Yamaguchi had always thought that, contrary to popular belief, Tsukishima had a pretty high EQ.
After all, he was the one that had said loudly to Yamaguchi after their first practice at Karasuno, "Hm, how long do you think the Cap and Vice have been dating?", with a smirk at Yamaguchi's loud 'EEH' of disbelief and the gurgling sounds of Suga choking on air behind them.
(Whether it was worth having Daichi smile very hard at them and ask them how they knew was another matter.)
He was also the one who complained about Nishinoya 'needing to get over his fucking boyfriend' long before Asahi had actually returned (body and spirit, that is), and Nishinoya had tackled him to the ground, hands wrapped around his neck, sobbing totally manly tears of joy into the giant's chest.
("Wow Tsukki," Yamaguchi had said, watching a flustered, blushing Asahi try to calm Nishinoya down. "How did you know?"
"People don't get that upset unless they were dating." Tsuki had replied with a sniff of disdain.
"Wow Tsukki." Yamaguchi was awestuck.
(As usual.))
So when they one day overheard Hinata complaining to Tanaka about how Kageyama was ignoring him but telling him nothing was wrong, and Tsukishima had scoffed out the word "dense", Yamaguchi knew.
About forty percent.
"Tsuki… So…. Kageyama….. Hinata?"
Tsukishima narrowed his eyes at his friend.
"Of course," he said with a pretty little evil smile. "The King is so obvious it's going to make me cry."
"Ah." Yamaguchi said, and he knew if he were in a manga, he would probably have three lines running down his face. He tried to nod knowingly, because it certainly hadn't been obvious to him, and wouldn't that make him dense too?
Aah, Tsuki surely wouldn't want a dense friend…
And while he was fretting, he did not notice his Tsukki giving him a sidelong glare before looking away, muttering "dense" under his breath.
[A/N: I'm 1000% sure that, much to his own chagrin, Tsukishima is usually one of the first to notice any budding romances around him, since he's smart and all (cough unlike the rest of the cute dummies cough). Do leave a review if you like this! I wanna talk to you guyssss
Originally posted on my AO3!]