Today was Dawson's first day as a candidate on truck 81. It has been three months since the big explosion that had trapped many of the members from 51. Everyone had survived but not without some serious injuries. At this point everyone has healed enough to be back at work physically, but emotionally they were all still hurting.

Dawson has chosen to follow her career as a firefighter and wanted to be at the station she called home, after almost loosing all of them. Even if that meant ending things with Casey. She fought long and hard to be where she is and there was no changing her mind.

"Hey there our new candidate." Hermann called out as Dawson walked thru the double doors looking at her watch reading 8:05am.

"Yeah good to see you Dawson." Mouch called out from his typical spot on the couch.

She waved to everyone quickly before turning to head to the locker room when Casey turned the corner spotting her." Your late." He snapped coldly.

"Um yeah I'm uh sorry." Dawson spoke flustered.

" Go get changed, we're all hungry." He says in the same tone as he brushes by her walking into the common room now.

Dawson hurries off to get changed out before making her way into the kitchen to prepare breakfast for the crew. As she starts mixing the eggs in a bowl the bells go off.

"Truck 81, Ambulance 61, Squad 3, Battalion 25, apartment fire."

They all run off to their assigned vehicles now. Dawson runs around to the passenger side of 81 grabbing her gear as Casey is already there putting his coat on.

"You will follow right behind me the whole time." He ordered her boldly as he climbed into his seat.

She gave him a quick nod before getting in herself taking the seat directly behind him that their backs were facing each other.

"So Dawson you ready to see how we do things on truck 81?" Otis yells to her over the blarring sirens as they speed down the busy streets.

"You better believe it." She yells causing everyone to laugh except Casey.

When they arrived at the call the building was fully engulfed." Dawson with me ." Casey called to her as they run towards the front door of the building before stopping to mask up." Don't do anything stupid." He says before leading the way inside. They sweeper the first floor before heading to the second. Casey had a constant on on Dawson the entire time, as the fire continued to rage around them.

"All is clear chief." He yelled thru the radio before turning Dawson around to exit the building." Send the water in." He radios now once their all out.

"So how was it?" Casey asks Dawson pulling off his mask." Pretty hot in there huh." He says with a small smile.

"Extremely." She answers holding his gaze for a moment before walking back to the truck.

A little while later they arrived back to the station as it is now approaching lunch time." Get to work." Casey points Dawson towards the kitchen before he walks off to his office, leaving her shaking her head at him.

They all sat around the table now enjoying the meal she cooked for them." Dawson this is finaminal." Mouch called out.

"Mill's she may have you beat in this department." Cruz teases slapping his shoulder.

"Well she can have this job." He teases back causing everyone to laugh but Casey again.

"Dawson." He snaps causing everyone to become quiet." The showers need a good cleaning when your done."

"Yes lieutenant." She answered softly looking away before getting up and walking away.

"How do you do it lieutenant?" Hermann asks moving in next to Casey's chair.

"Do what?"

"Stand to be around the girl who broke your heart when she said no?" Hermann whispered now.

"Thanks Hermann." Casey says clapping his shoulder making a face before getting up to walk away.

"You always know when to put your foot in your mouth." Mouch says as he takes a bite of his food looking at Hermann.

" Shut it Mouch." He says getting up walking out of the room as well.

While Dawson scrub the showers Shay came by to see how her first day was going.

"Well I'm scrubbing the showers, and Casey I think is enjoying bossing me around a bit." Dawson answers rolling her eyes.

"Well you wanted to be here girl so suck it up." Shay says in a teasing tone.

"Haha, get out of here." Dawson splashes her with water making them laugh.

They end of shift rolled around quick. It was a quiet night with no calls received as they all changed in the locker room to head home." Who's in for Molly's tonight?" Hermann asked everyone.

Mills, Cruz, Mouch all answered yes.

"It's mine and Otis's night to work the bar tonight." Dawson tells Hermann closing her locker.

"How bout you lieutenant?" Hermann turned to face him." Come raise a glass for the new candidate." He says clapping Dawson's shoulder.

Casey looked over at everyone for a moment before answering." I have plans tonight." And with that he turns and walks out.

Dawson says goodbye to everyone before heading home feeling exhausted. She walks up to her front door fumbling with her keys to unlock the front door. Once inside she dropped her bag on the floor before shutting the door behind her." I'm home babe." She calls out walking into the living room.

"Hey baby." Casey says walking out of the kitchen giving her a kiss.

"Do you think we fooled them?" She asked wrapping her arms around his waist.

"I don't like lying to them." He says ashamed for the huge lie they told to all of firehouse 51." Gabby what if they find out?"

"They won't babe." Dawson says kissing his lips again before walking into the bedroom." Are you hungry?" She asks as she stops at the dresser picking up her wedding band placing it on her finger before grabbing Matt's and walking back to him placing his on his finger.

"I hate hiding my feelings for you." He says wrapping his arms around her waist.

"You did a pretty good job of it today." Gabby laughs." Get to work?" She makes a face bringing up his comment from earlier.

"You like that huh." Matt says lifting Gabby's legs around his waist." You know technically it is still our honeymoon." He says walking them towards the bed.

"I thought you would never suggest that lieutenant." Gabby says crashing her lips to Matt's as they fall back onto the bed.

So what did you think? Had the idea pop in my head, wrote it as a one shot but if you would like me to continue please drop a review. Thanks for reading. :-)