Sirius looked at Remus and arched an eyebrow. He shrugged back. With a sigh they both turned back to the raving, lunatic they both had the misfortune to call their best friend. He was still mumbling to himself, messing up his already messy hair. They occasionally heard a "fuck" here and there.

"One would think he would have come to terms with that" Sirius mumbled. He started tapping his fingers against the hardwood floor, to no rhythm really.

"Stop that" Remus whispered annoyed. Sirius sighed again.

"Oye" He called out loud effectively stopping James in his mid-rant. "Come over here" He said.

"Sit" He demanded when he came near. James did as he was told.

"You've known it for…what?" He asked Remus.

Remus replied with a, "5 months!"

Sirius nodded and turned to James. "Yep. 5 months, mate. And you are freaking out now?" He asked.

"…yeah" James mumbled. He then scratched his nose and pushed his glasses up before continuing.

"It's just…it kicked Padfoot. Like real kick" James said looking at both his best friends trying to reason with them. "Like its alive or something"

Remus laughed at that. "Of course it's alive, you baboon"

Blood drained from Sirius's face as he realized something. "It kicked?" His voice barely above a whisper. And then he gasped, "Holy Merlin's underpants"

"That's disgusting" Remus said. Why was he friends with these two again? And where's Peter when you need him? Surely he can't be as dramatic as these two loons.

James ignored Remus as he turned towards Sirius and continued animatedly, "And Lily got all teary eyed and wanted me to touch her stomach"

"That's weird" Sirius said still numb from the –very normal news if you ask Remus- dumbfounding news.

"That's what I said" James said thumping Sirius on the back. Pity radiating within him to the other man. Sirius then looked at James, panic evident in his face.

"I'm going to be a father" He whispered. "Fuck"

It was really no surprise that the three marauders present did not deem it significant to point out that technically it was just James who would be the future father.

James, in fact, nodded sympathetically. His fingers getting engrossed in his hair as he tried to come to terms with it. Sirius unconsciously mimicking the action.

"I'm not ready" Sirius and James mumbled in unison. Remus would have laughed if the worry etched on their faces weren't real.