It's been a long time, don't you think so too?
I could very well list so many things regarding why I couldn't update, but I know that will only look like I'm giving excuses. So please forgive me! And no, I do not intent to abandon this fic.
Well, thanks for still reading by the way! I really appreciate it.
If you have any ideas, please don't be afraid to message me!
"O-baa-sama! We just came back, how are you and Sakuno?" I quickly prevented the chaos that was about to ensue. Thank God for all the advices Okaa-sama gave me!
My oyaji's former coach beamed at me, "Reina! It's so good to see you again! Congratulations for your win in the Australian Open, I heard that Wimbledon's trying to get you to join."
"Oh, yes," I smiled back, "me and Aniki are."
I bowed before her and hugged her tightly. Her scent quickly wafted through my senses, I found myself leaning more to my 'grandmother' to take in the familiar smell that has always comforted me. She was every bit a grandma to me as she is to my bestfriend Sakuno.
I heard a snort after we both released each other. Turning around, it was my big brother, Ryo-nii-chan. I did a once-over to his pouting face, I laughed, amused at his sulking.
In fast strides, I was swiftly in front of him. Before he realized it, I grabbed his hand and pulled him towards Obaa-sama. "Ryo-nii-chan~ Come on, say sorry to Sumire-baasama! I'm sure that she'll give you a hug too if you behave."
I pushed the idiot to her as he turned around to glare at me. "Chibisuke…" he had a scary face on, which didn't even faze me, "The only times that you call me 'Ryo-nii-chan is when you need something. Uwaa! That is soo mean."
I tilted my head while wearing a confused expression. It was always a good thing that I can apply my model skills whenever I needed it. Ha! Who said that actors are the only…umm…actors? I don't think 'Pretenders' is the right word…
Well, anyway… back to Aniki.
Using my puppy effect, "But Ryo-nii-chan said some rude things. So nii-chan should apologize!"
"Che, alright."
"I am incredibly sorry, Obaa-chan," he said while bowing. Immediately after this, he was pulled into a tight hug by her.
"Maa, maa. Don't let it happen again you lazy idiot!" She said that after delivering a very hard knuckle to his head.
It would seem that everything is alright now. Now, where is that girl? I did a full rotation from my spot and saw only 4 other occupants in the room besides me, Aniki, and Obaa-sama. One is a guy with a camera, a young woman with a camera too, a sophisticated man with a suit and orange –like colored hair, and there's Sakuno!
She saw me looking at her and she grinned, making me smile as well. I didn't need to go to her because she already went to my direction and squeezed me. How could someone who looks so gentle have killer hugs?
"I missed you!" she squealed. "Reina-chan!"
"Ditto," I returned the hug, "Sakuno."
When we finally broke apart, Aniki was already at our side grinning at us. I raised a brow at him and asked him what was wrong. "Aniki, are you alright?"
He glanced at me and said with enthusiasm, "What did I say earlier, Chibisuke? Sakuno did win a spot in the regulars at her school's tennis club, we should celebrate it."
"Hnn… Oh yeah, we should," I agreed.
"Uhmm, guys…" Sakuno said so shakily that I fought to laugh at her expression. She looked like someone is going to do a very frightening thing to her, which we probably would do.
I advanced slowly to her and said with a creepy smile, "Oh, come on, Sakuno~ Don't be such a killjoy!" While I said that, my big brother backed me up and said, "Uh-huh… now please come forth so we can express our happiness to you~"
She tried to get away but she must have had a very unfortunate life decided for her. That is because we already had her shoulders gripped. Aniki held her under her shoulders as I took the place under her ankles.
And then we counted to three.
That was when Sakuno found herself in midair.
You should expect her expression to be of shock, fear and bewilderment. She screamed, "Kyaaa! Catch me lunatics!" she closed her eyes as she expected to fall hard.
We got her just in time before she crashed to the marble floor. I chuckled at her as Aniki accompanied me with his snickers. "Oh, man… that was fun~" he said.
"You bet it was!" I agreed.
"You-you…are…all crazy! I can't believe you threw me like that!" she said between pants. "Uwaaa…so mean~"
I mussed up her hair as she pouted as I did that.
"I wasn't even prepared!" she complained to us while we just looked at her amused.
Aniki was about to tickle her when I sensed a presence near us. I turned around and saw the camera-holding-man looking at us in shock while the woman with him is looking at him in a confused expression. The one with a suit seems to be looking at us with only curiosity but still kept his distance.
The 'camera man' quickly went up to us and asked, "Are…are you really?" He left his question hanging.
"Depends on what you mean, you know." My brother answered for me.
I guess that Aniki noticed him too.
"Oh! Well, I'm Inoue Mamoru of the 'Monthly Pro Tennis.' This is my assistant, Shiba Saori," he said politely. My brother and I nodded at this. I stepped up and looked at the man in the eye.
"Well?" If the reporter gets intimidated, well it's not really my problem now, is it?
He backed away a bit. He sweatdropped and stuttered as he tried to form coherent words out from his mouth. I scoffed. I have no time for such things.
I was about to turn away and drag Sakuno out when he finally recovered and talked. His pitch was a little too high, though. "You are Echizen Reina, am I correct? The Princess of Tennis?" he looked at me determinedly.
I cocked my head to the side and smirked. "Heh, and what if I am?"
His gulp was noticeable. He gazed at me and Aniki alternately and asked, "And you are Echizen Ryoga, right? The Prince of Tennis?" It was more like a statement than a question.
His so-called partner looked at us in amazement and shock. My guess is; she didn't know who we were unless you say our names.
After the man's starry expression calmed down, he held out his hand as my brother gently took it. We both shook our hands firmly as he requested a short interview about us. Aniki, being the attention-whore that he is, accepted immediately.
"Of course! Me and Chibisuke would gladly accept~"
And then he trotted along while the two reporters followed him to one of the balconies. As for me? I couldn't care less. But luck isn't on my side today… before I knew it, Aniki has already taken hold of my arms and brought me to the two expectant adults.
As the fine green-haired woman was grabbed by her older brother, Ryuzaki Sakuno was left behind. The brown-haired girl looked at them in amusement as she quickly went to one of the large tables and sat down. She would just have to wait and eat something to past time.
Who knows how long they would take.
Inoue Mamoru looked over the two tennis prodigies in wonder. He never would've thought that he would get the chance to see them up close. He was a great fan of their father.
Even up-close, the Echizen siblings were indeed beautiful. They both have different charms that attract people to them. Such stunning looks can never be looked at without glancing back.
The reporter cleared his throat and began his interview.
"So, can we start with Reina-san please? I can call you that, can't I?" he asked the bonny woman.
"Hnn… yeah you can. It would be confusing if you call the both of us in our family name," came her reply.
"Plus, we both grew up in English speaking countries. It would be more comfortable if we are addressed in our given names," Ryoga said as he smiled at the camera.
Shiba was startled at the fine features that both youngsters have. So she did everything that she could to take as many pictures as she can. When she first saw the two enter, she recognized them as the famous models in her collection of magazines. She did not expect them to be the one of the world's top-ranking athletes.
Questions like,
"What are you doing here in Japan?"
"How are you coping?"
"What caused you to take a short break?"
"Are you injured?"
-are asked to the female tennis player. Reina being Reina, only answered with cryptic and short replies. She made sure not to reveal anything. But her brother…
Blast him to kingdom come.
'That blabber-mouth better not reveal anything about me, or else…' Reina made a silent promise in her head that seemed to transfer to her Aniki, for he stiffened and his cheery attitude was lessened. Still, this did not hinder the older Echizen from basking in the attention.
Reina watched on. She was bored to the depths of her body. Slipping away was quite easy as she went up to the suit-wearing-guy. The man is decent, she'll give him that.
"Are you Ryuzaki-sensei's granddaughter?" the man lifted a brow.
"Sort of…" Reina trailed.
They both looked at one another and concluded that they'll get along just fine.
"Echizen Reina," she introduced herself first. It was only polite and correct. She did approach him first, after all.
The man shook her hand that she offered and said, "I am Sakaki Taro."
"Well, Sakaki-san, how do you know Sumirebaa-sama?" Reina decided sate her curiosity.
"I am a fellow coach. I manage Hyotei Gakuen."
"Ah…" she muttered.
She looked around the large room and raised her brows. Why would they gather in a place like this when there are only a few people around?
Sakaki-sensei seemed to have noticed her expression. So he supplied her with an answer to her unspoken question.
"The students left to play some practice matches. That is why no high-school student is here. Seishun Gakuen and Hyotei are one of the few schools that have been invited here."
"Atobe Keigo, Hyotei Gakuen's ace and captain, owns this hotel," he told her.
"Oh? Is he strong?" she couldn't help but ask.
"Why don't you see for yourself?"
"Heh. Are there many other strong guys here?"
"You would be surprised on how much talent these kids have in their bodies," he chuckled slightly.
Reina smiled and sprinted to her grandmother. "O-baa-sama! Can I watch those regulars while they play?"
Ryuzaki-sensei quirked a brow and smiled, "Go on, but take your brother with you."
She grabbed her Aniki's wrist and pulled Sakuno with her. "Bye!" she called to the people inside.
They went outside and headed straight to the courts. Her Aniki looked on in slight interest in the perfect picture of calmness. The same couldn't be said for Sakuno though. She wasn't built like the Echizen siblings so she was still panting while the other two are already conversing.
"Ne…Chibisuke, what are we doing here?" Ryoga asked his imouto.
"Sakaki-sensei told me that there are a lot of talented players here in Japan at our age," she said with excitement.
"And you're here to confirm that," he stated knowingly.
Reina didn't answer. It was already obvious what she will say anyway. Instead, she just looked at the courts while still hiding behind one of the trees around the area.
They were impressive for their level. That's her judgement. But six players caught her attention the most. They were on a completely different level than the others. Exhibiting a commanding yet attracting vibe each, they were all different from each other and stand out the most.
They weren't even playing. But Reina could tell. She and the other strong players can sniff others smell. They can tell whether there is potential or just conceitedness.
There was a red head too. She could also see his potential. If it wasn't for his energetic personality, then maybe she would've liked to play with him. But she got the feeling that the red ball of energy with that leopard printed shirt would only irritate her to no end.
She smirked as she turned away.
Sakaki-sensei was right after all. Japan sure is worth the trouble.
"Come on, Aniki. Let's meet them some other time," she smirked at him. "Maybe then, we can both challenge those guys…"
Ryoga produced an identical grin as he too noticed those who stood out.
But one thing is for certain, when Sakuno saw those smirks, she sighed in exhaustion. Those two can only smile like that if they find an interesting opponent.
After all, there are only a few things that can interest the siblings. If Reina's remarkable ability to forget every single thing about a person or thing that isn't worth her interest is not enough proof… then what?
I know its short but...uwaa! Please don't hate me!
Well, anyway, please review!
I'm open for suggestions, my beloved readers.
And please forgive my not-so-wonderful writing skills.