A New Story
Disclaimer: I do not own the Power of Five series. I only the children and this plot.
Thank you readersally for your review on the previous chapter. I hope you like this one too.
Day 5
Helen had packed all her bags the previous day and now she just sat in front of the TV. She had packed Scott's bags too and her father was really surprised by this.
There was nothing good on the television. Helen angrily switched it off. She had not been liking anything since morning.
Uncle Pedro and Ricardo had left at half past six in the morning. She couldn't even say goodbye properly. She closed her eyes and reflected at the memory.
Four hours ago.
Ricardo and Pedro were standing at the main gate. Pedro was hugging each of the Five and the children dearly. Scott had grabbed Ricardo and pulled him in a tight embrace.
"Control your poetry," he advised, "But do not give up on them."
Ricardo beamed at his Uncle Scott and hugged him again. He embraced Uncle Jamie briefly and cuddled up to Aunty Scarlett and Uncle Matt. And suddenly he burst into tears and sat down on the ground.
"What happened?" Scarlett asked as she kneeled down. He hugged her and said, "How will I do poetry about you now? My school friends call me chow-chow!"
Scarlett smiled uncomfortably and said, "We'll talk over the phone, Ricky. We'll hear your Uncle Matt and Aunty Scarlett poems then. And we will come to meet you soon. I promise."
"Rilly?" Ricardo asked, "Uncle Matt, dad did call me silly!"
"Really Ricardo. How can I lie to you?" Scarlett said. Ricardo wiped away his tears and stood up.
He hugged Richard who said, "You are the best, Ricardo. I will miss you."
Ricardo whispered something in his ears, but Helen could not hear him.
The boy then embraced each of the other children.
Helen pulled him into a bear hug. "I'm sorry for being so mean to you," she said, "But don't forget me. We are the best friends, right?"
"Yes we are best friends. And do not apologise or make amends."
Helen smiled at him and handed him a handmade card quietly.
"Never forget me Ricardo. And I will always remember you as well."
Ricardo's eyes were bleak at this and he hugged her and Ellen again.
Pedro signalled to him to come with him. Ricardo cast one look at them and then sped away in the taxi.
Present time.
Helen was really sad. She was so used to Ricardo that she couldn't bear his absence.
Ellen came down from the stairs followed by Richard and Aidan.
Helen smiled at Aidan and lifted him. It reminded her of their first meeting. Her smile became wider.
"So…you are leaving today," Richard said. Helen smiled at him sadly.
"You know, I was reluctant to come here. But now…I just don't want to leave you guys. You really are my family. You are all my brothers. I don't know how I will live without you all…"
"I have set up a new site," Ellen chimed in, "Only we can use it though. We can talk to each other through video conference and we can do many other things on it."
"What is its name?" Aidan asked.
"The New Power of Five," Ellen replied.
Richard grinned. "Our parents will sue us for that."
"Ok then we will let them use it too."
Helen reached out for her backpack and took out two handmade cards from it. She gave one to Richard and one to Aidan.
"So that you don't forget Ellen and me. We made it together."
The boys smiled at the cousins and Richard took all three of them in a tight embrace.
When the Tyler twins and their daughters were ready to leave, the Freemans couldn't help shedding a few tears.
Matt took Scott aside.
"Scott, we have been friends for twenty years but I have never said this to you before. I am really sorry for not trusting you back then. I am very sorry for hurting you. I didn't want to, Scott. Just, please forgive me."
"No Matt. You forgive me. I have been so bad to you. I should not have behaved that way. I…"
Matt embraced Scott suddenly. It surprised the other man but he returned it. And suddenly Jamie jumped on top of them and took them in a bear hug.
"Friends at last?"
"Best of friends," the two men replied together.
The children, in the meanwhile, hugged Aunty Scarlett lovingly. When Scott and Jamie got in the car Helen and Ellen smiled at the boys. They got in the car and it sped away.
Helen kept on waving from the window till they had disappeared. She withdrew her hand and sighed.
She would never forget her friends. They were a part of her now; she would never forget them. She would remember them till her last breath.
At last my first story comes to an end. I cannot say how happy I am. But I am also sad because now I won't get to meet my characters. I will miss them a lot. I hope you enjoyed reading it because I certainly enjoyed writing it.
There are some people I want to thank. Firstly, thank you TheSixthGatekeeper for encouraging me to start this story. Secondly, thank you readersally for reviewing every single chapter. That was really nice of you.
Thank you TheSixthGatekeeper, CharmedGatekeeper, Zintfall, Guest, nightcall16, elma and lolk for your reviews. They really encouraged me to write and you all were so nice to me and my story.
So that's all. Good bye and have a nice day. And do not forget to review.