I realize I am a terrible person and I am so sorry! Seriously in the reviews just call me a dirty whore when I take too long to update. I wont take offense I promise…. Infact it would work better then just saying you love the story, (though if you put the nice reviews like, "you made me laugh so hard! Completely brightened my day" and stuff don't stop. I like those reviews best.) SO WITHOUT FURTHER A DO!

The days passed by quickly. Week after week going by with more progress being made on Project Lady Bug Project Falcon to the point that is was ready, and we were certain that it would work. Every night I had nightmares about that memory. Never gaining any new information, but haunted at having been a part of the titan creation. The Expedition was finally upon us, and Hanji and I were filled with anticipation. But everyone else…

Well everyone was running around, scared and panicked of the possibility of dying. I think Hanji and I were the only ones actually excited. We couldn't convince someone to actually use the gear, so I was going to do it for us. Erwin told Hanji and myself to meet him in his office, with the test subject already in gear. Plan to question me to make sure I wasn't bribed or threatened. Guess Erwin just has to figure out that I'm just crazy. I had just tightened the leg and arm straps to assure I had control of my flight. I had my hair up in a ponytail to keep it out of my eyes, and I had a pair of goggles up on top of my head.

Hanji and I, shared a looked of satisfaction as we walked out of her lab and down the halls. Soldiers moved aside for us as we made it to Erwin's office. We made a quick knock and waltzed in without waiting for a "come in". Hanji ad I stood in the middle of the office, noticing Mike, Victoria, Nanaba, and Levi were in the office as well.

Victoria took a step forward, "what the hell do you think you're doing, Anastasia?"

I shrugged my shoulders, "waiting for Erwin to say, good to go, on project falcon. What's it look like I'm doing?"

Levi crossed his arms and answered my question, "looks like you're about to go off and commit suicide in some crazy way."

Hanji laughed a bit at that, "Oh Levi, she's going to be flying not dying."

Erwin let out a long breath, "Anastasia why are you in the flight gear?"

I shrugged my shoulders, "if you want something done, you got to do it yourself. And Hanji's too busy being squad captain so that leaves me to get the job done. It would be stupid to have someone else in flight gear when they wouldn't understand how we anticipate the flight gear to work. Hanji and I both understand every detail of the flight gear because we made it, making both of us the best candidates to operate the flight gear. So I'm in the flight gear. Does that answer your question properly?"

"Fine. You can use your flight gear. Both of you are dismissed," Erwin said with a sigh. I guess he doesn't like it when I make good points or something.

Hanji and I gave a grin to one another in accomplishment. We started out of the room when Levi wished us good luck, "I hope you die."

"Thanks for the encouragement Levi," I gave him a chipper grin, "also thanks for that one night in the kitchen. God I don't think I'll ever forget it."

Mike looked to us in amusement, "what night in the kitchen?"

I gave a small shrug of my shoulders, "oh it was late at night, Hanji and I were in the kitchen getting our first meal of the day, when Levi strolled in. then there was a heart to heart conversation, and I ended up crying while he held me. Hanji is a witness."

Hanji grinned, "I am a witness. And it's true. Though you forgot the part about Levi being unable to see you crying without his heart breaking, so he threw you into my arms!"

I nodded my head and said in an over dramatic voice, "that's right! Sorry, it's just whenever I think of Levis strong arms embracing me I forget the rest of the world!"

Levi kept his glare steady, "I hope you both die brutally and painfully. You both deserve it."

Hanji and I both shared a good laugh as we walked out of Erwin's office. Will Levi ever get used to our craziness? Cause sometimes he acts as if it's the most normal annoyance for him in the world, and other times he just really wants us dead. Guess it depends if he's in a good mood or not. I think it's more like bad mood or god awful mood, actually. Either way he's a cranky pants and a kill joy. I don't know what to do with the moody jerk other than torment him.

Hanji and I walked our way through HQ till it was time to set out for the expedition. I don't think anyone could understand just how excited I was about being able to fly without cables or anything. The grins never left our faces as we went off to prepare with our squads. Though there wasn't much prep for me to do, since I didn't even need a horse. We figured if I was going to have a good launch I might as well just leap from the top of wall rose and start flying. Though the whole Scouting Legion had to attend a meeting in the mess hall first. I took a seat next to Hanji when I got there, our grins spreading wider at the sight of each other.

"Long time no see, since 1 hour ago!" I shouted as I grasped Hanji in a hug.

She returned my hug and had a fake sob laced into her voice, "I know! I was afraid it would be forever till I saw you again! Too long!"

"You're both idiots."

"Levi! Good to see you old chap!" I exclaimed as he took the chair across from Hanji and I.

"Yes quiet splendid," Hanji continued, "where have you been? It's been ages since our last acquaintance."

Levi didn't even look at us as he stated, "May both of you die in the most horrible and agonizing ways possible."

Hanji and I shared a small laugh, and high fived. Seems Levi didn't want to get too involved with our antics today. Which meant less problems from him when we did something crazy. Hanji and I started talking about possible improvements for the flight gear, and all the different data we should take in when flying. Before long the whole mess hall was completely packed full with all of the Scouting Legion. Erwin walked to a small stage area that had the new formation mapped out.

"Everyone! May I have your attention! This here is a new scouting strategy we have come up with. We have come into possession of Flight Gear, which one soldier will use to fly ahead and scout out the area for titans, and allow us to avoid them easily. We will not spread out, or we run the risk of encountering titans. Now finish the final preparations and let's move out!"

Hanji and I stood up immediately, and she gave me an encouraging hug, "good luck with the flight! See you when we make it to the Town, okay?"

"Got it!" I told her with a chipper smile as I left to make my way towards Wall Rose. What was only minutes to the wall, felt like hours. And I'm not even taking into consideration the amount of time I was waiting for the rest of the Scouting Legion. I was so excited and just dying to start flying. It would be amazing. But eventually my waiting paid off as the rest of the Scouting Legion arrived at the gate below. Waiting to run out into the titan territory, and possibly to their deaths. I couldn't fully see their expressions from up here on top of the wall, but I'm sure there were many petrified faces… I wonder if Petra was also PETRAfied. It's possible I'm sure. I wonder if she can feel me making a pun out of her name from up here… that would be funny if she could. Suddenly a green flare shot up in front of me, probably from hanji, signaling me to start flying.

It was all in slow motion for me. I knew I was running to the edge of the wall, but every step seemed to take half a minute. I was so close to the edge, my breathing was seemingly slow to my perception as I made it to the edge, and gave a large leap off the wall and into titan territory. The air rushed by me as I stretched out my arms and caught the air. It was a sense of gliding, almost floating, on the air around me. I was soaring through the air without the need for cables or trees. I was flying high and the sky, and the sensation was incredible. The wind was tearing at my tied back hair, undoubtedly tangling it. But I was grinning widely at the fact all the same, and started to pursue the task given to me. I scanned the area out of my goggles for titans. I saw a normal titan about half a mile to the right. I angled myself to face right for a bit, and shot a red flare. I barely managed to hear the soft clinking of the flare canon being automatically reloaded, over the roaring sound of the wind. I righted my course back to how it was before I prepared to fire the red flare, and then readjusted the course when Erwin sent up a green flare to change direction.

Throughout the expedition I would send up red flares, and only on 2 occasions did I send up a black flare, signaling an abnormal titan. The expedition was going great, as no one had to encounter a titan yet, and we were extremely close to the town. The town sat only 2 miles from Wall Maria, but was right next to the river, and seemed to be a good rest point for future expeditions. I was close to trembling with anticipation as we made it to the town. I circled in the air twice, before deciding on to land on a small stretch of house rooves. I landed a bit roughly, but walked the pain out of my legs as I made my way across the top of the houses, towards the Scouting Legion soldiers. I jumped from the house roof, and glided to the ground, and landed a lot less roughly than I had before. I pulled my goggles up to act as a headband.

"I'm Still Alive!" I shouted loudly to Levi, who glared at me in response. He must be seriously disappointed. I ran and gave Hanji a hug, and started to talk animatedly about the flying, and different thinks to think of for future flying. We were both incredibly excited at our flight gear having worked as well as we had planned for it to.

"I didn't see any ground collisions with titans, which means we did pretty freakin good. Right?" I asked her with an air of arrogance.

Hanji's arrogance seemed to lift at the mention, as a cocky grin appeared on her face. Before she could answer me, Erwin came over to us and gave us both a stern look. "Don't get arrogant. We still have to make it back to the walls. But so far I must commend you both on a job well done."

Hanji and I shared another high five and I asked her, "Should we tell Levi about our success? I think he would love to hear it!"

"I don't give a damn. Leave me alone," Levi said in a cold voice from behind Erwin. What a kill joy.

"Come on Levi! You should be proud of us!" Hanji chastised him, trying to get a bit of praise out of him. Wasn't going to happen, but it was fun to torment him.

"Fuck off, shit glasses."

I smirked at Levi, "shit glasses? Really? Couldn't come up with anything better? That's lame captain."

Hanji put a hand to her heart, "I know, such a lame nickname. Anastasia, do you have a better nickname for me?"

I grasped my chin between my thumb and index finger in faux thought, "what about Bitch Face McGee? Dirty Whore? Oh, Titan Whore! That's a good one, right?"

"Titan Whore?" Hanji questioned before springing up with a smile, "I love it! Totally suits me, right?"

"Why can't you both just hurry up and die?" Levi asked us.

I shrugged my shoulders, "I've never really put much effort into dying. Do you want me to try harder at it? If I kill myself, then do I get the Levi Gold Star Award?! That would make dying SO worth it!"

Levi kicked my feet out from under me and walked away, not giving us any more attention than that. I sat on the ground and started snickering. Hanji just plain out laughed. Were we going insane? Highly probable. But whether we were busy amusing ourselves or not, we had work to do. We were reluctant to do something other than tease Levi, laugh to ourselves, or talk about the flight gear. Once Mike slapped us each on the back of the head, we huffed and started unloading supplies. We decided to walk and carry stuff side by side so we could discuss all the tweaks we needed to make when we got back to HQ. I had a serious suggestion for lock bars on the arms, so I wouldn't exhaust my arms with keeping the wings open. You think it's easy? Try holding your arms out while 10 pounds of pressure is against your arms, tying to make you put them back at your sides. For hours! It gets exhausting after a while. Not soon enough had we unloaded all the supplies, and were to set out for Wall Rose. And we would have done just that, if 12 titans hadn't decided to block our way out of the town.

"Squad Levi eliminate the titans!" Erwin ordered.

I wasn't going to be of much use when it comes to actually eliminating the titans, but I figured with the flight gear I would be able to make a great distraction for the rest of the team to slice the napes of their stupid necks. I was still apart of Squad Levi too. So I lept from the roof and used the gas to quickly gain speed. I rushed between 6 of the titans and caught their interest immediately. The 6 started to follow after me. I couldn't left them get too far away from me, so I continually back tracked, and flew around them to keep their attention. I lead them a good distance away from the direction we would be heading to get back to Wall Rose. I used the gas to send me up higher in the sky, and far out of reach from the 6 titans I had led around. I headed back to the town, without the stupid titans following me, and say Eld make the final strike on the last titan. I took the time to look for other titans in the area and noted 2 far off to the right. I landed somewhat roughly on the roof I had originally taken off from earlier.

"Commander," I got Erwin's attention, and refrained myself from rolling my eyes at his title, "I led the 6 titans approximately 5 miles to the east. There are another 2 titans about 3 and ½ miles west. I suggest we get moving asap."

Erwin nodded to me, before addressing the rest of the soldiers, "Alright, let's move out! Back to Wall Rose!"

Before I took off yet again, I noticed Levi sending me an angry glare. Was he hoping I had died? Again? I felt a smirk tug at me lips as I sent Levi a wink. If looks could kill, his original glare would have killed me. This new and improved glare wouldn't kill me, but torture me till my body couldn't take any more pain and finally just offed itself. Of course that made me feel pretty smug about my new accomplishment. I deserve the Levi Glare Award for obtaining the scariest glare Levi has to offer. I was so tempted to tell him exactly that, but opted to take flight and keep watch for titans on the way back to Wall Rose.

When we finally made it back, and I was totally bored. I expected a lot more out of this expedition. I don't know what I expected, but that was not it. It was rather boring. Don't get me wrong, I'm not upset about people not dying. Because some actually did die; there were two men from Mike's squad. Still it was just so simple, and almost easy. I let out a very quiet sigh of disappointment as I landed on top of the wall. I would be riding on the back of Hanji's horse, for the trip to HQ. My aching arms are happy for the end in flying. I would really need to work on my arm strength, because my god! My arms were so going to be sore tomorrow, and I am not looking forward to it.

I made it to the gate below, and hopped on the back of Hanji's horse when she got through the now opened gate. Everyone was rather shocked to see so many of the Scouting Legion soldiers still around and kicking. According to what the crowd was mumbling, normally there were more dead and injured soldiers than this. Hey I wasn't going to complain about this, and apparently the crowd wasn't either. A few people in the crowd actually congratulated the commander on what seemed to be an "Expedition Gone Well" and even clapped a bit.

I whispered my question into Hanji's ear, "How many of you normally die or get injured on these expeditions?"

Hanji shrugged and whispered back, "A lot more than this. About a third of everyone who goes out, normally don't come back. Then a handful are lucky enough to only be injured."

I let out a quiet and low whistle. I mean damn. That's a lot of good soldiers dying right there. How has this branch of the military managed to stay operational for so long, if that's the normal death ratings? Though I guess if there are any problems with over population, they just send most of the soldiers into the Scouting Legion and the problem is pretty much solved… except for the fact that you took all that time and effort to train these people, give them equipment, and feed them for so long that it's a bunch of time, money, and effort wasted. But hey, it's not my job to run their government. It's my job to fly, train, watch out for titans, do experiments on titans, and change the death rating from such a drastically high percentage. I'd prefer to keep my job in all honesty. I hate politics. Absolutely annoying and pointless. Maybe that's just the scientist in me talking. Once a scientist, always a scientist, right?

I felt my expression change to a blank and passive one as I began to think about that memory. I knew it was me, but it didn't feel like me. Why would I want to create titans? Why would I experiment on humans? And just what in hell did I mean when "I" said that I was one of the first test subjects? Did I test the beginnings of whatever made humans into titans, on myself? I was acting as if I had special abilities from it, with how I was stating the memory wiping stuff wouldn't work because of that fact. Was there something genetically modified about me? Will I have to remember more things like this? God it better not take another beat down to remember. If I do remember, will I be able to make the cure like I threatened that guy?

"Anastasia, come on!"

I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at Hanji, who had called out to me, only to notice we were back at HQ. I hopped off her horse and stretched. Once I took this gear off, I was so going to take a long, hot, and relaxing bath. I followed Hanji back to her office/lab (there really was no difference) so we could put the gear up and make a list of the suggested changes we'd want to make. It took relatively an hour and a half to get it all done. The gear took 30 minutes just to get off, let alone get on the mannequin. But once I was free to go do as I pleased for the rest of the evening, I was practically skipping down the halls to get back to my room.

"Shit tail!"

I think I'm going to cry.

"Erwin wants to see you in his office. Now."

I'm going to ball like a baby, get down on my knees, and beg Levi to just kill me now. But judging by how much he hates me, he'd probably prefer watching me suffer, I thought to myself as I followed behind Levi. This situation sucked ass. It got worse when we made it to Erwin's stupid office.

"What now?" I asked Erwin, wishing to be in my bath right now, getting all squeaky clean and happy.

Erwin smirked a cocky and annoying smirk, "you act as if I'm going to ask something of you."

I pouted slightly, "it's either that, or you're going to lecture me about doing something stupid. And if that smirk is any hint to go by, you have something to ask of me."

Erwin stayed as he was for only 10 more seconds before the door to his office opened behind me, and Hanji, Mike, and Victoria walked into the office. I finally noticed Nanaba standing off to the side. Everyone either had a cocky smirk, a smile, or an almost non-existent evil grin on their face.

I raised my hands in surrender, "okay I admit to hiding bottles of wine in Levi's office. I'm sorry."

Victoria's cocky smirk was wiped right off her face and replaced with a look of upmost appall as she asked, "You did what?!"

I shrugged and asked, "Isn't that what this is about?"

Levi rolled his eyes at me, "No, it's not. I already found the wine last week, and you aren't getting it back."

I nodded my head in understanding, "I'm can accept that. So what the hell is going on? This isn't an intervention is it? I only like a glass of wine on occasion. It's not like I'm an alcoholic."

"This isn't an intervention! Try listening to the sounds of something other than your own voice, and you may just find out," Victoria scolded me with a butt load of sass attached.

"Thank you General Smart Ass. Got anymore wise words of wisdom for me?" I asked her with a roll of my eyes.

Victoria turned to Erwin, "can we just forget all this and let Levi kill her? Please?"

"No way! I still need her to help make adjustments on the flight gear. We found a few problems with it," Hanji stated clearly, as if there was no room for arguing from here.

"You know, we need a better name for it than just flight gear. Totally lame," I told her.

"Agreed," Hanji stated, "now I need you even more. But if you ever call it project Lady Bug again, I will go with the vote to let Levi kill you. Just saying."

"Way to have my back," I stated sarcastically.

"Enough," Erwin stated loudly, and slammed his hands on his desk for extra effect. "Anastasia we have decided that the new recruits that will be coming in at the end of the month will be trained by you and your sister. You both will be coming with me to the Trainee Graduation where the trainees' fresh out of the academy will choose which branch of the military to go into. Clear?"

I put my hands up in a stopping gesture, "so you're telling me all of this is over me and Victoria training the newbies that choose to come to this branch of the military?"

"Yes, basically," Erwin told me.

"God," I sighed exasperated, "you all are a bunch of drama queens. And trust me, that's rich coming out of my over dramatic mouth."

And that's it! Sorry it's not overly long. I am in college now…. It would be really funny if I started updating more frequently now, wouldn't it? Hysterical… _ … yeah.