Hey guys! I'm sorry it's been a while since I updated, but I actually have an excuse. I haven't really had wifi at my house for almost a month (believe me it was absolute torture!) and I have been busy with transferring to another college. I hope you like the chapter. I was going a little bit into the XMen Days of Future Past movie, if you haven't seen it yet, I suggest that you do. It was f*cking awesome. Anyways, enjoy! And one more thing, I'm not Wonder Woman, I'll write the next chapter as fast as I can, but this kind of stuff does take time. And I do have a life outside of fanfics. Sorry, someone just messaged me the other day and it was just really annoying. I felt like I needed to let that out, enjoy the chapter. Sorry about that...

Raven screamed as Magneto used the bullet in her leg to drag her over by force. I kept running as fast as I could through the crowd using super speed. Everything seemed to move in slow motion. Magneto removed the bullet from her leg before getting ready to use his powers to plummet the bullet through her skull. Raven was frozen in fear.

"Erik!" Raven sobbed.

"I'm sorry Mystique, but as long as you're still around, none of us are safe." Erik apologized.

I teleported behind Erik, developed the tail I had copied from Azazel, and wrapped it around his neck as I jumped onto Erik's back. I also grabbed his head and had it in a hold ready to do what was necessary if he even dared to move.

"Kill her, and I'll snap your delicate little neck like a twig." I snarled in his ear.

Raven looked at me in complete shock, not knowing that I would be here. Erik stiffened up and the bullet dropped to the ground.

"Lorelei? Is that you? I didn't even know you were still alive." Erik smirked.

"Shut the hell up, you bastard. This isn't a friendly reunion." I tightened my hold on him.

I glanced down at Raven from behind Erik and nodded at her.

Go, Raven. NOW!

Raven nodded before getting up and limping away as fast as she could.

"If you're here, I'm going to assume you know everything. You're letting her get away, Lorelei. She's responsible for our future. We're all going to be wiped out because of her!" Erik seethed with anger.

"I know that, Erik. But maybe if you actually took the time and explained to her the consequences of killing Trask, this wouldn't be happening. I'm not letting you murder her for anyone's benefit. There are other ways to save our future."

"You go ahead and believe that."

Something sharp shot through my shoulder and I fell off of Erik while yelling in pain.

SHIT! He used the bullet he shot into Raven's leg against me!

"RAVEN RUN!" I screamed.

Raven looked back and her eyes widened when she saw Erik headed towards her. I put two fingers against my temple and delved into Erik's mind as a last resort and froze him in his spot.

"If you let me go now, I might not kill you." Erik spoke through clenched teeth.

"Killing her is not the answer, Erik!" I hollered at him. "She's our friend! Why can't you see that there are other options?!"

Before Erik could reply, Beast jumped through the window of the Summit building and tackled Erik into the fountain causing me to lose my connection with him. People from the crowd everywhere were running in all sorts of directions in panic. I got up from the ground and held my shoulder while wincing from the pain. I searched frantically for Raven, hoping she was alright, but I had no idea where she was which meant that she shifted into a different form. The pain in my shoulder was so excruciating that I couldn't hold back some tears and while being in pain I couldn't help, but be incredibly worried for Raven because she was hurt and trying to run for her life no thanks to Erik.

"Raven!" I cried.

After managing to hold Beast back with everything metal surrounding them in the fountain, Erik began to make his exit when he could no longer find Mystique. Before I could get to Erik, I saw many policemen surround me. Beast used his strength to get out of his restraints and looked at me in surprise.

"Lorelei." Hank's eyes widened.

I smiled at Hank before falling to my knees.

Shit...I'm losing too much blood.

Beast ran over to me and threw me over his shoulder before taking off and losing the police.

"It's okay. I'll get you somewhere safe." Hank assured me.

I felt my eyes roll into the back of head as I began to pass out.


I woke up with a scream.

What the hell kind of dream was that?!

As so many questions raced through my mind about the dream I had, I got up from bed and glanced at my alarm clock.


I sighed and ran a hand over my face. I put on a robe and ran down the stairs in a rush.

I have to get out of here.

"Lorelei...is everything alright?" Hank yawned.

I froze in my spot as soon as my hand touched the handle on the front door.

"Yes...I'm fine..." My voice shook.

"I heard you scream...did you have a nightmare?" Hank asked worriedly.

I slowly turned around and saw a very concerned look on Hank's face.

"Yeah...something like that. It...this dream was something else entirely, my friend." I replied. "Wanna go for a walk?"

"At 4 in the morning?" Hank raised an eyebrow.

"Why not?" I retorted.

Hank sighed before following me outside. After a few minutes of silence, Hank finally spoke up.

"I'm almost done looking at your blood sample. It's really amazing..." Hank smiled at me.

"And how is that?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

"From what I've gathered, your DNA is almost completely similar to Raven's since your abilities are so much alike. Raven's mutation involves her trying to mimic the appearance of someone else. Your mutation involves you using your eyes to copy and mimic everything you see, whether it's a normal person doing martial arts, or a mutant using their powers. You can copy their abilities perfectly, but you can't really copy their appearance." Hank explained.

I looked at Hank with interest as he explained everything in detail.

"It's really amazing. Both you and Raven age slowly as well. By the time she's 40, she'll still look like she's in her 20's. I looked into your medical history at the CIA and found out that you've looked 18 since you were 15 and you're 27 now, correct?" I nodded in reply. "After looking at your blood sample, I believe that by the time you're 40, you'll still look like your 18. I think you're done aging. Your blood sample was just unbelievable. You could look like this for a very long time. I've predicted that by the time you're in your 80's, you'll finally look like you're in your 20's. I couldn't quite figure you out as much as I could with Raven's DNA, but I'm hoping I'll get to the bottom of this in no time. Erik also told me and Charles about something you mentioned to him. He said you were sort of in a trance the night that Shaw attacked and I can see that too when I think back and remember...I have many theories, but hopefully it'll just come to me soon." Hank rambled.

Damn...that's a mouthful.

"That's really cool. I like it when you talk nerdy to me." I winked at him.

Hank's face went completely red and I smirked.

"I'm just teasing you Hank. I really thought what you said was cool and interesting." I laughed.

By the time we reached the front door again it was now 4:40.

"I should be getting to bed...no we should be getting to bed. Charles and Erik have something planned for us." Hank said.

"Fantastic..." I sighed.

"I'll see you later, alright?" Hank smiled.

"Of course." I returned his smile.

I don't even want to see Erik...or imagine those lips of his on top of mine ever again.

As Hank went upstairs, I wandered into the kitchen to grab that bottle of vodka from that hidden compartment in one of the cabinets before pouring myself a glass and putting the bottle back.

"What was that dream about?" I wondered aloud.

"What was what about?"

I jumped and saw a blue scaled woman in a robe with red hair slicked back.

"Raven? That you?" I asked.

"Yeah...I can change if you want." She looked down at her feet.

"What? Why? I like you this way."

"R––really?" Raven looked at me in surprise.

"You're beautiful." I smiled. "I don't get why you hide it."

"Thanks, but stop avoiding the question. Something bugging you?" Raven smirked at me knowingly. "I could hear you and Hank come in through the front door. Where'd you guys go?"

"I had a nightmare and was about to take a walk when Hank decided to join me. He rambled on and on about how my DNA is almost completely similar to yours. That's about it." I answered.

"Sounds fun..." Raven yawned.

"Now what are you doing out of bed?" I asked.

"I got thirsty and came here for a drink." She replied.

"I have a feeling you're lying to me, but I'll let it slide." I finished my glass and put it in the sink. "I'll see you tomorrow...well later."

"Later..." She said.

"Later gator." I replied.

And I went upstairs.

I ended up waking up early again, so I decided to do something productive and go for a walk. Maybe while I was at it, practice the abilities and powers I had copied so far like Erik suggested. After my walk/jog, I glanced over at one of the windows I saw and noticed something odd about my reflection. Instead of the normal red I would see without having the sunglasses, my eyes were now a golden color. It amazed and also worried me at the same time.


"After all we've been through, you would willingly give up your powers...just to walk again?" I looked at Charles in disappointment. "Charles...I thought you knew better."

"I gave up my powers just to sleep––" Charles glared at me. "You don't know anything. Don't...don't start anything if you know what's good for you, Lorelei." He spat out.

"If you're going to give me that 'how everything's not easy for you' bullshit, then shut the hell up, Charles. I already know how hard things are, not just for you, but for all of us...never in the time I've known you, have you ever made excuses. I'm disappointed in you right now." I sighed.

"EXCUSES?! I don't want my telepathy anymore because all I ever feel is pain!" Charles exploded. "I can't handle it! My mind overwhelms me! ALL I HEAR IS EVERYONE'S PAIN!" He had tears in his eyes.

I put my hand over Charles'. He flinched and his hand balled up into a fist, but he didn't pull away.

"That's the thing with pain Charles...you embrace it. It makes you stronger, their pain makes you stronger. You of all people should realize that I've known this from actual experience." I told him. "All the shit that I went through, it was horrible yes, but that pain only made me stronger. It made me into who I am today."

Charles remained silent and gave me a look of surprise. It was tense in the jet and I sunk back into my seat as I removed my hand from Charles' and put it on my shoulder and held back a hiss of pain. I still felt uneasy, but I didn't want to let Charles know. After several minutes of pure silence, Charles spoke up. It almost surprised me.

"When did you become so wise?" Charles gave me a small smile.

"After ten years...you grow up a little..." I mumbled softly.

His smile faltered slightly, but then he reached for my hand again and his kind nature was showing once more.

"I've missed you very much, my dear friend." Charles kissed the top of my hand.

I blinked away tears.

"I'm so sorry I left Charles...after what happened in Cuba...things went in a completely different direction." I blurted out.

"It's alright...I understand why you left. I eventually put two and two together. I just wish you hadn't left though..." Charles smiled sadly.

"...I felt so guilty that I convinced myself that I was only going to hurt people...I even tried living alone to isolate myself. But after I met Peter that one fateful day...he helped me through it." I smiled thinking of the day Peter and I met.

"He's an interesting chap isn't he?" Charles chuckled.

"You have no idea..." I giggled.


What the hell? What kind of premonition type of thingy was that?

Lorelei? Is something the matter?

I jumped at the sudden voice in my head.

Uh...yeah...I think I am.

Would you mind going to the kitchen? I'm gathering everyone for a little talk about our next move.


Are you sure you're alright? You seem...troubled.

I'll tell you about it later...

I began making my way inside the mansion and found everyone gathered in the kitchen. All eyes were now on me and I realized I was the last person to arrive for this little 'meeting'.

"Oh! Wait a minute!" I held up my hand before anyone could say anything.

In seconds I teleported back into my room before teleporting back into the kitchen holding my bottle of whiskey. Everyone's eyes widened in surprise when they saw me sitting on the kitchen countertop on the other side of the room in like under five seconds. I grew annoyed with all of the stares and tried to resist the urge to roll my eyes.

"What? I don't have a huge pimple on my face do I? Let's crack on and get this shindig over with." I sighed in irritation.

Charles gave me a look before conversing with us.

"I know we all have a lot to work on with our abilities. I want to help all of you control your mutation––embrace them––"

I froze after hearing the word embrace, it was just like that vision I had. I zoned out and began daydreaming, but before I realized what was happening...I felt that tingly sensation in my head.


"Lorelei! Just focus on me! You're having another panic attack thingy aren't you?" Peter rushed around the room rapidly with his mutation. "Ah, jeez...what should I do––oh wait! Got it!" Peter sped back over to me in a flash with a paper bag. "Just breathe into this, alright?" He gave me a look of sympathy.

I yanked the paper bag out of his hand before doing as he asked.

It wasn't working!

I began taking my shirt off and Peter's eyes widened dramatically.

"Whoa! Hey now! I don't think I'm quite ready for that––"

"I just need my clothes off! I can't take it anymore!" I cried.

Peter nodded in understanding and sat down on the floor with me trying to comfort me.

"Here." He gave me the paper bag again.

I breathed deeply into the paper bag for almost twenty minutes before my breathing went back to normal.

"So...mind telling me what had you freaked out?" Peter spoke up.

"I bumped into someone...when I was on my little business trip. He dropped his keys and I handed them back to him––when our hands touched and we made eye contact––"

"If you even say you're in love with a guy and it was love at first sight, I think I might puke." Peter teased.

I hit his shoulder before continuing.

"When I looked into his eyes, I got a glimpse of his mind. He's...from the future as far as I can tell. But it looked so...gloomy...and terrible. What I saw in his mind was terrifying. It felt like I was in a horror movie and that's not an exaggeration. It was so frightening..." I finished.

"Wait...the future? What's wrong with our future? Nixon doesn't go bat-shit crazy does he?" Peter asked in confusion.

"Peter...I think what I saw was the apocalypse. And...my friend Raven is responsible for all of this." I wiped tears from my eyes before standing up and putting back on my shirt. "I have to go..."

"Go where exactly?" Peter gave me a look of disbelief. "I think what you need is to sit down and––"

"Peter! There's no time to waste! I have to go!" I glared at him.

"Sit." He demanded.

I was surprised by Peter's tone and slowly sat down on the couch in his basement.

"You can't just go rushing all around without knowing what you're getting into. You always talk about how I should have common sense. Well you clearly might need some too and think this through." He rolled his eyes. "You've obviously gone bonkers, Lori." He smirked.

I can't believe I'm admitting this, but he's right.

"For once, you're right, Speedy." I sighed.

"Can I get you to say that again?" Peter suddenly had a small tape recorder in his hand.

I slowly relaxed and started thinking about what information I absorbed from the man I encountered earlier, Logan I believe his name to be.


"Lorelei?" Charles kept snapping his fingers in front of my face repeatedly.

I snapped out of my daze and realized that everyone was surrounding me.

"What?" I smiled nervously.

"Jeez...you were like a zombie or somethin'..." Sean looked at me in awe.

"Okay?" I raised an eyebrow at him.


It's a fictitous creature, but that's besides the point right now. You now have me worried, my dear friend.

"I was probably day dreaming...I think I zoned out..." I tried laughing.

Everyone didn't seem too amused.

"Your eyes were completely white, Lorelei. I don't think you were day dreaming." Raven folded her arms.

"Stop being a bunch of debby-downers and quit staring at me like I'm some side show. It's extremely annoying right now." I rolled my eyes and stopped being polite.

"Do you do that a lot though?" Alex asked.

I glared at Alex and he raised up his hands in surrender.

"Just curious...sorry." He apologized.

Don't be so defensive, darling. They're only worried about you.

I glared at Charles next.

They don't need to be worried. I can take care of myself just fine, thank you.

Charles smirked as he pressed his fingers to his temple for a brief second. I jolted as I felt something pinch my butt.

"You alright?" Hank asked.

I nodded in reply as I tried to hide my blush.

Did you just––? How did you do that?

You have your tricks, and I have mine. Don't get so snippy with me, dear.

"Alright, enough of this." I stood up from my seat. "What's our game plan here? Since I didn't really hear much of anything..."

"Well as I just said, Charles and I have been looking into all of our mutations, to see how we can control them better. We're gonna need to train if we're going to defeat Shaw." Hank informed me.


"And I take it that training starts today?" I smiled nervously.

Erik smirked at me as he nodded.

Well...that's just fantastic...

Well I hope you enjoyed the chapter! I'll try to update soon! Ta ta for now, goobers!