Chapter 1.

The meeting of the winter solstice was definitely a failure. They were supposed to come up with ideas to prepare for another war; after the war with Gaia, the gods didn't know what else to expect. Well,that's what they were SUPPOSED to be doing. As of now,though, the gods were sitting around in awkward silence. That is, until Hephaestus came in with a strange contraption under a huge, dusty, white sheet.

"Hey, guys. I have a surprise for you all." Hephaestus said with an accomplished look on his face.

"Oh my US!"Apollo exclaimed. "A SHEET! How ever did you create such a MARVELOUS surprise?!" He squealed with fake delight.

"It's what's UNDER the sheet, you ηλίθιος." Athena yelled.

"Will you just get on with it?" Hades asked with a hint of visible annoyance in his voice. Hephaestus shrugged and pulled the cover sheet off. Before the gods stood a large, flat screen TV.

"Behold!" Hephaestus's voiced boomed across the throne room. "I give you, the HTV!"

"Son, why did you spend your valuable time building something we could have just bought at Best Buy?" Zeus asked his son.

"Father, if I may, the HTV isn't a regular TV. You see, this fine piece of machinery will allow us to watch our children without them ever knowing. Allow me to demonstrate." You could tell that Hephaestus was getting excited.

"HTV, ON." He commanded. The TV powered on. "Show me Leo Valdez." He told the electronic. The picture rippled a bit, and zoomed in on an unsuspecting son of Hephaestus.

"Festus, we'll work a little bit longer, and if we can't find Oogya by then, we can call it a night." Leo sighed. Festus creaked a bit.

"Thanks, dude. Now, if I were a Calypso stuck on a mystical island, where would I be?" He asked fictitiously. Aphrodite sniffled.

"LEO! YOU HAVE TO FIND CALYPSO! SHE IS YOUR ONE TRUE LOVE!" She then started spazzing, and as one thing led to another, the HTV was obliterated.

"Dite!" Everyone moaned.

"Hey." She snapped back. "Don't get in in the middle of true love. That is MY turf. You got a problem with that buddy?"

"Well, it'll take a wile to fix, about as much time as it took to make." Hephaestus mumbled.

"But our children's lives are so dramatic, like on Pretty Little Liars." Hades spoke, covering his mouth as soon a he realized what he said.

"Uncle Hades, how do you even know what that is?" A curious Hermes asked.

"Melina made me watch the season finale with her." He told him.

"Umm...if we want to see our kids lives so badly, why don't we just turn mortal and go to school with them. I've always wanted to go to a mortal high school." Apollo reasoned. All the gods were silent. Ares was the first to speak.

"Oh my us. Its the beginning of the apocalypse. Apollo just had a good idea." He joked.

"It is a pretty good idea, but how are we gonna pull it off?" Artemis asked.

"With a little magic." Poseidon smirked.

"Hecate, my dear, will you please do us a small favor?" The lord of the Underworld asked.

"Yes lord Hades, what is it that you need?" She inquired.

"Can you make us a potion that will turn us mortal for a while?" Hera asked.

"My lady, whatever for?" Hecate was being quite inquisitive.

"None ya." Zeus said, endind the conversation.

"Well, I can do that my lord, but who will run Olympus?" She asked.

"I'm sure that you can figure that one out on your own." Zeus stated, dropping the matter of questioning once more.

"Alright, give me about an hour, and you will be ready to it is you need to go." Hecate stated.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1 hr Later* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Okay, my potion will last for a few months. Most likely to summer. So, are you SURE you want to do this?" Hecate asked the gods, handing each god a vile of purple liquid.

"This looks like that stuff I gave Melina when she was younger that turned...her...mortal." Zeus said, worrying about what his brother would say.

"Lord Zeus, that's what this is. Only temporary." Hecate explained.

"Pft. I knew that." Was Zeus's only reply.

"So...what do we do with these. Do we like, drink em or what?" Ares asked.

"Yes lord Ares. Drink every last drop." Hecate informed them. The gods each drank what was in the tube. A large glow appeared around them as their immortality was taken from them. It was an EXTREMELY painful process. Once the transformation was complete, the gods fell unconscious.