Magnus strolled down the sidewalk, following the steady flow of traffic. It was late but he had no reason to get home, there would be no one waiting for him. Magnus had had many lovers before, few really stood out- none for good reasons.
Lately Magnus wanted more to love and be loved. He had felt this way for so long. It had been a while since his last love-life crisis and he just wanted someone to hold.
He passed a diner, in which sat to men, each at different tables. He wasn't really hungry but he went in any way, sitting closer to the black haired one then the ginger.
The boys thin arms where bare save bracelets and an archery brace on his left forearm. His hair ruffled and clothes wrinkled. He must have felt Magnus's gaze because he looked over- he eyes where so blue. The boy's eyes where so deep he felt like he could fall forever.
He was just a boy, no older than eighteen. He looked so lost, slumped over in his chair. Magnus new the look -lonely and confused- he had seen it before and it never ended well. Drowning in alcohol or drowning in blood.
Alec watched as the stranger drank his coffee and left. He gave Alec a sad smile on the way out, though Alec didn't know why.
He went back to his apartment, the man's face echoing in his mind. He was so handsome, his caramel skin and black spiky hair. His eye- soft and golden green. He didnt seem to see alecs wings, which made him sad in a way.
Alec knew his wings where special, they had to be or else there was nothing special about him. He remembered bit and pieces of conversations. A golden boy- his brother?- was amazing and alec was just ordinary. The dark haired girl- his sister?- was beautiful and loved. Alec was the quite one, shy, always standing in there shadows. But he didn't want to, a man with blue eyes so dark they looked black, he wanted alec to be different, something about alec- a choice?- was wrong. If only he could remember.
Alec sat cross-legged at the low table, gazing at the tools before him. His picked one up, grinding it against a shaft of wood, sharpening the wood to a point. He fashioned arrows and a bow. '
The weapon felt right in his hands, worn gloves sliding over the curved wood. Alec raised it, not as a weapon but as a gentle push. Something to show people how much the needed love, something to make them see you really cared for them
Alec walked the city searching for the love of others, not for himself but for others. He walked an empty tunnel, back streets and sidewalks. Two girls walking arm in arm passed a warehouse where he was hiding.
Both girls dressed for a night out, pale blond hair almost the same color. They were laughing and smiling already but that wasn't good enough. Alec raised his bow, pulling the string back to his cheek and aimed. The arrow collided with the taller of the two girls sending a spray of gold.
A man with curly brown hair passed a girl wearing a long coat and shorts. A single arrow to his back and they're talking, smiling- the beginnings of love.
Alec sat and watch from his warehouse as the girl in white backed the other girl up. Uncertainty clear in the short girls eyes. but alec knew it would be alright- he felt it with all his being.
Trains and busses, came and went. Eventually Alec found a taxi and drove through the city.
A man and woman were talking on a door steep- the ending of a good night that alec made better with a kiss.
From the roof tops, to the underground. Alec saw it all. Every one kissing and loving, just and he wanted to be loved. Alec stood high above the city, the darkness shielding him from thier view. He took it all in, the blue and black sky, cool light over that beautiful city. He had never though it was beautiful, though in his shattered memories he knew it was. Maybe it was only beautiful when one was not alone- as he was.
His wings glistened white as he stood in front of the old diner, he had no need to go there now- he was no longer hungry. Spreading love was enough.
Two people at a bus stop. Two boys fighting over a girl they both love.
Love. So much- just not for him.
A/N: so you need to tell me what you think. The next chapter could be the end- it will definitely end the song bit. I could keep going, I do have ideas, but I'm leaving it up to my lovely readers.
kiss kiss