The Love That We Cannot Have

"Love that we cannot have is the one that lasts the longest, the one that hurts the deepest and feels the strongest…"

Chapter Four

Kim's Point of View

I hummed quietly in my throat, enjoying the feel of Sheridan's body close to mine as we walked together. We were making our way to one of the gynecologists' offices in Middleton Hospital so that we could get her checked out. Luckily, the doctor that we were going to see had been a close family friend for years, so I knew that we could trust her to keep things confidential.

The door to the office was open, so I poked my head in. "Dr. Snow?" I called quietly, and she looked up from where she'd been setting up some equipment. I'd called ahead so that she'd be expecting us, and she waved us into the room.

"Kim, nice to see you again," she smiled warmly at me before turning her attention to my love. "You must be the patient. It's a pleasure to meet you, Shego," she said sincerely, holding out a hand to my somewhat surprised lover.

"You know who I am, and you're not afraid?" Sheridan asked curiously, shaking the doctor's hand. "Most people in your position would be screaming and calling the police by now, as long as I didn't stop them from doing so," she commented a bit wryly, and I squeezed her hand to comfort her.

Dr. Snow shook her head. "Most people aren't good friends of the Possible family, nor are they doctors, for that matter. I took an oath to help people who need it, and I trust Kim's judgment in bringing you here," she smiled. "Now, why don't you take a seat on the bed so that we can get started?" she asked amiably.

The next hour passed slowly, but I couldn't complain. I'd have sat in that office for days if it meant that I could be sure Sheridan was healthy and unharmed. Fortunately, she was given a completely clean bill of health, though she was rather intrigued by our situation once it'd been explained to her.

"Well, from what I can tell, you have absolutely nothing to worry about. For now, you're free to engage in about as much physical activity as you like, so long as you try to avoid any unnecessary strain to your abdominal area. I would recommend that you don't do any heavy sparring or fighting, if you can avoid it," the doctor suggested, and we both nodded seriously. "Other than that, just come and see me in…let's say, a month. We'll run another thorough check then, and we'll be able to see the baby," she said brightly.

I couldn't help but grin. "We'll do that. Thanks so much for seeing us on such short notice, Dr. Snow," I said gratefully and Sheridan nodded at my side, her arm wrapped around my waist.

She waved off my thanks. "It was no problem, Kim, you know that I'd do anything to help you or your family out. Your parents and I have been friends for years, and don't think I've forgotten how you helped me deliver those triplets when the hospital was short-staffed last year," she said gratefully, and I smiled at the memory.

"You really can do anything, can't you?" Sheridan teased me lightly, before turning her attention to the doctor. "It was a pleasure meeting you," she said politely, just before we turned to leave.

"The same to you, Shego, and congratulations on the baby, you two!" she called happily as we left her office, walking closely together.

We were quiet on the way outside, just enjoying each other's presence. I was silently thanking whatever divine beings may be listening that Sheridan was healthy and it looked like our baby would be, too, when she called my name quietly.

"What is it?" I asked curiously, looking over to see her looking a bit conflicted in the fading daylight. We had almost reached the area where we left her jet parked in stealth mode, a bit down the road from the hospital.

"What's the plan for tonight?" she asked, subdued, and I looked at her uncomprehendingly. "Should I drop you off at your house?" she clarified, grimacing slightly.

Reflexively, I shook my head in denial, and an idea formed in my mind. "No, I don't plan to go back to my parents' house tonight," I informed her, making a conscious effort to not refer to my childhood home as 'home' any longer. "I was hoping that you'd stay with me in my hotel room," I murmured, as we discreetly boarded her jet and settled into our seats at the front of the plane.

She looked at me curiously but happily agreed, relief shining in her eyes. "So, what hotel did you plan on staying at?" she asked, raising an eyebrow when I responded. "You want to stay at the Grand Middleton Hotel?" she repeated.

I nodded, a secretive smile playing on my lips. "Just trust me. I'll take care of everything," I told her, and she chuckled.

"Why do I get the feeling that there'll be a surprise around every corner, as long as I'm with you?" Sheridan quipped, smirking at my dramatically wounded expression. "Lucky for you, I never minded having a little extra suspense in my life," she winked at me, easily setting the jet to hover in front of the impressive structure of the hotel.

I took her hand to stop her from immediately heading inside. "I thought we could stop to grab some clothes first," I explaining, turning her to face the upscale department store across the street. "Somehow, I don't think that either of us would enjoy wearing these clothes for a third day," I said ruefully, and she hummed in agreement.

Once inside the store, we split up, agreeing to meet at the central register in thirty minutes. I decided to start in the men's department, swallowing back a small case of nerves as I chose some suitable underwear and a pair of navy blue silk boxers to sleep in, along with a package of comfortable socks.

Then, I moved on to the women's clothing department. As per usual, I picked up pants that were a size larger than necessary, a pair of dark blue jeans. I snagged a form-fitting, short-sleeved black polo, too. A lacy black bra in my size completed the outfit, along with a black sports bra to sleep in, and I even grabbed a new pair of boots on my way to the register.

Fortunately, I arrived just in time. The cashier was ringing up Sheridan's items – and sweating profusely as he did so. "Y-you're total will be $217.64," he stuttered a bit, jumping a bit when I cleared my throat to get his attention.

My lips twitched at the corners, although I did pity the poor guy just a bit. Shego was obviously getting satisfaction out of seeing him squirm, despite the fact that she studiously maintained an innocent expression.

"Add these items to the bill, and I'll take care of it," I told him, placing my things on the counter and grabbing my rarely-used, shiny-black bank card out of my pocket. I'd grabbed both that card, my driver's license, and my state i.d before we'd left my house earlier.

"Later," I mouthed when Sheridan opened her mouth to speak, a surprised look gracing her features. After a moment of debate, she acquiesced, looking at me suspiciously.

"Your n-new total comes out to $392.48," the man stammered, swallowing deeply, as if hearing the price would cause Shego to snap and attack him for the expensive nature of the clothing.

I shook my head slightly in amusement, but said nothing as I swiped my card and lazily entered my pin. Sheridan had obviously caught the numbers as I punched them in – any good thief would have, after all – but it didn't concern me. I intended to get her a card linked to my account, anyway. I meant every word that I said to Shay and Damon. I wanted to take care of their daughter in every way: physically, mentally, emotionally, and financially.

We left the cashier practically quivering as we walked out of the store, and I had to laugh lightly at the man's predicament. I laced my fingers with Sheridan's, carrying our bags in my other hand, as we crossed the street and entered the hotel.

I led the way confidently to the front desk, ignoring the concierge's widened eyes at the sight of us. It was to be expected with our reputations: Shego, the infamous master-thief and villainess, and Kim Possible, famous teen heroine and world-saver. We definitely make quite a pair…

To his credit, the man recovered swiftly. "Hello, my name is Mr. Warren. How may I help you ladies this evening?" he inquired politely, his smile faltering only slightly. I returned his smile encouragingly, releasing my love's hand for the moment.

"I'd like your best suite, every night for the foreseeable future," I informed him, my respect for him increasing when he showed no sign of surprise or disbelief. Of course, I took the slightest bit of pleasure in the mounting confusion of my companion, though she allowed me to lead for the moment. "Here is my identification card and credit card. I'd like an itemized bill of all services rendered and paid for sent to my room each morning," I stated, sliding the two cards over to him.

"Certainly, I'd be happy to accommodate any requests you may have," he said cooperatively, "That would be the Presidential Suite. It's a single bedroom, apartment-style suite featuring an enclosed privacy balcony off the bedroom, with a hot tub and mini-bar. For the duration of your stay, you'll have full access to our 'round-the-clock spa, gym, and dining services," he said charmingly, seeming relaxed by my ease in speaking with him, and he handed back my cards.

"Thank you very much," I said agreeably, slipping the cards back into my pocket. "I'd like two room keys, and there's no need to call for a bellhop at the moment. Of course, both my companion and I appreciate the discretion of all of the hotel's employees," I hinted, and the man nodded seriously. "If I'm not here, I want you to cater to anything Shego might want or need, yes? Now, I believe we'd like to head upstairs, and we'll call down if we're in need of anything else," I finished assertively, openly reaching for Sheridan's hand.

Mr. Warren smoothly handed the room keys over to my lover, who twined our fingers together. "Absolutely, Ms. Possible. Please let me know if there's anything else we can do to make your stay more pleasant. I hope the two of you enjoy the rest of your evening, and welcome to the Grand Middleton Hotel," he bowed his head slightly, as we walked to the elevators.

After the doors shut, I glanced at the woman next to me with an expectant look fixed on my face, waiting for her reaction. I found her staring back at me with a mixture of amusement and wonder gleaming in her emerald eyes.

"I've gone through it a dozen times in my head already, and I can't make sense of it. Either your parents are paid far more than your typical rocket scientists and brain surgeons – which is incredibly unlikely; or you've been secretly accepting payment for your missions – which I know, for a fact, you would never do. So, which is it?" she asked flatly, a bit of a smirk curling her black lips upward.

I couldn't help laughing as the elevator doors opened and we walked down the hall. "It's neither, actually," I told her, shaking my head when she started to protest. "I'll explain everything to you in a moment, just as soon as we're inside," I promised her.

She sighed dramatically, smoothly letting us into the suite, which I took a moment to admire. The bags were quickly set down on the coffee table, and we curled up together on the sofa. I wrapped my arms around my love tightly, enjoying the warmth that rolled off her.

"So?" she prompted, and I hummed quietly before launching into a slightly more in-depth version of the things I'd told her parents. I told her how I'd begun searching out artifacts that were said to be impossible to obtain, how I'd become Kitsune after my first job, and how I'd decided that the money should be hidden away until I needed it for something truly important.

"Now that this is all happening, as long as you don't object, I'd love it if you'd allow me to use that money to provide for you and our child," I ended quietly, a soft smile on my face. "I can't think of any better use in the world for it, and it would mean a lot to me if you let me do this," I said honestly.

"Kimmie…" Sheridan trailed off, sounding a bit overwhelmed. She sighed deeply and looked at me with a bit of a teasing smirk, a challenging glint in her bright gaze. "I'll make you a deal. If you have more money than me, then I'll let you pay for anything you want," she said in amusement, clearly confident of her victory.

I grinned widely. "Alright," I agreed easily. "So, what's the number to beat?" I asked curiously. Though I was absolutely certain I was the wealthier of the two of us, I always did wonder how much it paid to be a master-thief and villainess. Still, whatever the number may be, she was capable of making more, if she had felt motivated to do so.

"Right now, I'd say it's about $217 Million," she said thoughtfully, before looking at me questioningly. "Now, it's your turn. Just how much does the Kitsune have laying around?" she teased playfully.

"Approximately $984 Million," I said candidly, reaching up to scratch the back of my neck, and her jaw dropped. "I have more than enough money to keep all three of us completely comfortable for several lifetimes," I said reasonably, watching her hopefully.

She sighed in defeat, and I bit back a satisfied smile. "Well, we made a deal," she acquiesced, before sighing in faux sadness. "I can't believe that you made more money as a treasure hunter, than I did as a thief and a villainess," she complained, glaring at me playfully.

I laughed and held up my hands in surrender. "So, would you like to order some room service?" I offered, moving to grab the menu displayed on the dining table. Sheridan nodded in agreement, and I made the call once she decided.

"I'm going to take a shower before the food gets here," she told me, leaning over to kiss my cheek softly, and I hummed in acknowledgement, watching as she strode into the bedroom.

My mouth felt dry as I remembered the previous night and, more specifically, her incredible body. It took a lot to control my body's natural reaction to the image and all of the amazing things that my love had made me feel, things I'd never felt before, with anyone.

I let out a deep sigh as the consequences of our night presented themselves in my mind once more. I'm going to be a parent. I swallowed deeply. It's time to step up, be responsible…think about the future. Sheridan and I are going to have a baby together, a little girl. We're going to live together, and I'm going to be consistently responsible for the well-being of two other people. A smile spread slowly on my face at the thought of it.

My thoughts turned toward the problem of finding somewhere to live, and it occurred to me that it was highly unlikely for us to find anywhere capable of meeting both mine and Sheridan's preferences in a home – unless we commissioned a house, designed by the two of us, to be built for us. I hummed quietly to myself in satisfaction. I was fairly certain that my love would have no problem with that plan, especially since it would allow us to customize and perfect the security for the property.

I made a quick call on my cell, which was custom-made for me by Wade, to my bank, and I let them know that I wanted a card made for Sheridan and sent to me overnight. Naturally, they were eager to accommodate me, seeing as I was one of their most high profile clients.

Just as I finished that call, there was a knock at the door. It was room service, and the waiter quickly set everything up on the dining table. He even opened the apple cider and poured our glasses for us. Once he was gone, I went to get Sheridan.

"The food is here," I called through the door. Despite the fact that we were in a relationship and had already slept together, I wouldn't feel right about entering the room without her permission, in case she wasn't dressed yet.

"Alright, I'll be right out," she responded, and I waited patiently for her to join me, which she did a moment later. I grinned when I saw her in her pajamas, which consisted of black satin pajama pants and a dark green tank top, both of which clung to her form perfectly. Her long raven hair hung in luxurious waves to her waist, and her emerald eyes effervesced.

I licked my lips, reaching for her hand. "You look spectacular," I murmured breathlessly, placing a kiss on her palm. She smiled warmly at me, and I tugged her over to the table where our dinner was waiting. "While you were in the shower, I had a thought I wanted to run past you," I mentioned as I sat down.

"Oh?" she wondered aloud before frowning at me, holding up her glass questioningly. "Is this…?" she trailed off skeptically.

I grinned widely at her. "It's just apple cider," I reassured her. "I thought we might like something nice with our dinner, and it seemed like the best substitute for alcohol, since you can't drink at the moment and I'm underage," I shrugged.

"Nice. So, what did you want to talk to me about?"

"I was thinking about us buying a house, and it occurred to me that we'd have to compromise on a lot of things if we bought a house. It would be nowhere near perfect for us, no matter how nice it might be. So, I thought it would be better if we were to buy a piece of land and then have a house built for us. That way, we can have whatever we like, and we can customize the security," I explained, and Sheridan's eyes lit up.

"That sounds like a great idea," she agreed, just before she yawned widely. "How about we talk it through in the morning? I'm exhausted," she muttered, and I nodded in agreement.

"Me, too. We can leave all of this here for the maids to get in the morning, and you're welcome to head to bed. I just have to take a quick shower, and then I'll join you," I said regretfully, mourning the fact that I couldn't just jump in bed and get some much-needed rest.

"Alright, you go ahead. I'll try to wait for you, but no guarantees," she teased lightly, though I knew that she was being serious. "If I'm awake when you're finished, I'll use my power to finish drying you off," she winked playfully at me.

I didn't want to keep her waiting for long, so I hurried through my shower, wasting no time under the relaxing spray the way that I usually did. Dried, dressed, and ready for bed, I entered the bedroom and nearly melted at the sight that greeted me.

Sheridan was curled up in the bed, completely relaxed, looking more peaceful than I'd ever seen her. Her hair was splayed across the pillows, and one of her hands rested naturally on her lean stomach above the sheets. She was absolutely adorable, like a kitten curled up in its bed.

I chuckled softly. "Good night, Kitten." I leaned down to kiss her cheek, struggling to keep my eyes open. When I climbed into bed, I placed my arms around her and she adjusted so that her head was resting on my chest. Sleep quickly overtook me, and I placed one last kiss on the top of her head.

.To Be Continued.

A/N: So sorry this update has taken so long! I wanted to make sure I got this chapter right, so I hope you all enjoyed! From here on, we're going to really start getting into Kim and Shego's relationship, and I'm really looking forward to it. Let me know what you think about the story so far, please and thank you!

Kimmie and Shego