(Lucy POV)
I woke up to a bright morning light bouncing off the hotel room walls. I sat up to see if anyone else was awake, Lyon and Gray slept silently. Ur woke up after I did since her arms were still wrapped around my shoulders.
"Good morning Ur" I said with a bright smile. She wiped her eyes of the excess sleep and yawned.
"Morning Lulu" She also gave me a bright smile then got up to change into her set out outfit. I copied digging out my jeans and black tank top from my bag. We then wrote a note to gray saying that we were just going to get breakfast and bring it back to the room. Ur and I snuck out of the room and went down town to look around before going to find a good takeout restaurant.
"Hey Lulu Check this out!" Ur waved over to me and I came across a clothing store, Ur was looking at a cute outfit, a denim skirt and a pink T-shirt that had a cool design on it.
"Cool! How much is it?" I was pressing my face on the glass to get a better look at the outfit.
"It's around 40,00" Ur said with a pained face.
"I need more clothes; I only have this and the outfit I wore yesterday." Lucy persuaded looking up to Ur, who was still admiring the cuteness of the outfit.
"I have my own money too, I want to use it" Lucy said with a grin, Ur nodded with a smile.
"Okay you'll give the cashier your money, and then I'll pay the balance." Ur then gently guided Lucy into the store, and then Lucy ran to the window racks to find the ensemble. She raced back and put the skirt, t-shirt and a pair of Galaxy flats (which matched the galaxy design) on the counter. Lucy then took off her backpack to find her dear wallet. She finally dug it out and put it on the counter, the cashier looked a little confused then decided to play along.
"That with be 50, 000 J including the shirt, skirt and the flats. (I'm guessing this is 50$)" Lucy nodded and opened up her invisible wallet and dug out a 100, 000 J coin.
"Sorry mister, that's the smallest coin I have, could you give me back 50, 000 J?" The cashier and Ur froze, but then continued to do as the little girl asked.
"How much do you have?" Ur whispered in Lucy's ear.
"I counted it when I got here, around 600 billion J(Which translates to 600 million $)" Lucy whispered back, making sure not to be too loud. Ur then looked rather calm, and acted as normally as possible until they grabbed the plastic bag containing Lucy's clothes and were two blocks away from the shop.
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN 600 BILLION J?" Ur franticly yelled at the little girl, who was adjusted to the situation. They had just walked into the closest restaurant to order their breakfast.
"Before my parents divorced, my mom got most of the fortune since she held the Luna name as her maiden name." Lucy explained with poise, Ur just finished ordering.
"Oh! But why did you two live in the middle of the woods if you had all of that money?" Ur asked with a priceless expression on her flushed face, as she sat down waiting for the hot food to come.
"We were both tiered of endless parties, fancy dresses and the snobby ways of other people in our class. So we just moved towns and lived in that little cottage." Lucy said with a soft, sad smile remembering her sweet and bitter memories knowing she couldn't make anymore with beloved mother. They had just paid for their food and just made it out of the door.
"I understand you will feel at home when we get back to my little cottage; it's exactly your style!" Ur said, trying to be upbeat and positive. By the time their conversation ended they were outside the hotel with two brown paper bags full of hot breakfast. When they got to the door of the hotel room they heard loud voices, booming out of control. Ur shamelessly kicked down the door and smacked Gray and Lyon in one swift motion. Gray and Lyon kept at it whilst Ur franticly trying to stop them. She then put down breakfast on the only clear table available.
"BREAKFAST IS READY TO BE EATEN! EVERYBODY SHUT UP!" Lucy yelled over the bickering trio, who were just awestruck from the sassiness coming from the baby of the family.
"Thank you, now if you will…" Lucy took a breath then snapped her head to Lyon and Gray. "STOP FIGHTING" Lyon and Gray started to bow and murmur apologies.
"Hahaha! Looks like I'm not the only one who can put you too straight!" Ur looked over at the sight and started to belly laugh.
"Hey!" The two boys yelled at their older friend with pouts.
"Anyways, we brought breakfast!" Lucy beamed at the boys, trying to get their minds off of fighting, it worked. The happy four sat down in a circle on the flour and ate their breakfast rather comedic due to Gray and Lyon cracking jokes, and the girls always hunched over and laughing so hard no noise came out. They stayed like this until Ur was forced to stop the fun.
"Okay guys I know we are having a grand old time but our train to Oshibana leaves at 1:00 so we have an hour to pack up and grab a bite." Ur spoke up with a give-or-take tone.
The trio of kids sighed, but then Lucy said they can continue their shenanigans on the train. This boosted their spirits and agreed to pack up super-fast. All of them were packed and ready to go in 20 minutes flat. Lucy quickly changed into her outfit that she bought earlier in the day. When she came out, she blushed a little bit because of the attention the others were giving her.
"Wow! Lucy you look super cute!" Lyon said with a genuine smile, tilting his head a bit to the right. Lucy's cheeks went to a soft pink to cherry red in a second.
"Lookin' good Lucy!" Gray said with a smirk. Her cherry red cheeks went to aggravation in a split second. 'He earned a smack upside the head for that stunt' Lucy thought before her thoughts became a reality. After the scene, they stopped at a ramen shop and ran to their train with ease.
-On the train-
"Owww! Lulu!" Gray complained in a childish tone, just making Lucy more aggravated.
"Gray, if you want to compliment a girl, you have to do it properly." Lucy said with a stricken face. 'Where did I get that vocabulary from?' Lucy thought as she scratched her head for a second, then came back to reality.
"Anyways, I didn't even hit you that hard. Get over it!" Lucy said in a playful tone as she lightly punched Gray on the arm. They both giggled, and chatted with Lyon, who was in front of Lucy and Ur, diagonal from her. After 30 minutes were up she fell a bit drowsy, she then turned to Gray.
"Hey can I sleep on your shoulder please?" Lucy casually asked her friend Gray, who turned to the blond.
"Yeah sure" He wriggled over to Lucy a bit more so she could be comfy, this caused neither of them to blush. Lucy plopped her head down on Gray's shoulder and looked up before dozing off.
"Love you Gray… my big brother…" She then fell quickly asleep. Now that did cause Gray to blush and his heart to beat out of his chest. He grabbed his stomach, for there was an unknown knotting sensation. He brushed it off and just looked back at Lucy and smiled, brushing her bangs out of her eyes.
"I love you too Lucy, my adorable little sister." Her said in a soft tone, then smiled. It was truly genuine.