Sanji felt himself getting roughly shoved onto the couch. A protest rose up in his throat, but was quickly cut short as Zoro's hot mouth collided with his hungrily, leaving him breathless and needy. Using his body to hold the blond down, Zoro leaned up smirking at the sexy chef who just pouted back. Sanji's face reddened with embarrassment as butterflies raised havoc in his stomach. Zoro then took control not allowing the blond to even think about stopping their make out session. The Marimo chuckled deeply at Sanji's shyness before cupping Sanji's face in his hand, and kissing the leaner man heatedly.
All shyness disappeared as calloused fingers began to search the blonds body enthusiastically. It was replaced by an uncontrollable desire for the man to touch him more. Zoro kissed him greedily biting Sanji's lip and causing him to gasp. He then took the opportunity to thrust his slick tongue into Sanji's heated mouth. Sanji moaned as both men fought for dominance biting and shoving. Finally Sanji gave in and just allowed Zoro to take control. Zoro's kisses grew more sloppy and his breath more ragged his hands became more aggressive. Sanji whined as his pants grew tighter against his cock causing an unbearable comfortableness. He thrust his hips up his bulge rubbing against Zoro's. They both cried out breaking apart breathlessly. The green haired man stared down at him hungrily. Sanji shivered hoping Zoro would do nothing less than eat him up.
Zoro's hand found their way to Sanji's shirt, unbuttoning it shakily. A scowl formed on the apes face and he roughly ripped the shirt open. The buttons flew all over the room and clattered against the floor. Sanji decided to kick him for it later. Suddenly feeling self conscious, the blond blushed. Zoro leaned down leaving a trail of kisses from his neck down to his chest. He whimpered as the man's heated tongue circled his nipple. The bulkier man kissed it tenderly before pulling it into his mouth and sucking on it gently. Sanji moaned as the man's hand grabbed his other one and squeezed it. Sanji thrust up against Zoro again.
Without warning the livingroom door flew opened and banged into the wall. The loud boom caused the two to jump apart. A moment later a half naked man stepped in and tipped his hat at the two. "Sanji~!" the man yelled, "I came to see my best friend." The man then blushed as the moment seemed to sink in. He pulled his hat down casting a shadow over his eyes and a big smile crossed his face." Ace what are you doing here?" Sanji yelled jumping up off the couch and hiding his chest with his torn shirt while in the process pushing Zoro onto the floor. The green haired man hit the ground with a thud and let out a surprised yelp. Ace chuckled at the scene and Zoro glared at him getting up to stand behind Sanji possessively.
Ace smirked," Ohoho and what was going on here?" he waggled his eyebrows. Zoro stepped forward a growl low in his throat. Sanji put a hand to his chest, "Whoa tiger this is my friend Ace," he said. Reluctantly the green haired man sat down on the couch and proceeded to glare at the freckled friend. After a long awkward moment Sanji decided to go change his ripped clothes and left the two together in the living room. "So, you and Sanji are a thing huh?" Ace asked. Zoro winked at him, "yeah you jealous?" The man pulled his hat down once again, "Oh I'm sure many people are jealous of you" his tone had darkened. Zoro flexed his shoulders not liking the tension he was feeling. "But not I, I have someone i truly cherish." The rest of the conversation was lost as Sanji appeared back in the room fully dressed and pulling on his jacket.
"Come on Zoro your rehab is soon" Sanji commented. Zoro whined but casually strolled to the door, "looks like Ace will have to leave" a smirk played on his lips. Sanji put a cigarette to his lips and lit it, "no he can come with us if he wants to," he blew out a puff of smoke and smiled at Zoro innocently."It's kinda boring by myself anyways" without waiting for Zoro's reaction he walked out to his car. Ace chuckled as he walked by Zoro ramming his shoulder into him and winked, "jealous?". Zoro stormed out the door and jumped into the car angrily. Ace was the last to get in and with that Sanji drove out of the driveway.
Halfway there a thought occurred to Sanji,"hey Ace I think you should wear a shirt."Sanji stated looking at the man in the back seat. Ace looked utterly offended. "Are you saying I'm not sexy enough to go without a shirt?"he asked. A dark aura caused Sanji to shiver. Actually he never thought that at all, though he would never say it in front of the flaming marimo next to him. Afterwards the drive was long, boring, and awkward. Zoro just looked out the window and glared at everything and Ace just smirked. Sanji sighed it wasn't a good idea to bring Ace. Soon afterwards they pulled into the parking lot. Zoro seemed to remember his purpose here and growled before shoving the door open and walking inside the building. Sanji followed after him with Ace on his heels chuckling at the green haired man.
After Zoro signed in and they listened to Ace explain to the receptionist how it was illegal in this world for him to war a shirt, they were called into the physical therapy room. Pink! This was all Sanji could think when first entering the room. The color was everywhere. The walls were all pink and on them hung picture frames with pink creatures on them. Stuffed animals were thrown randomly all over the floor and pink bean bags were place delicately on each corner. Ace whistled as he picked up a pink dumbbell. Suddenly there was a loud bang and smoke poured into the room covering the floor in front of them. Sanji looked over at Zoro questioningly, but his face was passive. An annoying laugh rang through the room causing them all to cringe. Zoro growled, "Perona stop your shit come out." The smoke cleared and a pissed off gothic looking girl appeared. Her hair a bright pink was pulled up into two curly pig tails. She place her hand delicately on her hip and thrusted it to the side," You're as bad mouthed as ever" she stepped closer her hips swaying with each step," so the little Zoro came back."
She pierced him with an observant stare, "I'm surprised. After the way you ran out last week I thought surely you were gone" she laughed at what she said as Zoro scowled. Sanji not being able to help himself did his signature noodle dance and crouched down before her," My dear he is truly sorry to have run out on you like that."he said taking her hand and kissing it tenderly. "It's fine" she stated yanking her hand away from him with disgust. Sanji was pulled up roughly by Zoro, "What the hell Cook?" he yelled. Sanji pulled his arm out of the mans strong grip and decided not to answer back. Old habits die hard. Perona directed him and Ace to two seats in the back and insisted they sat down. Then therapy began. Perona picked up bag full of foam balls and a terrifying grin crossed her face. Zoro looked awkward just standing there in the middle of a pink room unsure what to do. The pink haired woman circled around Zoro observing him silently.
Her hand entered the bag and she pulled out one of the balls and held it out. Slightly interested Sanji leaned up just as she threw it at Zoro. He dodged it easily stepping to the side the ball flying past his right side. She continued throwing them. Zoro continued to dodge them one after the other. Perona then started to run around him while throwing them towards him. This time his dodging became more sloppy and he started to get hit on the side where his eye was cut. "Zoro losing your eye has given you an even bigger blind spot" she said expertly using her job voice. A concentrated scowl painted Zoro's face. Looking angry Zoro crossed his arms in front of his chest and gave up letting the balls ht him. They didn't hurt anyways. Sanji was just about ready to say something to the stubborn mule when Perona stopped. "So you're going to be like that," it wasn't a question. She sighed crossing the room and picking up a different bag. "I tried to do it a different way," she stated drawing out her words to show we was not done speaking,"these are made of iron." In her hand was a slightly bigger pink ball, she tossed it up and caught it again. Zoro looked at her like she had just walked out of the crazy house.
The ball came whizzing by his face and smacked into the wall behind him. It went through the wall and left a deep hole. A big grin littered her face," see what happens when we dont behave?" She then kissed her hand and blew him a kiss. Zoro shivered in disgust as a ball came flying at him, he dodged it gracefully and it fell to the ground with a loud thud. Sanji stood up ready to stop this shit. He would never hit a girl but he also wouldn't stand by and let one beat up on Zoro. She is crazy, Zoro was right. Perona brought out another ball and tossed it at Zoro. Ace ran past Sanji and grabbed the ball with his hand. A flirtatious smirk crossed his mouth, "Don't you think this is going overboard?" he questioned. Unaffected by the man in front of her,Perona simply replied, "No." She jerked the ball roughly out of Ace's hand and stuck her tongue out.
"Now Mr. I don't have to wear clothes, if you don't like the way I work I could easily show you to the door," Perona said looking bored and slightly pissed off. Ace raised an eyebrow his signature smirk back. This girl was interesting. With a sigh the girl put her iron balls away clearly sad she didn't get to use them as much as she would have liked. She then pulled back out her foam ones. Zoro seemed ready to comply now and as she threw them he continued to dodge them the best he could. Ace sat back down beside Sanji watching the session with a smirk. Sanji couldn't say that he agreed with the way that Perona did things but it made sense. Losing an eye did in fact give Zoro another blind spot. Sanji took the time to let his mind wonder back to the day that Zoro gotten the injury. He had done this many times and each time anger had boiled darkly within him.
Perona had now run out of her foam balls and took to throwing her stuffed animals at him. Sanji had just looked up as a bean bag chair was thrown and hit Zoro on the pointed at the marimo chuckling and Ace suppressed a snicker beside him. If looks could kill Sanji would be dead because the look Zoro gave him was cold and terrifying. This made Sanji laugh more. Next thing he knew the same bean bag hit his face and he and his chair fell over onto the ground. The hour seemed to pass quickly after that and soon they were dismissed. Zoro left the room quickly and Sanji couldn't help but notice he didn't run into the door frame. The therapy was working, though Zoro probably hadn't noticed it himself.
Outside the building Ace left them with a wave and a smile saying his adorable little brother needed him. Zoro nodded to the man as he left clearly having more respect for him. Sanji waved bye as his phone in his pocket vibrated. He pulled it out with a sigh, and read the text. He stuffed the phone back into his pocket and turned to Zoro," I have to go to work. Shitty old man called come on it won't take long," Zoro nodded and they left.
Mornings are shit! Hizo walked into work after his long drunk night thinking only this. His head throbbed horribly, and any possible part of his body that could be in pain was in pain. He grumbled to himself all the way to his office not even bothering to smile at his workers. In return his worker chose not to smile at was normal routine at the All Blue Aquarium. Hizo was known for his strict grumpy attitude but was still a highly respected individual in the city. This was how he got out of so much trouble. It wasn't always like this though before the death of his wife Hizo was one people would go to for advise. He always sought to help everyone. As to why he was still respected so highly no one knew. Maybe it was respect for his late wife or maybe people could still see the ghost of the man he use to be?
Either way Hizo had the respect of all his workers, and he knew so as he sat down in his big office chair. His secretary Amelia, a very straight forward and orderly girl, walked over to him with a cup of coffee in hand. He took the coffee gratefully thanking the gods he had her. Straightening her glasses, so a glint flashed over her eyes, she brought a clipboard up to her chest. "Your schedule today sir" she spoke in a dull way. Hizo listened halfway offering nods here and there and sipping from his coffee. Soon his aspirin would kick in and then he would focus more intently on what the girl had to say."Also today we have some potential new hires coming for interviews" she stated perking Hizo up and waking him from his daze. "When will they be here?" he asked interrupting whatever she had to say.
She glared at him sending an icy chill down his back,"here in an hour" she stated pushing up her glasses with her pointer leaned back in his seat happy about the news. New hires was always a good news. With an agitated look Amelia went back to her clipboard telling him every detail of his day which wasn't that busy. With no more interruptions Amelia's mood brightened and after she was finished she went to her office to file papers. The next hour passed by in a daze. Hizo decided now was the best time to go out and inspect his workers and offer help where he saw mistakes. He was just talking to the dolphin trainers about overfeeding one of their dolphins when Amelia showed up and dragged him away. He walked swiftly to his office to greet the new hires asking himself what questions he would ask and what he was looking for.
Once in the room he put on his best business smile and quickly glanced over the row of potentials. Amelia grabbed him by the elbow and pulled his face close to hers, "try no to scare anyone off" she ordered. Hizo glared at her yes mom! While trying really hard not to roll his eyes at the woman he heard a loud shout and was suddenly trapped in the biggest bear hug of his life. His face flushed and a yelp seemed to escape him. Amelia was immediately beside him using her ungirly strength to pry the leach off. Hizo turned towards the bastard anger evident all over his face. The anger bubbled down to surprise, "Hiro?" he asked taking a better look at the man. Hiro smiled at him brightly, "I knew I'd see you again" he said. Amelia cleared her throat next to them and allowed Hizo to collect his thoughts,"sir the interviews?" she stated. Hizo smiled at her reality making him realize without Amelia his life would be lost."Hiro" he commanded turning to said man, "get back to your spot." Hiro saluted to him causing Hizo to feel slightly uncomfortable before bouncing all the way back to his spot.
Many of the potential new hires just weren't up to part and this saddened Hizo. They just didn't have the right passion. Everyone at his aquarium had the same sparkle in their eyes. Hiro had that sparkle, he passed the interview with flying colors and not because Hizo showed favoritism either. After the interviews were over Amelia rounded up all the people and basically pushed them out the door telling them to expect to hear a reply in three to four business days. Hiro yelled bye before being roughly shoved out of the room and tripping over people outside. His apologies echoed into the office making Hizo chuckle. Trying to play it nonchalantly Hizo sighed," send Hiro and Takashi an e-mail telling them they are hired" he waved his hand in the air and yawned. When he turned to face his secretary she wore a rarely seen smile, "already done sir" she waggled her eyebrows before composing herself and straightening her stared at her dumbfounded,"is that so nice job Amelia"Amelia simply took the compliment with a nod."That is all for today I will retire back to my paperwork"as she walked out of the room she couldn't help but look back at her boss and think to herself things will be changing soon. She bowed to him before exiting.
Sanji and Zoro arrived at the Baratie exactly ten minutes after Zeff sent the text. A line of people were standing outside in the parking lot screaming at the old man at the door. Zeff stood there his face a red tomato obviously about to pull out some old man whoop ass. Sanji stepped out of the car a cigarette in hand not liking the tension in the air. Zoro followed pursuit his brows furrowed in concern at all the rioting people. People came flying from the front peg leg imprints on their faces. "Shit!" Sanji cursed. "Where's Sanji!?" someone yelled. "Yeah he hasn't been here all week" another yelled. Zoro smirked,"someones popular" he stated. Sanji grit his teeth truly agitated at the whole situation and ran towards the crowd,"stop it you shitty bastards and lovely ladies" at the last part his eyes appeared as hearts.
The crowd turned to the chef half angry the other half in split allowing Sanji a path to enter the Baratie. Once inside he rolled up his sleeves then started his normal routine of cooking. The crowd swarmed into the restaurant cheering. Order after order he cooked without complaint. Cooking was his passion he lived to cook he cooked to live. Without it his life would be incomplete and not worth living. He would stp ever so often to flirt with a drop dead gorgeous lady cause he couldn't help himself, but not even she could distract him long. A few times he caught the eye of the marimo in the corner staring at him and he would smirk to himself. Finally he was down to the last few customers and the Baratie was closing.
Zoro had fell asleep an hour ago and was taking up a whole table snoring when the final customer order a coffee. Such a simple thing coffee no real art needed to make a good ol cup of coffee. Sanji made his last customer his best coffee, in his opinion, and the customer took it with shaky hands. He then turned to clean up his cooking station, not really wanting the old man to have his ass or any part of his body really. The customer then jumped over the bar and grabbed the cook from behind. "Oi!" Sanji yelled surprised at the sudden roughness. "You call this coffee?" the man spat at Sanji. Zoro decided nap time was over nap time was over and walked casually over to the pair yawning into his hand. Sanji eyes the man wishing he had a cigarette, "I don't see what else it could be called." The man scoffed and threw the coffee cup on the ground where it shattered and the coffee leaked out."Tastes like shit" he yelled. Sanji's eyebrows rose and he hummed to himself.
Suddenly the mans face was slammed into the ground and Zoro was sitting on his back. "Lick it up off the floor."Zoro commanded in a no talk back voice. The man now in a daze said nothing. "Oi did you not hear me?" Zoro's face grew closer to the man now. Sanji chuckled finding the whole ordeal hilarious. The man then started squirming under Zoro spouting nonsense about suing. Zoro laughed menacingly, before Zeff walked in and kicked him off. Zoro crashed into Sanji toppling him over."Eggplant put a leash on your dog" Zeff stated mustache twitching. Sanji reddened jumping up, "Oi shitty old man I came to help you and this is the thanks I get!"Sanji yelled. Zoro sat up and pointed at himself,"dog?"Sanji and Zeff were now at each others throats arguing. The man tried to crawl away but both chefs kicked him back down,"I'm not done with you!"they yelled in unison. The two then continued bickering.
After many well thought retorts Zeff grabbed the man by his shirt, "so what did you say the coffee tasted like?" his eyes brimmed with anger,"shit huh?" The older chef drug the man back over the counter, "well let me feed you shit" he said before dragging him out the door. Zoro looked at Sanji and laughed,"he calls you eggplant?" Sanji turned red and grabbed Zoro by the ear," let's go Marimo" Zoro growled and shoved him off before running into the side of the bar and falling on his face. Sanji laughed and the two teased each other all the way home. In an alley beside the Baratie, a man watches the two as they leave. He whispers to himself,"Sanji you will be mine" but the words are lost on the wind.
I know -_- it sucked but it was my first make out scene TT^TT be gentle just kidding help me make it better! O_O Your comments are always helpful