Note: This story is an alternate universe version of Bleach (so don't kill me if some of the characters are tweaked a bit) Its also my first bleach story…p.s. the first two chpts. are kind of intro's, BUT THEY ARE IMPORTANT! ….
Grimmjow X OC pairing, a little bit of Rukia x Renji. Hope you enjoy!
DISCLAIMER: Tite Kubo owns all Bleach characters!
Finally, it's Friday… You thought with relief as you walked to 1st period.
Your name was Saya Minatsuki (A/N: I stole this name from the Black Cat anime, I couldn't help it-IT'S SUCH A COOL NAME! every thing else about her character I made up though..). You were in your senior year at Karakura High. Winter break just ended and it's the 1st week of 2nd semester. You liked pretty much all of your classes. Your group of friends, (you refer to them as "the pack," like a wolf pack ^_^) were in practically in every class of your new schedule, which was a miracle.
You leaned on the door to A.P English, Ukitake-sensei was running late like always. Then again, it wasn't his fault you were always early.
"Hey Saya."
"You're here early Rukia…"
"So?" Rukia said, slightly defensive. You studied her for a moment.
"How come you're not talking with Renji like you do every morning?" you said with a suspicious look.
"I don't ALWAYS talk to him."
"Yes you do."
"I do not!" Her face was turning pink, *Lightbulb.*
"OOOHHH! I get it!"
"Get what?" Rukia asked, looking irritated.
"Well, did you SEE Renji's sexy hair today?!" you said with a knowing/teasing tone. Rukia's face was now a bright crimson.
"SHUT UP!" she yelled, slapping you in the arm.
"ow-WHAT?!- you love it when his hair is like that, I don't see why you have to be so violent-"
"Oh pleeeeease Rukia, you've been in love with the guy for how long now?-since 7th grade? Just admit it."
"There is NOTHING TO admit!" Rukia said, with an angry chibi face.
"Ya know they say denial is the surest symptom of L-O-V-AHH!-" Rukia hit you in the face.
"HA!" she cried with glee as she attempted a 2nd hit, but you were ready for her. You simply placed your hand on the top of her head, holding her a distance of about a foot away from yourself (you always did this when she went into one of her rages. It never solved anything but it was funny to see your best midget friend get so P.O'd). Rukia struggled to break your tactic, her arms frantically swinging at the gap between you and her.
"Dammit, its not fair!-BIG PEOPLE SUCK!"
"What was that?" you said, putting your free hand to your ear, "I couldn't hear you all the way down there."
"FREAKISH GIANT!" she shouted angrily.
"I'm only 5'6 …" you said laughing, which made the midget even angrier. *Anime irritation notes were everywhere.* Rukia was about to burst out loud with a very NON-school-appropriate vocabulary when-
"What's going on here you two?" Unohana (the school nurse) asked with a calming/but scary smile. Both you and Rukia immediately stood up straight.
"Ah..just a bit of rough-housing, sorry Sensei," you said, ignoring Rukia's squinty-eyed glare. Unohana sighed, with a now kind smile.
"Try not to cause such a commotion next time?" You both nodded. "Jushiro still has not arrived?"
"Well its only 8:00," you said with a hint of humor. (The bell rings at 8:10)
"If he ever showed up before 8:20, I swear the whole school would have a seizure." Rukia said, dead serious. Unohana laughed,
"Indeed, that would be unexpected, enjoy your weekend girls." Once 8:21 rolled around, Ukitake finally showed, Toshiro chided him for always being tardy as he unlocked the classroom, apologizing.
Throughout class, you kept pointing out how sexy Renji's hair looked.
"…I mean, what girl WOULDN'T want you as their man?" you told Renji as Rukia shot you a blushy glare.
"Shut up Saya!" Renji said, feeling self-conscious. You didn't drop the subject and on seeing Rukia's face, Hiyori caught the hint and joined in.
"C'mon you guys, cut it out will you?" said Ichigo, taking Renji's side.
"I'm just being honest," you said with an innocent face, "right Yumi?" Yumichika scanned Renji up and down,
"If you were my type…I'd do you." He (she?) said bluntly.
"GAaHH!" Renji cried in reaction to that comment, looking like he was gonna be sick. Ichigo braced an arm in front of Renji, as if he was shielding him from Yumichika, though Ichi looked slightly scarred by putting himself at risk.
You, Yumi, Rukia, and Hiyori all laughed at his face, even Renji chuckled.
"Shut up SNAGGLETOOTH!" Ichigo yelled, looking for a fight to cover his embarrassment.
"What'd you say, DUMBASS?!" Hiyori retorted, not being able to control her short temper. They insulted and threw wads of paper at each other throughout the period. Once the bell rang, Rukia and Renji walked out the door together, as usual.
You smiled to yourself.
"What was with Rukia earlier?" Ichigo asked you, "she seemed kinda mad at you…"
"She wasn't mad," you said with a triumphant smile, "just embarrassed."
"Embarrassed about what?" he asked, scratching his head. You sighed hopelessly.
"Because she likes Renji, Baka!"
"We've known Renji and Rukia since kindergarten and you're just now noticing it?!" Ichigo, Rukia, and Renji had been your original pack of buddies, but it had now expanded to include Hiyori, Tatsuki, Chad, Yumichika, Isane, Ikkaku, and Toshiro. Though, Ichigo was your very best friend.
"Well…not exactly…" Ichigo said
"What'd you mean?" you asked curiously.
"Renji told me while ago that he liked Rukia, guess I-"
"WHHHAaAAT?! HE ACTUALLY SAID IT!" You cried with happiness. "This is PERFECT! I mean, I KNEW he liked her but now HE's admitted it! Now," an evil scheming aura emitted from you, "all I have to do is set them up! It's FULL PROOF! I can hear the wedding bells already!" You went on about your plan all the way to French, Ichigo looking a bit creeped out by your enthusiasm, but was also laughing at your stupidity.
Monsieur Rose greeted the two of you on your way in. As you sat down, your eyes drifted over to the light-blue hair of Grimmjow Jeagerjaques. He had been your crush since you had 1st started high school. You had never really gotten to know him, but from what you had seen, you liked his attitude. He didn't care what people thought about him.
Then again, he was kind of a trouble-maker; he would skip class and get into fights. You didn't really care for that about him. Though you weren't boy crazy (school and family issues came 1st) you did have standards set for your 'ideal boyfriend'. Being irresponsible was not one of them, so you had cast away the stupid infatuation you had towards him.
But this semester he was in French, Sociology, Gym, 5th lunch, and Anatomy with you. You might have had more together if you weren't in high/A.P English and hadn't taken art instead of math (you planned on going to Art college, and had just found out they didn't require 4 years of math: so you dropped it immediately).
Seeing Grimmjow so much had started to rekindle some of those old feelings. You were still staring when Yumichika appeared.
"Hey girl! What scandalous plans have we got planned this weekend?"
"Yumi, you know I work on the weekends." His face fell, and then brightened with an idea,
"Well since you ruined my plans, let me braid your hair!" With cat-like reflexes you smacked his hand away from your long, straight brown hair.
"I've told you a 100 TIMES! I REFUSE TO PUT MY HAIR UP!" Yumi was always trying to persuade you to let him style your hair. He sighed and rolled his eyes,
"At least get me into a free movie then…"
"You know we're not allowed to do that anymore," You said firmly, remembering the last time you had let Yumichika into a free movie. He had gotten so upset that Edward had left Bella that he whipped his slushy at the screen, "EDWARD YOu BiTCH!"
"Besides…" you grumbled, "It's gonna be packed." You were an Usher at the movie theater Rukia's big brother, Byakuya, owned. Knowing Rukia and Byakuya since childhood had helped you and Hiyori get your jobs.
"At least it won't be as bad as when Eclipse came out…" Hiyori said with disgust. Both of you shivered at the memory of that terrifying night filled with fake vampire fangs and rabid stampeding fangirls. "I'll never work a midnight showing again as long as I live."
"Agreed," you said nodding with Hiyori.
"Ha!" Rukia laughed evilly.
"NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCES ARE NOT FUNNY RUKIA!" shouted Hiyori with a menacing expression. You exploded into fake tears and hid your face on Hiyori's shoulder, the 'mental trauma' being too much for you.
To Be Continued…
Still have a bit more background to cover, and then it will get into the romance. Comments would be much appreciated!
Next Chapter: Intro Part II