I do not own Journey

You are old

While am not

You are wise and strong

I am naive and weak

You said I need to know

I asked know what

You just chuckled and told

About our people little one

You said to me

For you are wise

While I am not.

I was always scared

Of what would happen

When I reached the

The old white mountain

But you reassured me

That you would always

Be at my side

To protect me

And guide me

Through this journey.

You have grace and elegance

While I do not

You are tall and

Clothed in white 'n' gold

So many gold lines

I see all over your

Long beautiful scarf

While I am small and

Clothed in crimson red 'n' gold

I don't have many goldlines

All over my

Short stubby scarf.

Sometimes I look

At you with

Ohh so loving

But you never

Notice how I look at you

But maybe you do

Or maybe you don't

I don't really care

For I-

We have stopped

In the middle of my journey

For I see you

Turn to me

I see it in your

Lovely eyes

That something

Has changed

For I see a

Look in you

That I never seen


It almost looks


But no it

Couldn't be

But yes it is

It's directed at me

I feel my heart lift

As if a weight's

Been on it.

I am your

Young and naive

Crimson red coat

While your my

Old white coat

Please Reviwe