Before you read things you should know:
This takes place during the Grand Magic Games pretty much follows the story line throughout except Yukino is still in SaborTooth, and the princess doesn't wait until the end of the GMG to make her move. After she sees everything going as told she decides it best to proceed with her plans. We are on the last day of the GMG our Guild's group/team challenge is where this story will begin and the ending to the GMG will be different.
~Standard disclaimers applied. Please enjoy~
~Lucy's Point of view~
None of this was suppose to happen, we were supposed to enter the Grand Magic Games and win. Prove that FairyTail is still strong that the bond of nakama could do anything. I let the team down, I let FairyTail down, but most importantly I let my nakama down. I couldn't win a single challenge even after training I was still far too weak. But there is something I can do; I can make sure they all live to see tomorrow. It is something only I or Yukino can do so we decided we would do it together for the sake of not only our Guilds but the sake of all of EarthLand.
So there we were running through the city of Crocus while the last day of the Grand Magic Games is still in progress I'm sure our Guild's will be disqualified when they noticed us running in the middle of all this. I know FairyTail will be even more disheartened in me but this is for them for there safety. I can only hope that in time they will understand my actions.
I look to my right to see Yukino between us we have all twelve of the Golden Zodiac Keys if we hurry we can seal the gate before the dragons are released. Amazing just a few hours ago I was laying in the infirmary thinking of leaving to get stronger then my future self shows up. She tells me that after I leave FairyTail will win the Grand Magic Games and 10,000 Dragons will be released from the Eclipse Gate. Only the twelve Zodiac Keys can seal the gate and stop the Dragon Invasion. Surprisingly Yukino had a visit from future Rogue he tried to take her keys and kill her when we found each other we decided we would no matter the cost seal the gate and protect the future.
"What is this?! It seems we have citizens running around in the chaos?!" One of the announcers exclaimed.
"Those aren't citizens they are mages kabo! They are from FairyTail and SaborTooth. I believe they are both the Celestial Mages Lucy and Yukino. Kabo!" The pumpkin guy says. I look up to see a video camera lacrima following us. I looked at Yukino and could see the fear in eyes not because we have been spotted but fear that they may try to stop us. We don't have much time left before the gate is opened. We press on trying to run faster and avoid any unnecessary fighting.
Suddenly a communication lacrima appear before us I can see master and the rest of FairyTail, "Lucy what are you doing?! Are you trying to get us disqualified?! I demand you get out of the city at once or I will have Erza or Laxus detain you immediately!" Master was turning red his voice was filled to the brim with rage. I came to a sudden stop I looked into the lacrima to see my beloved nakama all scowling at me. I could see the disappointment in there eyes, my only thought: how far does there disappointment go? From this stunt I am pulling now to not winning any of the challenges? For always bringing down my team and being the damsel in distress? For not living up to the FairyTail name? I knew I wasn't near as strong as the others but I always believed that somehow I could be of help. In the end I always ended up needing to be rescued never once pulling my own weight.
Yukino paused for a moment as well, "Lucy I know this is hard for you and you don't want to disappoint them but greater things are at stake. Please we must continue we only have eight more minutes before it begins." I glance over to Yukino to see her eyes pleading with me. I know deep down she is right even if it cost me my nakama I have to do this. For once in my life I will put everything on the line and rescue them.
"Forgive me Master but I fear I have no other choice I hope that one day you will understand why this is necessary. Please know that I love you all very much and this is for FairyTail and the sake of the future." I smile sadly and feel a few tears escape my eyes before he could reply I throw the lacrima and start running towards the Eclipse Gate. I look back to see the lacrima trying to catch us again, "I will accept any punishment you deem fit should I live through this Master. Forgive me for letting FairyTail down." With that said I grab Yukino's hand and run faster then I ever thought my legs could handle.
A/N: Hey guys this is my newest story, The Gates of Fate I hope you enjoy this first little bit I know its really short and I promise that future chapter will be longer. I hope you don't mind the changes I'm making to the story but I think you will understand it in the future!
Love it or hate it please drop me a review!