Hello all! The most recent chapter of Citrus inspired me to finish this story. I tried to write it in a different format. It's the same situation playing out, with each chapter from a different character's point of view. The chapters build upon each other, as well. The first chapter is Harumin. I hope that you enjoy! Please read and review.

Also, I don't own Citrus.

Yuzu let out a sigh as she opened her locker to deposit her books and grab her backpack in preparation to go home. Harumin raised her eyebrow at her best friend while leaning casually against the wall beside to her. The poor girl had been in horrible spirits the entire day; no doubt the result of another setback with her half-sister/"secret" crush.

Seriously, Harumin thought to herself, the two of them really need to figure out their feelings already. She was getting quite tired of seeing Yuzu so depressed. It really put a damper on Harumin's "live life to its fullest" mentality.

It certainly didn't help that that no good miscreant friend of Yuzu's, Matsuri, kept showing and creating more trouble for the poor girl.

"What's up, Yuzu?" she asked, hoping that maybe this time, Yuzu would open up about what she was actually feeling. Harumin couldn't help her if she refused to speak to her about the subject at all. And it was getting quite frustrating to pretend that she didn't know what was bothering Yuzu. It was plain as day! Harumin could see by the way Yuzu's eyes followed Mei whenever the president was in the vicinity. The longing and desire were unmistakable.

"Oh…it's nothing really…" Yuzu replied solemnly as she pulled her arms through the straps on her backpack and carefully shut her locker door. "It's just been one of those days, you know?" She gave Harumin such an anti-Yuzu smile that Harumin couldn't help but frown in return.

"Yuzu…you know that you're my best friend, so that means I know when you're lying," Harumin said seriously. "So tell me what is actually bothering you, please." Harumin didn't like pleading, but she wanted her happy-go-lucky friend back, not this moping, sighing girl.

Yuzu looked down as she shuffled her feet, strands of blonde hair falling over into her face, before she quietly answered Harumin's question.

"Well…you see…there's someone that I like…a lot. But I just can't figure out how they really feel about me…"

The dejected look on Yuzu's face was heartbreaking. Harumin reached out and put a hand on Yuzu's arm to show support. As Yuzu looked up at her, Harumin gave her a big smile as she internally breathed a sigh of relief.

Halfway there…now just need to knock some sense into a certain hard-headed student council president.

Speak of the devil…

Harumin caught sight of the dark haired girl just as she entered the hallway from one of the classrooms. She watched Mei say goodbye to her fellow student council members before they all separated and she started walking their way.

Suddenly, Harumin had an idea. She grinned evilly as the plan hastily formed in her mind.

Quickly, she grabbed both of Yuzu's shoulders and leaned in close to Yuzu's ear as she whispered, "Yuzu, I think I can help you with your little problem, but you need to not freak out for the next 30 seconds, got it?"

Confusion filled Yuzu's face as she stared in response. "Wha…what are you talking about, Harumin? What are you going to do?"

Harumin smiled genuinely at the girl, glancing quickly to her left to see that Mei was very close to reaching them. "Just trust me, ok?"

A slight nod was the only answer Yuzu was able to give before Harumin pushed her back against the lockers and crashed her lips against Yuzu's in a hasty kiss. She heard Yuzu make a tiny "eep!" in surprise at the sudden contact, but thankfully the girl didn't make more of a fuss than that.

Wow, Harumin thought as her lips moved expertly against Yuzu's, Yuzu smells really good. And her lips are so…

She wasn't able to finish that thought, as she was suddenly yanked backwards by her collar.


Harumin stumbled backwards several steps and raised a hand to her now stinging face, blinking several times as her mind struggled to process what had just happened. She heard Yuzu gasp and shout "Mei!" as she looked up and into a set of livid eyes.

Soon, Yuzu was at Harumin's side, grabbing ahold of her arm and frantically asking, "Harumin! Are you alright? Are you ok?"

Harumin assured Yuzu that she was fine before turning back to Mei, yelling, "But what the hell is your problem?!"

Mei narrowed her eyes as a scowl formed on her face. She replied in a dangerously slow and deliberate voice, "That…behavior...is completely unacceptable at school."

"I think that hitting students is even more unacceptable, don't you?" Harumin shot back.

"Harumin, I'm sure that Mei knows she was out of line and will apologize, won't you, Mei?" Yuzu stated diplomatically from beside her, shooting pleading eyes towards her half-sister.

Hearing this, Mei's scowl disappeared as she looked closely at Yuzu, as if contemplating how she wanted to proceed. After a few seconds, she turned back to Harumin, scowl immediately reappearing on her slender face.

"Go home, loitering around after school hours is also against school rules," Mei said, venom seeping out of her voice as she continued her stare down with Harumin.

"Mei!" Yuzu exclaimed in shock at her response, but Harumin quickly grabbed Yuzu's hand to gain the girl's attention as she muttered, "It's alright, Yuzu, I should get going anyway."

Harumin couldn't help a small smile at the girl's confused expression; the blonde had been totally prepared to force Mei to apologize to her. It was one of Yuzu's best qualities: her determination to stand up for what she felt was right. Harumin was grateful to the girl, but that was not part of her plan today.

Harumin pulled Yuzu into a big hug and whispered, "good luck," in her ear. As she pulled away, she saw that Mei looked like she had a lemon stuck in her mouth. Grinning, Harumin leaned back in and kissed Yuzu tenderly on the forehead, backing away quickly as she heard what sounded like a hiss coming from Mei's direction. Flashing a bright smile at the enraged girl, Harumin carefully backed away, throwing a quick wink at Yuzu before she turned to walk down the hall.

Once she was out of their sight, Harumin raised a hand to gingerly touch her throbbing cheek, wincing slightly at the contact.

Jeez, she really put a lot into that slap. Harumin grinned at the thought. That had definitely been a "get away from my girlfriend" type of slap and there was no way Mei could deny that. Hopefully, the two girls would be able to have a nice, long conversation about their feelings, now that Mei had made hers abundantly clear.

She pulled out her phone as she neared the school exit, checking her messages.

"Hey!" she heard someone shout from behind her. "No cell phones on school property! I'll have to report you to the Student Council President!" She turned around to see an angry Himeko stalking down the hallway towards her, arms swinging forcefully at her sides.

Harumin laughed before replying, "Please do report me!" as she waved and continued walking, leaving a stunned Himeko in her wake.

She had just been slapped by the Student Council President. There was no way she getting in trouble anytime soon.