He looked down at the list of things he needed to get done. Even with advanced technology, it was going to take years. Decades even.

1. Help Arthur ascend to the throne.

2. Build concrete tunnel to doorway of ship in lake.

3. Build crappy looking Dragon's Head door.

4. Grow spaceship with flying green death trap for the Brigadier to destroy aboard.

5. Leave Arthur's remains for younger self to find.

Heaving a sigh, he turned to get to work. His first stop would be the local U.N.I.T. base. The Brigadier had once told him that he could have anything on U.N.I.T. property that wasn't either the entire base itself or someone's personal property, and he'd never given a time limit to that offer. He would be taking the Brigadier up on that offer in order to get some building supplies.

He'd been hauling a fifth sack of concrete into the TARDIS when he'd gotten caught.

"Who are you and why the hell were you stealing our concrete?" the base's current commander asked by way of greeting when he entered her office with his escort.

"I can't tell you who I am just yet Winifred, and as for the concrete...I wasn't stealing it. If you call Geneva and give them this code, you'll find that I'm allowed to take it and anything else I want." the Doctor said to the newly promoted Brigadier Bambera before reciting a string of numbers and nonsense words that would identify him as the Doctor to certain individuals, hoping that Geneva wouldn't call his bluff and send him scrabbling for supplies when there was a ton - er, several tons rather - of concrete just sitting there.

Brigadier Bambera picked up the phone on her desk and made a call. Several minutes later, she hung up with a sigh. "You are allowed to take the concrete with our compliments, and you apparently owe someone named Perchek a bundt cake."

"Thank you." the Doctor said as he turned to leave. "And, I'd keep the matches away from your and Ancelyn's twins before they burn the house down."

Bambera watched the strange young man with the floppy brown hair who was dressed like a professor depart in bemusement, seeing as she didn't have any children and didn't know anyone named Ancelyn.

"So, that's what we got the massive shipment of concrete for. I'd just thought that Supply had completely bungled it." one of the Privates who'd guided the stranger to her office rather than to an interrogation room like he should've said before turning to follow the stranger whose name Brigadier Bambera hadn't gotten.

As the Doctor hauled the third ton of concrete into the TARDIS one bag at a time and reflected that this was only the beginning, the one thing that ran through his mind was Being Merlin is going to suck.