Hello again!

Guess who's back! Yep its me again. God its been so long. But school is school and education comes first. Anyway, no this wont be a longer chapter. Its actually a miracle that I've found the time to write this. So just enjoy it. With out further ado... *phone rings* give a second *answers phone* hello?... seriously?... but-... omg so much effort... fine ill do it. but just note that I'm not doing it happily! *slams phone down angrily* Sorry about that. turns out I still have to put a disclaimer. here it is:


There i said it. NOW we can get on with the chapter.



Sexy looked at her watch. 21:00. It was time for her to be off to bed.

"Good night everyone." She said leaving.

"Hold on, where are you going?" asked Donna.

"I need to rest."

"But its only Nine in the evening!"

"This body needs to rest. Don't forget, I'm technically not supposed to be doing this."

The Eleventh Doctor stepped forward "Yah, I meant to ask you about that. How are you not burning up?"

"There's a special species near the end of the universe. They can shift into anything. Their bodies are also ideal for living inside because centuries ago, they evolved and now are trans-dimensional. when they die, some of them go to a special temple where they ask if anyone needs a host. When newer models of TARDISs were created, they were used so that communication between TARDIS and Time Lord would be easier. I needed one of coarse but I can't fit all of me inside just one. So part of me stays in the body and the rest in the box. However, as much as I don't need that much sleep, these bodies are used to getting about five hours a night. Not that much but still. Not only that but they must be on a tight sleep schedule other wise they wont function properly. So please, I must be off."

Shortly after everbody else went to bed too. Except for ten and eleven. However, ten noticed Donna at the entrance to the console room.

"Aren't you supposed to be in bed?" he asked.

"Apparently not." She said irritated "Your Time Lord DNA must have prevented me from being able to get my much loved rest."

"Give it until about Thursday. Then you only have to worry about sleeping every Thursday."

"Isn't that just great." And she stormed out.

The next morning everybody gathered inside to have breakfast. The eleventh Doctor was the last to walk in.

"You had one job." She said angry.

"What do you mean?"

"I told you not to tinker around with my console. But what do you do? Tinker with my console!"

"The terminal retractors needed fixing!"

"The Terminal Retractors always need fixing don't they! Maybe you could leave them alone for five hours. Five hours is all I'm asking!"

"Fine. Sorry." Before Sexy had time to reply, there was a loud ring coming from the console room.

"That's the phone…"

"Well then go answer it!" they all went to the console room and Eleven answered the phone "Hello, this is the Doctor speaking… ok… I see… uh hu… ok then, I'll be right over." He put the phone down.

"Who was it?" Asked Amy.

"Your daughter just jumped off a sixty story building."

"Oh boy."

"Well you know the drill, open the doors to the swimming pool! Everbody else, stand back."


River was running from some guards. She wasn't doing anything bad. Just accidentally broke into a museum. Hey, it wasn't her fault she dropped her sonic blaster and while picking it up, a guard took it from her and placed it in the historical war room. She got to the top floor near a window.

"You're trapped now. No where to run." Said a guard.

"You are mistaken." She climbed onto the windowsill and jumped.

"No, no, no, no, wait!" he yelled at her. The TARDIS was right there waiting to catch her. She came back to the console room towel drying her hair.

"Hello sweetie." She addressed the Eleventh Doctor.

"Sweetie?" asked Ten.

"We're married." She said. Sexy approached her.

"Hello my child. Why must you jump off fifty story buildings?"

"Who are you?"

"Sorry, I'm the TARDIS. But you can call me Sexy."

"Well then, hello Sexy."

Amy and Rory came to her next.

Amy gave her a big hug "Oh how I've missed you!"

"I can say the same."

"Sorry to interrupt the big reunion but who exactly are you?" Asked Martha.

"Professor River Song." She said extending a hand.

"Martha Jones. Nice to meet you." She said shaking it "If I may ask, Professor of what exactly?"


"Oh god. Please don't tell me you married an Archeologist." Said Nine holding his head in his hands "Oh god. Why did I have to regenerate? More specifically, why did I have to regenerate into a man who would then would regenerate into a man that would one day marry an Archeologist?"

"Got a problem with archeologists?" River cut in.

"As a mater of fact, yes." He said.

"Professor Rover Song. Archeologist." She extended a hand he took it anyway "What's all of this then? A party?"

"Oh that reminds me!" said eleven "We were going to have a hat party but some stuff popped up…"

"A hat party? Really. I bet you anything that you were going to wear a fez."

"Got a problem with fezes?"

"Well apparently you have a problem with Archeologists."

"Hold on," said Ten "I thought you died and then were put in the computer system in the Library."

"I regenerated. Then I hacked into the computer and got the rest of my team out."

"You can regenerate?" All three Doctors said in unison. Both Ten and Nine because they had no idea and Eleven because he thought River used up all her regenerations on him.

"Turns out I had a bit left. I was able to regenerate and then save the rest of my team."

"So you're a Time Lord?" asked Nine


"I thought you used all your energy on me." Eleven said with a clouded expression.

"Key word being thought. Why are you all here? More importantly, how?"

"Why don't we all go to the library and explain this fully." Said Sexy.

"Ok." They went to the library. However, Jack started to feel a bit nervous. He wondered if sexy would find out about the paper airplane incident. Oh well, he'd have to find out. Besides, he was immortal. What's the worst she could do? Kill him?

They all went to the sitting area, which now had more seats.

Sexy decided to start from the beginning "I first had to get rid of him" him being the eleventh Doctor "so I trapped him here. Then I picked up Rose Tyler and John Smith. If you would like a history on him, see book case 56, shelf J. Anyway, I brought them here and then got Donna, and some procedures were made. History on that is book case 57, shelf N. Then I got Jack Harkness,"

"Captain Jack Harkness." Said Jack.

"Then we went to the TARDIS."

"It was a lousy adventure mind you." John pointed out.

"Oh hush. Anyway, I went to pick up the Ninth Doctor and then went to pick up the Tenth Doctor. What a nightmare that was."

"Why?" asked Ten.
"I haven't told you have I." she said with a weary look.


"Promise me you wont freak out?"


"Not even a short rant?"


She studied his face for a minute "Fine. Just don't freak out. I don't want to hear a single peep out of you.'

"Ok, ok. Just tell me!"

"I had a run in with the Master."

His face widened with alarm yet it was Eleven and Nine who spoke.

"YOU WHAT?!" sputtered eleven.

"When? Where? Are you ok? Did he hurt you?" asked Nine.

She held her face in her hands "Oh my god." She muttered to herself then explained.

"Here's what happened. I popped into the wrong TARDIS. Well, I was the right one but it was the wrong time. It was the year that never was. We argued a bit. All he did was pin me against the console. I was able to get away. I was going to tell you. Just when it was the right time. Apparently that was now."

"Bastard." He mumbled under his breath.

"Well excuse me if I was traveling without a capsule."

"You act like there is no care in the world!" commented John.

"I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself."

"Ok yeah. That's why out almost DIED!" said eleven.

"Be thankful I didn't!" she yelled.

"Don't talk to me like that!"

"Who are you? My mother?!"

"No. I'm your pilot."

"Oh so that's what I am now? Just a piece of machinery?"

"I didn't say that!"

She wasn't yelling anymore. She was staring at him with a hard look "What about all the times you carelessly tossed away your life? Almost died even though you knew you were going to anyway. Did I object or say anything?"

"It wasn't carless! I,"

"Did I say anything?" she said more firmly.

He stared at the floor "No."

"I mean yes I did care for you but I understood that you liked a bit of danger and that you knew what you were doing. I trusted you. I still do." She said softly. But then her expression changed to something angry "but you obviously can't trust me. You park me anywhere all the time. Do you honestly think that I'm in that spot all safe and sound?"

"I, I honestly don't know. I just assume that you're ok."

"Oh he assumes now doesn't he? I can't believe you!" she marched right out of the room. The eleventh Doctor just stared at the now empty space in front of him and then time stopped and at that moment, he couldn't believe himself either. He may as well just had booted himself out of his own home.


Well there you have it. sorry about the shortness. But you're always welcome to leave a review. Until next time (which will probably be a long time from now or a week idk I'm not making any promises) So, leave reviews, but not rude comments. See ya!