Yuuri, Wolfram, Conrad and the royal husbands all stood up and went to stand in the circle but instead of being stuck standing up chairs appeared and they were able to sit down but the moment Conrad went to sit down chains came out of the bottom of his chair and bound him to it from head to toe. Those that had come with him stood up and started yelling while Conrad struggled to see if he could get loose from his bonds: "SILENCE!" The group automatically sat down and looked up with wide eyes when they saw Castiel standing before his seat with Sanex in his arms, his eyes having turned a dark amethyst in his anger: "You will all sit quietly and only speak when you are asked a question! Now the reason Captain Weller has been bound to his chair is because he is coming before this tribunal on charges of attempted murder so he is going to remain bound!"

They nodded fearfully so Castiel sat down and one of the taller Guardians named Vincent Valentine stood up and said in his deep voice: "Captain Conrart Weller of the Shin Makoku royal armies you are accused of attempted murder on His Royal Highness Shin'oh and at the time unborn child Prince Iason Nikolas. Have you any words to try and justify your actions nine months ago?" Conrad slumped down into his seat and said in a defeated voice: "I was still angry because of what happened when the Originator escaped from the boxes. If he hadn't forced the key on me when I lost my arm during that one incident then none of this would have happened. When my nephew told us who he was in his previous life all of my anger erupted and I attacked. I apologize for everything that I have done and will accept any punishment that you deem to give me." The entire room got quiet and about fifteen minutes later Yukimura stood up and said: "We have decided that Captain Weller will spend the next ten years in the kingdom maximum security prison cells in the dungeons." Yuuri and Wolfram slumped in their seats and Yuuri said sadly: "We will put him in the cells..." "Oh no Maou-san."

They looked up and saw Castiel looking at them with a smirk on his face that looked unnatural on him: "He is not going to your kingdom Maou-san...he is going to mine." Castiel held his hand up and a white portal opened, allowing soldiers in familiar uniforms to come through, the eyes of Berias and Saralegi widening: "New Shimaron!" The soldiers stood at attention in front of Castiel, who saluted them with a soft smile on his face: "General von Grantz, have Captain Weller taken to the Maximum security cells of the 'dungeon'. He is going to be our...guest...so to speak for the next ten years." Adelbert smiled wickedly and said: "With the utmost pleasure Castiel-sama." The guards turned around, attached a rope to the chair and dragged the surprised young captain through the portal, which closed once all of the soldiers had gone through.

The royal husbands, Yuuri and Wolfram looked at Castiel with wide eyes, shocked beyond belief on what they had just learned: "How long?" Castiel sat back down and said as his Sensei and Guardians nodded: "The day that I turned 25 my team and I went on a fact finding mission to New Shimaron for new information on the Boxes for Sanex. W...when we arrived it was if the entire kingdom had bee taken over by a tyrant or warlord because of how badly the people were being treated and all of the rogue soldiers trying to beat people into submission. My team and I managed to defeat all of the bandits and also managed to take care of the warlord. The people seemed as if they needed more help that that so I kept returning and when I turned 30 I was officially made the king."

The 6 sat in surprise or shock then Axel stood up and said: "The Tribunal shall now conclude with the judgment on the royal husbands, the Maou and Royal Consort Wolfram." The group stood up and started yelling and arguing about getting a proper trial but Castiel stood up again and said as his eyes glowed amethyst once again in anger: "SILENCE! All of my Guardians and my 10 Sensei know everything and I mean EVERYTHING that has happened to cause judgment without a trial so NONE of you have a right to protest against anything!" Castiel sat back down and gently rocked his sniffling son, a gorgeous smile on his face as the Guardians and Sensei spoke as one: "The judgment is going to be as follows; Ken Murata, Gunter von Kleist, Lord Berias and Lord Saralegi you are all forbidden from having contact with his royal highness, the young prince or any of the others here until such time his royal highness seek to forgive the four of you. Now King Yuuri and Lord Wolfram..."

Castiel looked up from his now sleeping son and said in a cold voice that made everyone in the room shiver: "The two of you are forbidden any and all contact until such time as we deem fit to return to our world and go to Shin Makoku. This Tribunal is now adjourned." The royal husbands started crying softly but they also had hope that they might be forgiven some day soon. Yuuri and Wolfram however looked as if they were completely defeated, their eyes looking blank even as tears rolled down their faces. The two looked towards their son but when he only glanced at them and turned away they turned around and left through the portal that was awaiting them with broken hearts. Castiel slowly made his way down the stairs and went to stand in front of the royal husbands, everyone else in the room standing behind him in a protective manner just in case something were to happen.

The husbands took a couple of steps forward and their faces softened and bright smiles appeared on their faces when they looked down at the gorgeous sleeping baby, who looked like Saralegi when he was a baby. Castiel shifted a little nervously where he was standing but then he felt a hand on his shoulder and the voices of his teachers and Guardians in his head telling him something that made his happy. He carefully handed the baby to Gwendal and the five just stood looking at each other nervously until Castiel put his arms out and said as his eyes filled with un-shed tears: "I love all of you very much. Would you please come back to me and our baby now?" The four burst into loud sobs and gathered Castiel into a crushing hug, the Guardians and teachers disappearing back into the mind scape while Gwendal lay the baby into the carrier and strapped him in before motioning to the others so that they could leave the five reunited lovers alone, Yosak being the only one to notice the longing looks Remus and Sai were casting the group before going out of the room.

After what seemed like ages the five pulled apart and sat down on couches the Room of Requirement had provided for them and leaned down to look in at the baby, their eyes filled with wonder and happiness at the new life: "His name is Iason Nikolas. I had a spell around the seats you were all sitting on so that you would not be able to hear what his name was until I dropped the spell." They all just sat and talked for awhile until the baby woke up and grizzled slightly so Castiel unbuckled him, carefully lifted him from the seat and turned the baby to face each of them: "Iason love t...these are your papas Gunter, Berias and Ken, but the gorgeous pale blond man is your daddy Saralegi. W...would you like to hold him Sara?" Saralegi lit up and nodded so Castiel stood up and carefully lay the baby in his arms, a smile on his face as he watched his family get back together again and hopefully stay together this time.

About four weeks later Castiel was getting into one of the carriages as his husbands got in behind him while Gwendal handed them the baby carrier once they had settled inside, said baby bundled up because of the cold and lightly falling snow. Madam Pomphrey was going to give the baby a check-up and after that was done Castiel was going to initiate a courtship with Remus, having the blessing of everyone else in the house and his mind as they all liked him. He had initiated a courtship with Sai three days ago and the young shinobi was over the moon about it. He was going to go with them to the castle but he and Neji found a shop that sold different kinds of paper and inks in Hogsmeade and they have not wanted to leave it since.

As the carriage made its way up the path Ken asked as he looked outside: "So what is your favorite place in this school Michael?" "Their library is bigger than the ones in Shin Makoku and Caloria combined and about half the size of the one in New Shimaron." They all jerked their heads towards him and when he nodded their eyes grew glassy and they all nearly started to drool at the knowledge that would soon be at their fingertips. Castiel had also wanted to introduce his friend Argus Filch, who was once the caretaker of the school but now attended special classes as a late student because it turned out he was not a squib but his no magic was he result of an old bind for accidental magic that had not been removed because no one knew it was there. Castiel had released the bind and the older man had been deaged to look as if he were in his late 20s and was able to do magic, which made the man cry for many days.

When they stopped in front of the steps to Hogwarts the four got out of the carriage and Saralegi took the baby seat while Berias helped Castiel out of the carriage, kissing his hand in the process and making his beloved blush. They each put the hood over their heads and went up to the doors, which opened of their own accord. As it was around the time for lunch they heard a gentle buzz of noise from the Great Hall down the way so to avoid all of the students they went up the stairs and into the hospital wing where they sat down on some of the chairs, took the baby out of the seat and lay him down on the bed with a few pillows around so he would not fall off of the bed. They then put the chairs back instead of using them before getting to their knees around the bed and started playing with the baby, who was burbling happily while he waved his little limbs about happily. After what seemed like ages but was only about fifteen minutes the hospital wing doors opened and Madam Pomphrey came in, her face breaking into a smile when she saw the small group around the bed and Castiel smiling happily but the royal husbands looking at her with caution in their eyes.

Castiel bopped each of them on the head lightly so they would behave and then said:"Poppy-Chan let m...me introduce my husbands." They made sure the pillows were around the baby so he would not roll off and then he motioned to each of them: "This is Gunter von Kleist my first husband, this is Berias, my second husband, this is Saralegi my third husband and father to Iason and this is Ken Murata, my fourth husband. E...everyone this is Madam Poppy Pomphrey, the one w...who took care of us during the pregnancy and helped me deliver our l...little treasure safely." All of their faces cleared and they each thanked her with a smile and a hug, Saralegi giving her a kiss on the cheek, making said nurse blush slightly. After a minute the men moved aside to let her through and she asked: "And how is this gorgeous little prince doing today my lords?"

They all puffed up a little in pride at the compliment and Castiel said as he sat down next to the now sleeping baby: "H...he is doing well Poppy-Chan and considering he is barely a month and a few weeks old he is drinking nearly five and a half ounces of milk every feeding." Pomphrey smiled and checked the baby over, all of them watching carefully as she did so. Once she had finished she looked up with a smile and said: "Well, your son seems to be a peak health and at a comfortable weigh, but he does seem a little small for a child his age to be." Saralegi nodded and said as he scooped up his son and held him happily: "In our world our children grow much more slowly than the children here, which makes them seem younger than they truly are." Ken nodded and said as he pulled a picture out of his pocket and handed it to her with a smile: "This was Michael on the day he turned 16 and chose to live as a soldier. He just looks so cute!"

Poppy turned the picture around and her eyes widened and her cheeks turned a light pink: "Oh my! Shin'Oh you were such a adorable teenager!" Castiel blushed beet red and looked down in embarrassment, causing the royal husbands to either chuckle at him or coo at how adorable he looked when blushing: "You four stay here with our son while I go and look for Remus." He threw his hood over his head and quickly walked out of the room while the others started scrambling around to put the baby back in his seat and gather their cloaks so they could rush after him, Ken calling out: "Wait for us Michael!" Down the hall Castiel calmed down, slowed down to a calm walk and reached into his hidden coat pocket underneath his cloak to unseal a bouquet of flowers he had picked from one of the Draconis properties and also a hand made pendant he had just finished only days ago.

He ignored all of the students that were now walking around after having eaten, each of them staring and trying to figure out who he was or where he had come from. He stepped into the Great Hall and everyone inside stopped speaking and just stared at who had come in, many of the eyes moving to the flowers and gift in hand. There were many gasps as he moved towards the Head Table, all of the teachers watching him approach as Dumbledore stood up: "Who may I ask..." "Silence you pompous manipulator I am not here for you." Dumbledore sputtered but one look from the glowing emerald eyes made him close his mouth and sit down, all of the people in the room to gape at what he had done to shut the man up. Castiel just stared at him for a moment longer but then he shook his head slightly and continued to the staff table where he stopped in front of Remus and Sirius, the former having hope blooming in his chest when he saw Castiel come into the room with the flowers and what looked like a gift.

Castiel uncovered his head and everyone in the room gasped and were in awe at his beauty: "Remus John Lupin, would you do me the honor of accepting my offer of courtship?" Tears filled the eyes of Remus as he accepted the flowers and gift but he was not able to speak without bawling so he just nodded with an extremely happy look on his face. Castiel smiled brightly, took the pendant and carefully put it around the neck of his new beloved, gently stroking his cheek in the process as he pulled away: "W...wonderful! You and your chaperone Sirius-san should come to our house for dinner in two days. I w...will make your favorite layered chocolate fudge cake for dessert and a large side of beef for the main course." Remus and Sirius almost started drooling but just nodded so Castiel gently kissed the hand of Remus, put his hood back on and started walking to the doors of the Great Hall where the royal husbands were now waiting for him with baby Iason asleep again with a stuffed dragon toy in his arms. He was halfway down the tables when they heard a chair fall to the ground and a voice say: "SO IT'S YOUR FAULT!"

Well, just 3 chapters left and then they leave the Harry Potter world. I decided that the next world they will be traveling to is going to be the Ouran world so be on the lookout for that and have fun reading this story! Sai