POV: Bella

"Edward, don't make it so obvious. You don't have to prove anything." I muttered crossly, fully aware that the entire cafeteria had their eyes on us. "As it is, I'm getting enough attention with this stupid cast. "

While I exceptionally enjoyed and craved physical attention from Edward, (considering I'd been receiving so little of it ever since he'd set up new boundaries to our "intimacy"), I didn't particularly appreciate his constant kisses in the public eye.

I wondered if the brace that I'd been forced into wearing after James' attack was depreciating my already low self–esteem. Next to Edward—with his shockingly, jaw–dropping and stunning good looks—I looked even more out of place in this ridiculous cast. Even though it wasn't much of a revelation that I looked so unattractive and utterly unappealing when standing next to my "boyfriend", who had the looks better than those of the finest male model, it still made me extremely grumpy.

The heaviness of the cast, the inability to even walk properly with that stupid third leg, the sweat building up in my jeans, the self consciousness I felt in Edward's presence, the crutches, the curious looks and fake sympathetic smiles I was receiving, Emmett's regular teasing, Edward's never ending patience that I couldn't even hope to compete with, the looks Edward and I were both receiving because our relationship had gone public now …

I felt like I was going to explode.

Aside from the wonder I felt that Edward was still able to put up with my foul mood, his smile was as dazzling as ever.

His breath fanned across my ear and neck which made me shiver in delight.

"I'm not trying to prove anything, sweetheart." he chuckled gently, running his index finger down my arm before linking his hand with mine. "I don't have to. Everyone already—hopefully—knows that you're all mine. And I kissed you because I enjoy doing it."

"What about those boundaries of yours? " I mocked, narrowing my eyes.

"Oh, they're still there, don't worry." he assured me with a wide smile. "Which is why your heart is still intact."

"I'll say." I grumbled, feeling my heartbeat only begin to calm down long after his mind blowing kiss. "And I'm not worried."

He just grinned at me, his eyes slightly darker than normal. I realized that it had been a while since he'd hunted last. I wondered when he would have to make his next hunting trip and winced when I realized that I wouldn't even have school to distract me from his absence since our last day was at the end of next week. I pondered how I would be able to convince him to take a few days off school so that I wouldn't have to sit through a whole day at home by myself.

"I know what you're doing." I said in an accusatory tone, narrowing my eyes, and Edward's eyes went wide with innocence though I wasn't sure if he was faking it or not. "You're making the best of the opportunity – that I'm stuck in this horrible thing," With a grimace, I pointed at my injured leg. "and kissing me when you know that I can't respond as much as I'd like."

Truly, if I hadn't been confined to my chair by this horrendous piece of junk, I would have automatically responded with much more vigor and enthusiasm – perhaps sliding my hand into his hair or climbing into his lap.

That was another reason to add to the list of why I was in such a terrible state of mind.

I knew Edward well enough to catch the smugness on his expression before he concealed it with guilt.

"You caught me," He replied abashedly before continuing on a serious note. "It gets easier to control myself when you're not as persuasive as usual. It should be other way around – you're supposed to be the one to take care of your own safety, but of course the responsibility falls on me."

"And you're doing it perfectly." I responded airily, not caring about the responsibility thing. "I like this self–control thing. Feel free to keep practicing so that one day, your self control will be flawless and then we can –"

He pressed a long finger to my lips softly, silencing me, his eyes alight with humor. "I don't think that's ever going to happen, Bella. It'll take decades to even perfect that." As an afterthought, he added, "Of course, you have several decades."

"As a human? Definitely not." I growled at him.

Ever since I had broached the idea of his turning me into a vampire, and our conversation later at prom, he'd been subtly attempting to squash down my hopes.

I wasn't ever relenting.

"Just wait until I get out of this thing." I warned, thoroughly irritated.

"Can't wait," he sighed. His eyes then brightened up and he flashed me his signature crooked smile at me. "So no more than two days then, huh?"

I stared at him. "What?"

His grin grew wider. "Carlisle says that your cast can be removed tomorrow, Sunday by the latest."

"Really?" I demanded eagerly. "That's the best news I've gotten all day. I hope Carlisle removes it tomorrow. I can't stand or stand in this thing."

Edward laughed as if it were the funniest thing he'd ever heard which made me roll my eyes.

The bell rang suddenly, signalling the end of lunch.

"It's time for Biology," Edward murmured to me, ignoring my frustrated groan, before standing up to help me off the chair.

It was utterly embarrassing to constantly have to require his help as I hobbled to my next class, but there wasn't really anything I could do about it. I'd suffered with it for so long; I supposed I could bear it for one more period.

At least today was the last school day I'd have to wear the stupid thing. I'd be back to normal by the next and last week of school.

Just another day, I silently chanted to myself.

AN: This is at the end of Twilight, so Bella still has her brace on. In this fanfic, school finishes in exactly one week.