Chapter 1

When Akashi suddenly appeared in front of his doorsteps, asking him—no, scratch that—requesting him—if he could spare him some of his time, Kuroko instantly knew that something was up—something really urgent too. Because really, for Akashi to go all the way from Kyoto to Tokyo (his house) and actually request him to spare him some time—that was just out of picture.

Whatever it was that Akashi wanted to talk about, it had to be important. It had to be urgent. It had to be—

"Tetsuya, pretend to be my boyfriend."

—something like that.

In Maji Burgers while sitting at the table where he and Kagami (sometimes along with the Seirin team) would usually hang out, it was then (where) when Kuroko heard the one-liner that almost sent his jaw dropping down lower than his feet—almost (but in reality, he looked deadpanned as always).

Wearing a serious expression and in his business voice, Akashi had asked—well, told—him something he never really imagined he'd ever say (he didn't even know that the redhead was capable of saying something such as that).

"Tetsuya, pretend to be my boyfriend."

The execution was blunt, unhesitant and bold—just as expected of Akashi, really.

But, god, just exactly why was he saying something like this?

A joke, maybe?—But Akashi wasn't that type of person.

A dare?—No. He was the boss. He wouldn't let anyone boss him around.

Then what the vanilla milkshake was happening if not for either of those?

Although Kuroko's expression remained the same and his voice was as cold as ever, his brain could no longer compute, which was why, as much as he'd love to bombard his former captain with all sorts of questions, the only one he managed to ask was a simple, "…Why…?" He could only hope that Akashi was able to complete his sentence.

Even though his former teammate's face was as blank as ever and his voice was as monotonous as always, Akashi could tell from the way he asked 'Why' that he was pretty much confused. Furrowing his brows and heaving a sigh, he folded his arms and decided to satisfy that curiosity—he needed Kuroko to agree after all.

He was the only one who could possibly help him. It won't work with anyone else (most likely)—not with Shintarou, who's with that Kazunari kid; not with Atsushi, who's dating that Tatsuya boy; not with Ryouta, who's into that Yukio Kasamatsu; not with Chihiro, they weren't even the tiniest bit close; not with Reo, who might go overboard; not with Kotarou, he was far too naïve for this; Eikichi was out of the question; definitely not with Daiki, and totally not going to work out with Satsuki.

Really, it was just Tetsuya, so, he had to know. Definitely.

Inwardly nodding to himself, Akashi finally spoke up: "My parents have finally introduced me to my fiancée. I…It's…It was terrible. I wish not to get married with her, and she wishes the same thing, but our parents were particularly persistent. In order to salvage us both, I have decided to take the risk of pretending to be homosexual and introducing to my parents my—dare to say—boyfriend."

Akashi took a deep breath. Unfolding his arms, he turned his gaze towards Kuroko's, "Tetsuya," he began, "You're the only one I can count on as of this moment. Everyone else is, if I must say, taken—or unpleasant. I am willing to do anything—everything. If I have to, I will kneel down before you and say 'please'. So long as you don't turn me down. I am in serious need of this."

Having heard Akashi's explanation, Kuroko felt reluctant. Although it didn't show in his face, his thoughts were filled with reluctance. He had already met Akashi's parents—and wow, for the record, he was instantly able to tell where Akashi got his intimidating aura from. If he dared do something like what Akashi was asking him to do, he wasn't really quite sure what was going to happen to him.

Brows slightly furrowed and lips pressed together, he grabbed his cup of vanilla milkshake. Biting onto the straw, he took a small sip then put it back on the table. Allowing the sweetness to cover up all his worries away, he closed his eyes for a bit and gave it a thought.

If Akashi went this far, then it had to be really terrible, in his opinion (not that arrange marriages aren't terrible enough), but how bad could it be?

Gulping down the milkshake in his mouth, he opened his eyes and looked at his former captain straight in the eyes. He wished he could help him, but the risks seemed too high.

"I understand your situation, Akashi-kun, but…" Kuroko paused then glanced away, "Your parents don't seem to be the type of people I'd like to get in bad terms with, so I may have to turn you down. I'm sorry. But, honestly, it can't be that bad. Just how bad can this girl possibly be? Is she not your type? Out of your league perhaps? It can't be that bad, is it—"

Without beating around the bushes, immediately, Akashi supplied, "It's Satsuki."

They fell into a deep silence.

Kuroko's eyes widened.

"Momoi-san…? But isn't she going out with Aomine-kun?"

Akashi glanced away, "That's why I need you to help me, Tetsuya. It isn't just me, it's also Daiki and Satsuki."


"You like Kagami Taiga, don't you?"

"Where did you—"

"I will aid you in courting him, if you aid me in getting out of this terrible ordeal."

There was a pause.

"Akashi-kun, I don't even—"

"Please, Tetsuya."

Kuroko's shoulder flinched a bit. Akashi had just said the magic word.

The bluenette sighed in defeat.

"Very well then. But in one condition, Akashi-kun. We're not taking the homosexual route you have planned."

Raising a brow, Akashi hummed, "Oh? Then what do you suggest?"

"I feel that it will be a bad idea to give my identity away to your parents, that's why, I will pretend as Akashi-kun's girlfriend instead. I suppose… Tsuraiya Kuronuma would make do for your girlfriend's name? Let's create a back story after we settle this, shall we?"

"…Tetsuya, are you going to crossdress for this? Can you really pull this off? Are you certain? If so, how certain?"

"I'm afraid I have to. It's better than to have your parents just know me. That would be awfully inconvenient for my part. Please don't worry though, Akashi-kun. We have Momoi-san on our side, don't we?"

Akashi snorted.

"You've made your point. Very well. It's a deal."

"Let's come up with that back story now, shall we? Hopefully, we can stall them for I hope until Momoi-san and Aomine-kun are finally of legal age to get married."

"Tetsuya, I did not gain the title of emperor for nothing."

"Let's see that brain work then, Akashi-kun."