Final chapter! Sorry it's a bit short and abrupt.

Thanks to my wonderful reviewers for sticking with this story for so long!

Ranger's Scop: Everyone needs a useful blanket to hide under sometimes. :P Pip the Dark Lord of All: Everyone's been singing that song lately, so I decided to be trendy and put it in my story. Yes, you are already cracked up. XD Glad you enjoyed the crossover. I keep thinking of lines I forgot to put in. Curse you, brain! Tommyginger: Glad you liked it. O.o No, I'm not trying to imply anything like that. I like movie!Eowyn, but I always felt like book!Eowyn needed a spanking, so I made her big brother give her one (she DID disobey him, after all). Wunderkind4006: YES! The piano guys Cello Wars is AWESOME! It's probably only second to their Mission: Impossible theme on my favourites list. And yes, those videos are great, you need to watch them. XD LOTCR: Nope, Frodo's not dead (see below). And Sauron will survive too, I'm sure. XD Guest: Yes, everyone is TOTALLY out of character in this story. That was partially intentional. XD Actually, your's is the first negative review I've gotten so far, but thanks for your honest opinion.


Sauron pressed a button and the dental chair slowly moved to the upright position. Frodo, seated in it, stared groggily at his new robotic appendages.

"How do you feel?" asked Sauron anxiously. "I hope they're a good fit."

"Where is the ring?" asked Frodo. "Is it - safe?"

Sauron spoke hesitantly. "I'm afraid in your carelessness you lost it."

"What?" cried Frodo in despair. "Nooooooo!"

The fellowship sat around the dining table in Barad-dur eating pizza and celebrating their victory over the Dark Lord.

"I should have given the ring to you all along, Sam," said Gandalf. "I ought to have known Frodo would be corrupted by it. You, on the other hand, were the only one of us who was immune to its evil influence."

"Yes, well..." said Sam awkwardly. "I couldn't see what was so special about a little ring and all. I mean, it's only a piece of jewellery. What good would destroying it do? Anyhow, I thought it might come in handy sometime."

He put his hand in his pocket and held up a small round object.

Everyone gasped.

"SAM!" thundered Gandalf. "You didn't! You - you - KEPT it?"

"Well yes," said Sam. "Why not, after all? It's pretty. It's my-"

"PRECIOUSSSSSS!" shrieked doublydead!Gollum, tackling him.

"Do not alarm yourself," Sauron continued. "The fact that Mount Doom hasn't exploded, destroying this tower and most of Mordor gives me reason to suspect that the ring was not destroyed. It may still be out there, and if it is, you and I shall find it. You shall be my new apprentice."

Sauron waved his arms dramatically. "Once more the dark powers shall rule Middle Earth!"