In the middle of a vast and dark forest filled with all kinds of magical creatures a white portal suddenly appeared, making many of the creatures run in fright at the immense power coming from said portal. It just floated there for a moment but then a cloaked figure came walking out in a fast manner. Once the portal had closed Castiel Michael Shibuya von Bieldfeld covered his face with his hands, fell to his knees and just started sobbing his heart out, many of the creatures feeling his sadness and coming forward to try and cheer him up. After a little while a large black dog came forward and nudged the figure with its nose, whimpering as he did so. After what seemed like ages Castiel finally stopped crying but he now felt empty and betrayed, his voice and emotions once again sealed off by his teachers and guardians, who were absolutely furious at what had happened.

Castiel just sat on the ground with a blank look on his hidden face and moved his hand to carefully pet the large dog, who wagged his tail happily and barked once before turning back into a tall man with black hair, gray/blue eyes and a small patch of hair on his chin: "What is the matter young man? How did you end up in the Forbidden Forest and why are you not in class?" Castiel just stared at him and the man looked at him, curious as to why he could see nothing of his face. After a moment he jumped up and dashed away, Sirius close behind him trying to call him back, pulling his wand from his holster as he did so: "Stop! I just want to talk to you!" Sirius fired some mild stunners and a few tripping jinxes but the young man was able to dodge all of them. The two broke the tree line and Castiel dashed through the vast grounds and around the students who had just gotten out of class. The two ran to the edge of Black Lake and everyone who had gathered were standing there with jaws on the ground when Castiel ran across the water as if it were solid ground or had been frozen solid.

Castiel reached the other side of the lake and set up some seals and wards around a good area before sitting on top of a large boulder, wrapping his arms around his legs and laying his head on his knees, the tears rolling down his emotionless face. Inside of his mind-scape all of his teachers and Guardians along with the Originator, who had taken the shape of a large Nundu were sitting around talking: 'How could Shin Makoku do such a thing? After everything that he has done for those ungrateful bastards!' They all nodded and Deidara said as he looked at the mouths on his hands: 'Just let me at them so I can show them that art is a blast, Un.' The all talked for a little longer and then Shinji, one of the guardians asked: 'Should some of us be outside of the mind-scape with him? At least until we know more of this new world.' 'We are in the magical world in a world that is parallel to the home world of Maou-gaki. Their so called 'magic' is similar to ours and chakra from the Elemental Nations. but in order to use it they must use what are called 'wands' to control their energies. In this world, before I was corrupted and left I was known as Myrridin Emrys, or Merlin as they call me now.' They all talked for a little while longer and then it was decided that Keian the 9 tails and the Originator in Nundu form would stay outside with Castiel so he would not be alone and they could figure out what to do.

Outside of the mind-scape the jewels on the forehead of Castiel flashed and he felt warm, strong arms wrap around him so he leaned back and just stared at the water, his hand running through the fur of the Nundu: "So do you know what we are going to do now Hyakubi-sama?" Castiel shook his head and wiped the still falling tears from his cold and distant eyes: 'It hurts Keian. I gave my heart and soul to Shin Makoku! I defended them and shed blood for them yet they throw me away like unwanted trash! What makes it worse is that one of my husbands knew about me. Murata fucking KNEW who I once was yet did nothing to defend me when Weller attacked!'

The Nundu put his head on the lap of Castiel and said in a deep voice: "They did not deserve you Shin'oh gaki. So what are you going to do now?" 'Well, maybe we can stay in this world for a short time. I highly doubt that the Maou would try to look for me. But I may look for a way to communicate with Uncle Gwendal.' Keian and the Nundu nodded and the three just sat on the rock in silence, Castiel trying to stop the tears from falling because Shin Makoku did not deserve his tears. After a little while Castiel fell into an uneasy sleep so Keian lifted him carefully and they disappeared somewhere they would be able to rest and think of what else they would do while they were in that world,

Shin Makoku

Once the white portal had closed on their side Gwendal just stood there with his hand out and tears shining in his eyes because his beloved nephew was gone once again. He put his hand down and turned to face the royal husbands, Yuuri, Wolfram, and awake Conrad and everyone who was still standing in the courtyard, the rage on his face so fierce that they all backed away towards the stairs to the doorways: "HOW THE HELL COULD YOU ALL DO SUCH A THING? My nephew-chan had endured trial after bloody trial for his people yet you all acted as if it no longer mattered just because of who was in a former life!" He sneered at the tears they were all shedding and continued: "He nearly lost his life so many times in battle just to protect your miserable idiots and all of that praise turns to scorn and hate at the drop of a bloody hat!"

Gwendal stole the paintings off of the cart and carefully put them on a horse next to him then he turned back to the crowd: "I, Gwendal von Voltaire hereby denounce Shin Makoku as my home. Yuuri Shibuya is no longer my king, his husband Wolfram and their captain Conrad Weller are no longer my brothers. Should anyone from here be captured on my lands they will be dealt with harshly. And to the morons he called royal husbands his body was prepared to give you children, which you will now never have and will never see as he was with child." He spit at all of them and took off at a gallop, all of the soldiers that wore his colors following him, their faces full of disgust at those who had slighted their beloved Crown Prince.

Wolfram fell to his knees with horror etched on his face and Yuuri said in an anguished voice: "Oh lord what have we done? How could we have treated our son like that?" Everyone still there went their separate ways except for the royal husbands who were standing there with pain and anguish on their faces. When what Gwendal had said about children broke through the sorrow Ken had fallen to his knees and started screaming to the skies, the others joining him with the tears pouring down their faces.

Leaky Cauldron-London

Within the dingy little pub that served as the entrance to Diagon Alley Castiel was sitting in a chair by the window staring out at the city without really seeing anything. Three days prior he had gone to Gringott's and as the Crown Prince of the Mazoku he was able to take over the Emrys vaults, was somehow the heir of the Four Founders of Hogwarts by blood and was also given many more vaults from the now extinct Draconis family, who had been some of the only Mazoku from their world that were still able to use magic here and were considered witches and wizards. At the moment Keian and the Originator, who had chosen to call himself Sanex were back in the mind-scape to visit with the others and tell tales of what they had seen and the many things that they were able to do soon.

Castiel lightly fingered the Elder Wand and Resurrection Stone that he had found in the main Draconis vault and wore the Stone as a ring on his left hand and started thinking about his Uncle Gwendal when a thought came to him. He dove into his mind-scape and rushed to the area that he had created so they could have meetings: 'Do you think that we can do as we did before?' They all turned to look at Castiel, who took a few breaths and continued what he was thinking: 'Can we bring Uncle Gwendal here as we did with the other two when we were in the Elemental Nations?' They all sat thinking about it for a moment but then the Guardian Kanda said: 'That is something that we were able to do only once. But if you would like to send him things such as letters and packages we should be able to do that.' Castiel perked up the slightest bit and decided to head into the Alley to pick up a large supply of high quality parchment and some envelopes since he had his high quality ink sticks and silver indestructible quill. He put his cloak back on, covered his head and made his way to the gateway, ignoring those trying to talk to him as he did not bother to learn their language.

He walked through the gateway to Diagon Alley and walked through the now growing crowds, ignoring their cautions looks and went into a store that sold high quality writing products. He picked up large amounts of parchment, some boxes of envelopes and some wax sticks for his seal ring: "Hey there you are!" Castiel turned around to find the man who had been chasing him at the school standing there with surprise on his face. Castiel just stared at him for a moment but then turned around to finish his purchases, making Sirius facefault at being ignored like that: "Oi! Why are you ignoring me like that? I just wanted to ask you some questions about what happened at Hogwarts!" Castiel took his packages, shrank and put them in his cloak pockets, bowed his head slightly to the owner and walked away, leaving Sirius standing there in shock because not only did he walks through him but he managed to see his entire life, including what had happened to get him in London: "oh dear Merlin..."

Down the street Castiel walked around the now larger crowds to sit down at Florean Fortescue's to have his favorite peach and pineapple sorbet with an ice cold glass of coconut juice as he could not have ale: "Dear Merlin how were you able to deal with such rejections?" He looked up through the hood and saw Sirius standing there, a very sad look on his face. Castiel just looked at him for a moment while those in his mind-scape made so he could understand the language but he refused to write it. After a minute Castiel motioned for him to take a seat at his table and started eating his dessert again: "So your own family rejected you for something completely out of your control? I know exactly how something like that feels. When my family found out I had been sorted into Griffindor instead of Slytherin like most of my other family my mother tried to disown me but they had to get the permission from my grandfather, who happened to like me. But before they were able to do anything there was a potion based explosion at Black Manor and they all died, including the house elves and the rest of the family."

Sirius took a sip of tea that they had brought him when he sat down and continued his story: "I may not have acted like it at the time but it hurt back then and it still hurts now. Their rejection hurt me more than I have ever told anyone." Sirius laughed a little, leaned back and said: "I can't believe that I just poured my heart out to a total stranger. But after seeing the things that you had been through it made me feel that you are someone that I can completely trust." He held out a hand and said with a smile on his face: "I am Lord Sirius Black, Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher years 1-4 at Hogwarts." Castiel shook his hand with his gloved one and slid a paper to him over the table, which read: 'I have many names and titles but if you would like you can call me Shin'oh.'

Sirius smiled and said: "Well it is nice to meet you Shin'oh." The two communicated for awhile and then Sirius looked at his watch and said: "Well I should be going since it is starting to get late. Where are you staying Shin'oh?" 'I have been staying at the Leaky Cauldron for about four days since I have not been in this world for long." "Then would you like to stay at my house? Only me and my friend Moony live there so there are plenty of empty rooms." Castiel thought about it for a minute but then nodded so they walked to the Leaky Cauldron to get his things an apparated to the Black family home.

I be back peoples! I know that Mazoku of the Elemental Nations ended on a sad note but there was a reason for it I swear! Enjoy this second part of the Traveling Mazoku series and tell me how I did please! Sai the Ink Master.