Cora walks into the great hall, Mary's arm hooked through hers, apprising her of all the things they've missed since being gone. Mrs Hughes greets her kindly as she gives over her hat. Robert speaks to Tom, trailing behind her. For the first time in many weeks, Downton finally feels as it always has. Edith comes down the stairs, her expression serious, a strained smile on her face and the peace Cora feels at being at home again wavers slightly.

"Mama, welcome home." Edith approaches and gives her a stiff hug which she attempts to return but her daughter is already pushing away.

"I know you've just gotten back and must be tired, but I wonder….I wonder if I might speak with you a moment. Alone." Edith's stammering and refusal to meet her eye concerns Cora and she immediately forgets any fatigue that the long journey to England may have caused.

Mary steps forward, trying to put herself in between Edith and her mother. "Must you do this now?" Mary hisses to her sister. She knows Edith has been hiding something for a while now, something big and while part of her wishes she would get on with it and come clean so she could stop moping about the house, now is not the time. Mary had been relieved to see Cora looking so well when she exited the car moments ago. She is loathe to let Edith's drama bring their mother down yet again.

Edith, having finally gathered her courage, will not be deterred. "Please Mama." She pleads.

"Of course, darling, of course. Mary…" Cora kisses her oldest daughter on the cheek taking Edith's hand and pulling her up the stairs. Once in the privacy of her room, she leads Edith to the bed and they both sit in silence as Cora waits for her to speak.

"What's happened darling?" Cora asks quietly when it looks as though Edith has lost her nerve. She turns toward her and runs a hand down her back as her daughter stares down at her lap, breathing deeply.

"Does this have something to do with Switzerland?" Cora asks. Edith startles, looking at her mother with surprise.

"How…" Edith says in wonder.

Cora raises her eyebrow. "Darling, I've known your aunt Rosamund for over thirty years. The woman has about as much desire to learn French as I have to swim the English channel in winter. And after being gone for so long she has yet to dazzle us with her new found skills."

"So why didn't you call us out? As Granny did?" Edith inquires.

Cora shrugs her shoulders. "You're an adult woman, Edith. The time for me to meddle in your life has passed. I assumed that if I pressed you, it would just push you further away. I hoped you would come to me on your own, when you felt ready."

Edith begins to cry and puts her face in her hands the fear of finally telling her secret overwhelming her. "You'll be so ashamed of me. I've made such a mess of everything."

Cora puts her arms around the shaking shoulders of her daughter and rocks her, kissing the top of her head. "Darling, I've dragged a dead man across this house for Mary and rallied against your father so that Sybil could marry the chauffeur. Whatever it is that's happened, I'll be in your corner."

"I had a baby, Mama." Edith whispers in a rush, her heart beating loudly in her ears as the words leave her. She feels her mother's embrace tighten.

"It's what I expected." Cora replies quietly. "And where is the baby now?"

Edith pulls away slightly, finally meeting Cora's eyes. They are turned down they way they always do when her mother is deeply concerned for someone and as Cora wipes at her tears fresh ones spring up at her mother's tender touch.

"At first I left her in Switzerland but I couldn't…." Edith trails off. "I wanted her close. I convinced Mr Drewe to take her in."

Cora's eyebrows knit together. "The pig farmer?!" Edith nods in response. Cora sighs.

"Well, I'm sure the Drewes are lovely people, but she belongs with us." Cora states firmly.

"But Papa…." Edith laments, already dreading the reaction of her father.

Cora pats Edith's hand gently. "Your father is mellowing in his old age. Leave him to me."

Edith throws her arms around her mother, hugging her fiercely. Cora holds her daughter tightly. "It's all going to be alright, darling. Truly. Everything will work out in the end."

A/N: Thanks everyone for following this and for all of your kind reviews! Hope you enjoyed it.