Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or the Greek gods. JK Rowling owns the rights to Harry Potter.

Chapter 1

The velveteen tapestry speckled with diamond stars shone over a quiet suburban street where all the houses were identical. The moon shown its beams through the glass windows of one of these silent houses only distinguished by the glistening brass number four on the front door. The moon beam glistened over the sterilized clean surfaces of the living room and crept into the hallway where it's faint beams shown on the door to the cupboard under the stairs. Inside lay asleep a tiny boy curled up on a very thin mattress with an even thinner blanket over him.

As the minute hand ticked by on the hallway clock, the boy dreamt of a peaceful summer day where he had to do no chores for his relatives. But as the hallway clock chimed the moment the boy was born the pleasant dream shifted into a stranger dream, a dream that had the ring of memory to the feeling of another boy's birth. Harry at first, for that was the name of the dreamer, could not see anything, his world was black. Then he heard a woman's voice saying, "Hunith, you have a beautiful son. What will you call him?" Harry could feel himself being wrapped and placed into his mother's arms, his blue eyes opened and he saw a black haired woman reply to the woman's voice saying, "Merlin." Harry gasped as the Merlin him let out his first cry. Harry could feel his lungs taken the first breath and let it out as a whale. But as this recognition of these feelings penetrated the sleeping mind of Harry Potter, the dream shifted and once again went black and another woman was speaking, "Now push Lily, he is almost out. One more big push." And Harry could feel strong hands catch him as he fell. At the sensation of falling, the infant him felt, he let out a wail of surprise and opened his green eyes to see only at first bright light than as his eyes focused he could see fuzzy outlines of a man that could only be his father holding him and smiling down at him. Then he heard the woman's voice again asking, "What shall you name your little boy?" Harry turned his head and saw his mother, red against the white sheets as he was placed in her arms as she spoke, "His first name shall be Harry after his grandfather and James after his own father." Harry let out another wail. But before dreamer Harry could see anymore of what he now knew of his birth he woke up into the pitch darkness of his cupboard breathing deeply himself.

He gasped, he recognized the voice of the woman who had caught him as he came out of his mother, it was a voice of a nurse, sounding brisk and efficient that all midwives seem to have. Which meant, Harry scratched his head, this couldn't be possible but he had the same feeling of recognition as he had with the nurse, for the other woman, who had delivered him centuries ago. At this surprising realization all of Harry's memories came crashing down on him.

Harry closed his eyes again and recalled the black head of hair in front of him as his mother did her chores around the little hut carrying him everywhere she went and feeding him whenever he cried. Harry smiled as he remembered the confused look on his mother's face as he cried for his playthings, when he was merely one years old, but they were out of his reach, and they came to him dancing through the air. Harry also remembered the sensation of his eyes heating up as his toys came dancing to him. Another memory came quickly, this one of him and his best friend Will, sitting at the edge of the river throwing stones across the surface of the water. Ten-year-old Merlin wondered, should he tell his best friend about what he could do? He knew from overhearing the adults in his village speaking that magic was outlawed in Camelot. But they weren't in Camelot they were in Ealdor. His friend wouldn't betray him, he was certain of it. Merlin picked up a stone and tossing it up and down in his hand let his magic catch the stone and let it hover in midair. Will gasped for he had seen Merlin's eyes turn gold as the magic caught hold of the stone and then saw it skip across the river. Will gaping, at his friend he managed to choke out, "Merlin, your eyes just turn gold." Merlin knelt down and with his magic tugged a stone from the bottom of the river, as he did, he saw his eyes did indeed turn gold.

The dream shifted to his current younger self, everything was still blurry but he remembered a strange man that could only look like he had gray eyes jumping forward to the Potters as they entered their home, "Where is my Godson? Little prongslet?" At the sudden noise his infant self let out a cry of surprise. He heard his mother reprimand the strange man, "Sirius Black! You're scaring little Harry." Harry could hear his father chuckling from behind his mother and he heard another soft chuckle somewhere behind the man named Sirius. Weeks went by and little Harry got to know his honorary uncles really well, Sirius Black aka Padfoot, Remus Lupin aka Moony, except he always shied away from the man his father called wormtail and his mother called Peter Pettigrew. The dream suddenly seemed to speed up and then stopped as if older Harry's mind wanted to bring forth the crucial memories at this very moment before he woke up again. As the dream became focused once more dreamer Harry could feel his infant self being placed on the sofa in the living room as he watched his parents, his godfather and wormtail in the middle of the living room chanting along phrase that his older now Merlin mind could tell was the Fidelius Charm been cast over the whole house and making wormtail secret keeper.

As the fact that his godfather was not the secret keeper but the man Peter Pettigrew nicknamed wormtail settled into his mind; Harry's aunt came wrapping on his door telling him to wake up and start cooking the morning meal.

As Harry emerged from his cupboard under the stairs all three Dursley's who were now in the dining room shivered at the wise eyes that were on their cousin or nephew's ten-year-old face. Without saying a word Harry joined the three Dursley's at the dining room table letting his eyes behind his glasses shift from emerald green to a sparkling gold. In response to the gold magic of his eyes the pots and pans in the kitchen started flying around cooking breakfast for the 'family'. The reaction his 'family' had to him simply use what he was now dubbing his 'merlin magic' was all most comical: both Dudley and Aunt Petunia fainted and fell off their chairs while Uncle Vernon's face changed colors faster than Dudley could wipe out an alien force on his computer.

Uncle Vernon stood up quickly and tried to grab hold of his nephew, but Harry jumped aside and once again let his eyes turn gold and in a voice much older than his ten-year-old self spoke to his uncle, "You and Aunt Petunia wanted me to cook breakfast and so I am doing it just in a slightly different way." by this time Aunt Petunia had regained consciousness and gasped as she heard not a child speaking but a grown man who had seen many heartaches even though he did speak through the voice of a child that had not turned deep.

At her gasp Harry turned to face his Aunt and in that same tone of voice of a grown man, Harry had to ask his aunt, seeing the similarities between his aunt and the newfound memories of his mother, that they were once sisters. So he asked her, "I know you have been around magic before, with your sister being a witch. What kind of magic did my mother practice? Did her eyes ever turn gold, like mine?"

"No, she used a wand." Said Aunt Petunia sharply and as if the dam inside of her had broken she let out the whole story of how Harry's parents had died and her views of that night. And to her shock she noticed that her nephew was not shocked at all. At the startling realization that her nephew was not shocked about his parents death she asked stiffly, "You knew?" And with an offhanded tone in his voice harries said, "I remember everything since the day I was born." and long before that he mentally added to himself thinking back to his Merlin life.

Harry let out a sigh, even in this life he would be different. But something in his aunt's tirade registered in his mind. "Her ministry, kept tabs on underage wizardry, so she could not do freaky things while she was home." So there was a whole separate community of magical folk living side-by-side with the normal ones. That was good to know. But it was a little depressing that what he and Arthur had worked for had not lasted long. He gasped, that's why he was brought back to rejoin the two worlds once again. But if that was so Arthur should be back as well. He was the Once and Future King. But as who?

But before he or anyone could answer that question they all heard the school bus pull up. Which caused Aunt Petunia to rush upstairs to retrieve her son's backpack and Harry let his eyes turned gold as he went by his cupboard for his things to fly into his arms.

As that school year went by Harry's teachers commented that Harry was not paying attention too the curriculum that was being taught. Harry didn't really care for he had two lifetimes of memories to go through.