Sorry about the late update :( This chapter is a bit shorter than the others so sorry about that too :(
Thanks for all the reviews, favs and follows! I really appreciate them. You guys are awesome :D
Disclaimer: Disney owns Frozen
"You're my daughter's... girlfriend?"
"Well, fuck." Said Hans.
Ignoring Hans' comment, Elsa quickly turned to look at Anna's parents. Gerda was wearing a look of confusion and utter shock while her husband, who was standing next to her, looked angry, very angry. So angry that his face was getting red and his fists were clenched. Elsa was taken aback by Anna's father's reaction. Did he hate his daughter so much that finding out she had a new friend could piss him off like that? That thought alone was enough to make Elsa angry so she glared right back at Kai. Gerda grabbed her husband's arm and pulled him closer to her, to both reassure him and keep him from possibly harming the young woman standing in front of them.
"You." He spat, glaring at Elsa, "It's your fault, isn't it? It was you."
"Uncle, this is just a huge misunterstanding," Hans started before Elsa could speak, "Elsa didn't mean it like that. Trust me. She really didn't."
He turned his glare to Hans, "Yes, she did. I heard her." Kai's gaze softened momentarily before hardening again, "Why did you..." He glanced at Elsa for a few moments before fixing his stare on his nephew again, "Why did you bring this... dyke to my home?" He growled.
"Kai, don't." Gerda pleaded.
Elsa's first reaction was confusion; why would he call her that? She stared at the man for some instants until realization dawned on her. He must've heard her call Anna her girl friend and thought she meant it in a homosexual romantic kind of way. She mentally berated herself for saying girl friend instead of friend. Those thoughts left soon after, though.
The anger she'd felt before resurfaced when she realized that this man had just shamelessly called her a lesbian. This man she met no more than 5 minutes ago called her a dyke, "Who do you think you are?! How dare you call me-."
"Elsa, let's go." Hans interrupted the blonde's yelling. He grabbed her arm and attempted to walk to his car but Elsa quickly pushed him away, looking at the redheaded man with disbelief.
"Are you serious? Did you not hear what he said?!"
Hans ran his hand through his hair in exasperation. He knew bringing Elsa was a bad idea but he never thought something like this could happen. This got out of hand way too quickly, "I heard him, Elsa. But let's just leave before-."
"Yes, leave. Now." Kai cut him off, "I don't want a lesbian in my property." He snapped.
Elsa gritted her teeth and stepped closer to the man, looking down at him since he was shorter than her, "I'm not a lesbian so stop calling me that," She said with her 'Ice Queen' voice, which she used whenever she wanted to intimidate people. She was genuinely offended and she wasn't going to leave before giving him a piece of her mind. She looked into his eyes for the first time since they met and noticed they were just like Anna's. That made Elsa frown, "Anna is a sweet and caring girl... I would've never guessed her father was such a rude asshole. And, wow, you do know that by assuming I was dating her you're technically calling her a lesbian, right? That's low... even for a dick like you." She paused but before Kai could even open his mouth to speak, Elsa continued talking, "And you know what, now that I met you it actually makes me happy that Anna isn't living with you anymore. You don't deserve her."
Kai growled, "Aren't you a rude little bit-."
"How is she?" Gerda asked suddenly, interrupting her husband, "How's Anna doing?" She asked with genuine concern.
"Anna is doing well," Hans replied, standing next to the blonde, "She's staying with Elsa and me."
"What?!" Kai snapped, glaring at Hans, "Why would you let her stay with you?!"
"What the hell is wrong with you?" Elsa snarled at Kai, "He couldn't just let her sleep in the street!"
"Thanks for taking her in, Hans." Gerda said, ignoring her husband and the blonde.
"No problem... you should talk with her, though. Fix things up." Hans replied and she nodded.
Kai sighed, shaking his head. "I'm really disappointed in you, Hans."
Elsa rolled her eyes and crossed her arms, "You're a prick."
"We're leaving now. Goodbye." Hans grabbed the blonde's wrist and walked to his car, dragging her along as Kai slammed the front door angrily.
"Did she say she wanted a kiss?"
"Of course not!" Anna rolled her eyes, "But I could tell she wanted to kiss me."
"Oh." A loud laugh came from the phone's speaker.
The redhead pouted, "Rapunzel! Don't laugh at me!"
"Sorry." Rapunzel giggled.
"Whatever. You're just jealous because Elsa thinks I'm attractive." Anna smirked.
Rapunzel laughed louder this time and the redhead rolled her eyes, "Are you sure she likes you? Maybe she's just being friendly." She asked, still giggling.
"I'm sure."
"Yes!" Anna leaned back on the couch and smiled dreamily, "She smiles and blushes and giggles a lot. That means she likes me."
"You told me the things she said after watching that movie. She sounds like a homophobe to me. And straight."
"She was just kidding, Punzie!" She paused, "I think."
"Just ask her if she likes you, then."
"I can't ask her that!"
"Why not?"
"What if she's straight?"
"That's why you need to ask her. We both know how easily you fall in love. I don't want you to fall in love with some straight girl again."
"I won't fall for her!" Anna whined just as she heard sounds coming from the front door. She grinned, "Hey, Punzie, Hans is coming. Or Elsa maybe. Or both. So I'll talk to you later." She said as fast as she could.
"Okay, bye!" Rapunzel laughed.
"Bye!" Anna hung up and quickly got up from the couch. She tried to fix her twin braids, her t-shirt and her shorts before skipping to the front door. As soon as she reached it, the door opened to show a smiling Hans and a slightly nervous-looking Elsa. Anna grinned, "Hello! I'm so glad you're here. I woke up a couple of hours ago and you guys were gone. I ate some leftovers, I hope you don't mind. I texted you, Hans, but you didn't respond." She pouted before looking at Elsa, "I would've texted you too but I don't have your number. I bet you would respond..." She trailed off with a smile before widening her eyes, "Oh, I'm blocking the way, aren't I? Sorry." She blushed as she moved aside to let her cousin and the blonde walk inside their apartment. They both chuckled and Anna blushed even more.
"Sorry about not responding your text." Hans came in and closed the door behind him as Elsa began walking to the living room.
"It's fine, don't worry abou-." Anna gasped, "Hans, what's that?"
"What's what?" He smiled, following Elsa to the living room.
She quickly followed them, staring at the black guitar case slung over Hans' shoulder, "Is that a guitar?"
He placed the guitar case on the couch and opened it before looking up at Anna with a warm smile, "Yep."
Anna grinned, "No way! Do you play?" She walked over to the couch and got down on her knees to take a closer look.
"Not really." He responded. Anna ran her hand over the guitar's smooth surface. It was brand new, she noted. It looked really expensive, too. She sighed when she remembered about her own guitar. She'd probably never see it again and she'd have to work for months to save enough money to buy a new one.
"It's not mine." Hans said suddenly.
"Oh?" Anna looked up at him. He shrugged with a smile. She fixed her eyes on Elsa who was trying really hard to hide her smile. The redhead raised a brow at her.
"It's not mine either." She said with her beautiful voice as a bright smile spread across her face.
"Whose is it then?" She frowned, looking at them expectantly but neither said anything, they only looked at her with contagious smiles. Anna stared at them for some moments before her eyes slowly started getting wider. "No..." She said disbelievingly.
"It was her idea." Hans nodded, pointing at Elsa with his thumb.
The redhead got on her feet and stared at them, "Are you serious?"
"Her idea! She paid for it, too. I only drove."
Anna fixed her gaze on Elsa who was blushing madly but smiling anyway. She shrugged nonchalantly, "You promised me you'd teach me how to play guitar so... " The blonde trailed off, frowning when she saw Anna's eyes fill with tears. Though, her worry left as soon as the younger girl wrapped her arms around the taller girl's neck, hugging her tightly. Elsa returned the gesture with a smile.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you! You have no idea how much this means to me, Elsa. Thank you so much." The platinum blonde just hugged her tighter, her smile widening even more.
Hans was smiling for two reasons; 1. The two girls were happy and 2. Elsa was falling for Anna really hard.