from Luna, so took this time to look through her music playlist for inspiration. She found Buttons – by the Pussycat Dolls and belted it out in the comfort of her own home. She needed to be like them. Confident and sexy. She looked at the music video and blushed. She had to overcome her insecurities in order for this transformation to be successful, but how?
A short while later, Luna contacted her. She advised her to get her butt in the studio as soon as possible. Apparently she had a surprise for her. Luna knew how much Serena loved surprises, so she basically ran out of her home, straight to the studio. The drive to the studio, Serena listened to everything from Britney Spears, Beyoncé and Rihanna. She was determined to go through with this.
She walked into the studio and noticed a presence she didn't recognize. Luna ushered her to sit down. She noted Luna had a huge smile plastered on her face. "Serenity I want you to meet your new music producer. Darien Shields." Luna pointed at the man she first seen as she walked in. He was tall, dark and handsome. Clearly the definition on that saying. Serena was speechless. She heard of him, but never seen him in person before. He was known in the music industry as a playboy.
He extended his tan hand towards her and Serena took it and noticed how firm his handshake was. She suddenly felt intimidated. "It's a pleasure to meet you Serenity. Luna here tells me you want to change your sound into something much more mature."
Serena nodded. "Please, call me Serena. And yes, that is my goal. I'm ready to grow, and I want my music to grow with me."
"She wants to be sexy." Luna added.
Serena blushed. 'Oh Luna, why must you embarrass me in front of the hot music producer?' She thought to herself.
Darien perked up at Luna comment. "Is that true?" He asked Serena.
She nodded, she was too scared to speak. She would just embarrass herself more then she already felt.
"Well I'm the perfect person for this project, sexy I can do." He smirked. He noticed how flustered Serena was. He knew right then and there this would be a challenge but he was determined.
Serena noticed how arrogant he was. He was so cocky, she was having doubts about working with him. Perhaps it was because he was so confident about himself, unlike her. She knew he had a great reputation for producing a few hits, but she was nervous.
"But, you will need a few lessons on how to be sexy…no offence, Serena." He told her.
Serena knew she needed lessons, but something about the way he spoke to her rubbed her the wrong way. She couldn't help but feel frustrated.
He noticed her attitude change, but he didn't let it faze him. "First things first is to give you a complete makeover. Will you allow me to get full control of this Luna?" He asked her manager.
"Yes, of course Darien." Luna approved.
He smiled and looked at Serena. He circled her, and took note of everything he had planned. "Okay, Serena meet me at Blissful Hair Salon tomorrow at 11 am. I have a full day planned for you." He said.
Serena nodded. "Okay." She whispered.
Darien walked out of the studio leaving Serena alone with Luna.
"So what did you think of Darien?" Luna asked her.
"Honestly?" Serena asked her.
Luna nodded. "Serenity, I always want you to be honest with me."
"He's an arrogant, cocky, confident…sexy man." Serena admitted.
Luna smirked. "Yes…he is. He's the perfect person to bring you to the place you want to be at. Are you positive you're ready for this?" She asked her.
"Yes, Luna, I'm positive."
AN: Well I hope you all liked the first chapter. Please review, and follow the story so you can be notified when the story will be updated!
P.S, I do not own Sailor Moon and I do not own Buttons by the Pussycat Dolls.
Serenity Rein X