Anonymous said: prompt: double date! felicity with daniel and oliver with laurel or whomever. i dont care how you go about it but please pretty please happy ending for olicity. k? thanks love :*

Hey anon, this one was longer than I expected. I used Sara…because I love Sara Lance, and the direction I wanted to go seemed to fit better with Sara's personality. I hope you like it!

"Do you come here often?" Daniel asked, pulling the door open for Felicity. As expected, Table Salt was packed on a Saturday night, but the young entrepreneur had been looking forward to this date for a long time and confirmed that his assistant made the necessary reservations.

"You've never been here?" Felicity asked incredulously.

"I've heard about it, but it's hard to get out. Too much work." He raked his fingers through his dark brown hair, and shrugged, flashing her a charming smile. "Didn't have much of a reason to leave the building until now."

She felt her cheeks flush. "Well, the Salmon Tartare is amazing," she said, letting him pull her coat off her shoulders.

"Can't wait to try it," he said, before turning to the hostess. "Reservation for two, under Kord?"

"Of course, Mr. Kord, we have one of our best tables reserved for you." Felicity noticed how the young redhead straightened her shoulders at the sight of Daniel, a subtle way to draw attention to the cleavage peeking out from her white-button down polo, the top two buttons conveniently left undone. He didn't seem to notice; his attention completely on Felicity. She felt his hand land gently on the small of her back as they followed the hostess deeper into the restaurant. They wove through the maze of white tablecloths and well-dressed couples to the far end of the room, where lit candles and a view of Starling City's skyline greeted them. Felicity smiled at Daniel as he pulled a chair out for her, smoothing the grey fabric of her dress down with her palms as she sat down. She kept her gaze on him as he rounded the table to sit across her when her eyes landed on the piercing blue eyes of the man sitting at the table beside them.


Oliver was looking straight at her, a questioning look appearing on his face, followed immediately by his trademark scowl of annoyance.

"Everything okay?" Daniel asked, settling into the chair in front of her.

She cleared her throat. "Yes, absolutely." She pulled the wine menu up to cover her face. "I'm just really craving a glass of wine right now." Or a bottle. Maybe two.

"White okay?" Daniel lifted two fingers up to a server nearby.

"Absolutely," she lied. She always preferred red, but she wasn't feeling particularly picky tonight. Alcohol was alcohol, and judging from Oliver's very pissed off expression, she was going to need a lot of it.

Please don't come over, please don't come over, she chanted to herself, shifting nervously in her seat.


She cringed at the sound of his voice, but calmly set down her menu and met his eyes. "Oliver, hi." Her palms suddenly felt cold and moist, and she wove her fingers together and leaned her chin on them.

"Good to see you're feeling better." The coldness of his tone sent shivers down her spine.

She nodded. "Much." Her hand reached back to undo a knot that she could swear suddenly appeared on her shoulder.

Okay, so maybe lying about her evening plans earlier was not the smartest move.

"Were you not feeling well earlier?" Daniel asked, eyeing her and Oliver curiously. "We could have rescheduled."

"Oh, I'm fine. Must have been, like, a two-hour bug," she replied, smiling at her date. "Daniel, this is Oliver. Oliver, Daniel."

Oliver grinned, but the fist he was making, turning his knuckles white, was a clear indication of how he was really feeling. He flexed his fingers and met Daniel's hand in a firm handshake.

"It's nice to meet one of Felicity's friends," Oliver said, emphasizing the last word.

Daniel winced as Oliver's grip on him tightened. "Ditto." His voice was low and strained, and Felicity threw Oliver a look that commanded him to loosen his hold. He complied, releasing Daniel's hand, still smiling. The jerk.

"I've heard a lot about you," Daniel said, massaging his fingers. As though realizing what he said might be misconstrued negatively, he put both hands up defensively. "All good things, don't worry." He laughed apprehensively, placing his hands down on his lap.

"That's funny. I've heard absolutely nothing about you," Oliver said with a chuckle, his eyes meeting Felicity's. She cringed. Great, she thought. The Oliver Queen she knew was replaced by his less likable alter-ego—the obnoxious, billionaire playboy.

This was going to get worse before it got better.

"Where's that wine?" She released a small laugh, scanning the room for help. Or the emergency exit. Really, either would do.

"But hey, that's easy enough to fix. Mind if we join you?" Oliver didn't wait for an answer as he signaled to a server nearby.

"Um…yeah…of-of course," Daniel stammered. "Why not?"

Felicity's eyebrows narrowed. "We?"

"Ollie? Oh, hey Felicity." Sara dipped her chin at Felicity in greeting, a warm smile on her face. Without thinking about it, Felicity jumped up and threw her arms around Sara.

"Sara! You're here!" She exhaled in relief as Sara's arms wrapped around her. "Help," she whispered into her friend's ear. Sara patted her back reassuringly, before pulling away and flashing her a sympathetic smile.

"I'm Sara," she said, when Felicity sat back down, holding out her hand to Daniel.

"Daniel Kord."

"Nice to meet you."

"We're joining Daniel and Felicity for dinner," Oliver informed her.

Sara clasped her hands together excitedly. "A double date! Fun!"

Felicity threw her a look and mouthed the word, "NO," but Sara just smiled and winked at her. "This is going to be an evening to remember," she promised.

This is going to be an evening to remember.

Felicity ran Sara's words through her head as she stared into the mirror of the ladies' room. The evening had definitely taken a turn for the worst, with Oliver using every opportunity he could to make Daniel feel incompetent.

"Why are you drinking white wine? You hate white wine." Oliver pointed out, raising his voice to make sure Daniel would overhear.

His face fell. "You don't like white wine?"

"Um, I do. I prefer red, but you know…I mean, I like wine, period," she babbled, throwing Oliver a dirty look before pointedly picking up her glass and gulping down a third of what was inside. "And this is really good wine," she complimented Daniel. "Certainly better than anything Oliver's ever ordered."

"Hey, at least I've never ordered anything that could kill you." Oliver brought his own wine glass to his lips and took a sip. "I know to ask my date if there's anything she's deathly allergic to." Daniel shrank at the reminder that he had ordered them a salad with walnuts.

"You're right, I should have asked. I'm really sorry about that, Felicity." It was his tenth apology in the last half hour.

"Hey, it's nothing," she assured him. "No harm done. Trust me, my life's been in danger before," she said, gritting her teeth and glaring at Oliver.

"This is SO much fun!" Sara had commented, leaning into her chair and grinning from ear to ear. "So much better than what I expected when Ollie picked me up tonight."

Felicity had excused herself shortly thereafter, rushing to the bathroom to have a silent conversation with herself in the mirror.

"Just get through dinner," she whispered to her reflection. "You can do this, Felicity. If you can survive Slade, you can survive dinner." She pressed her fingers into her temples.

"What, you mean you're not having fun?" Sara's amused tone echoed in the small bathroom. Felicity turned to the muscular blond leaning on the wall nearby, arms crossed in front of her chest, a smirk playing on her lips. "Shocker," she said, biting her lower lip playfully.

"Well, at least one of us is enjoying the evening," Felicity said dryly.

"I'm loving it," Sara admitted. "I mean, when Ollie said 'Table Salt,' I thought, 'bo-ring.' But then you showed up and my night went from ho-hum to ooh-la-la." She rubbed her palms together, her eyebrows dancing up with each syllable. She pulled her lipstick out of her purse, reapplying a light pink shade to her lips, before turning to Felicity. "I can fix this, you know." She rubbed her lips together to spread the color evenly. "I can make your evening go from this to…well…what it's meant to be."

Felicity rolled her eyes. "You've been sitting there, letting Oliver make Daniel feel two inches tall all night." She held out her thumb and index finger to prove her point. "And now you're telling me you know how to fix this?"

Sara shrugged. "You're just so cute when you're flustered," she said sheepishly. "Well, cute-er." She ran her fingers through her curls, fluffing her hair, before turning back to the IT genius. "But seriously, I can fix this. You're just going to have to trust me. You can do that, right?"

She narrowed her eyes at Sara. "That depends on what you're going to do."

"Trust me," Sara repeated, winking at her and walking out the door.

"Daniel, since you're heading downtown, I don't suppose you could give me a ride?" Sara asked sweetly, batting her eyelashes at Felicity's date.

"Sara, you don't live downtown," Felicity pointed out.

"Well, Sin called and seems really upset about…something…and I just want to make sure she's okay." She turned to Felicity and mouthed the words "trust me" before facing Daniel again. "Please? She's like my little sister and it would mean so much. It's out of Ollie's way, and you know, with global warming being such a big issue, I just really can't have that on my conscience," Sara drawled. "The gas and pollution and all."

"You're an assassin for hire," Felicity thought, but bit her lip to keep from saying anything.

"Um…yeah," Daniel nodded. "Sure. Right after I drop Felicity off…"

"I can do that," Oliver offered, a little too enthusiastically. He turned to face her, eyes pleading that she accept. She looked at Sara, who was nodding slowly with a knowing smirk, and then to Daniel, who was looking more confused as the night went on.

"Yeah, it's fine. Oliver can take me," she agreed.

"You sure?" Daniel asked, disappointed.

"I'm sure," she assured him, reaching out and giving his arm a squeeze.

"Okay," he conceded. "I'll call you."

"Yep," she nodded, letting him lean in and kiss her on the cheek. She sighed as she watched them walk away. "Well, you've had your fun. I lied. You got back at me. Pat yourself on the back." She turned to Oliver, who suddenly looked ashamed of himself. He buried his hands in his pockets before tilting his head towards the door.

"Come on, I'll take you home," he said in a soft voice, the real him emerging. He held the door open for her and followed her out of the restaurant.

"What were you even doing here with Sara? You know she hates this place." Felicity remarked, gesturing to the building behind them as they stepped out into the crisp, night air. "You couldn't have just taken her to Big Belly? Just a tip, Oliver, when you plan a date for a girl, you might want to actually bring her somewhere she'll enjoy."

A beat of silence, and then Oliver cleared his throat. "I didn't plan the date for Sara," he murmured, placing a gentle hand on her elbow.

"What? So who did you—" Her jaw dropped open as it hit her. She thought back to earlier in the day, when he approached her at the Foundry.

"Hey, I was thinking…if you're free, we should get some dinner tonight." He had shifted his feet, looking uncharacteristically nervous, as he stood before her.

"I'm…actually not really feeling that well," she had replied, wincing as though she had a migraine. "I think I'm just going to go home."

"Oh…yeah, okay." He looked disappointed, but nodded and muttered something about feeling better before getting back on the Salmon Ladder.

He pressed his lips together, eyeing her carefully. "The reservation was already made, so Sara agreed to come." He scrubbed his hand over his chin. "I was a jerk, earlier, and I'm sorry. But when I saw you with him, I just…I stopped thinking straight."

She wrinkled her nose. "When do you ever think straight?" She cocked her head at him and smiled to let him know she was teasing.

"When it comes to you, never," he admitted, the truth of his words slamming into her and making her knees feel like jelly.

"I didn't like that version of you in there," she confessed. "I'd never go out withthat guy."

She looked up to see him smiling at her—a smile that reached his eyes—the one that let her know she was looking at him—the real him; the one he let so few people see.

And if she was being honest with herself, the one she loved so damn much.

"Felicity," he said, reaching out and placing his hands on her cheeks, leaning his forehead against hers. "The best version of me is the one that has you by my side."