Artemis had known she was in love with Zatanna for a while. She and Wally had been broken up for over a year. Since then, Wally has dated various girls including Linda Park and Beatrice da Costa, all of which went to his school and no connection to the Team. It was a mutual break-up, both of them agreed that it just couldn't work, but Artemis felt like she was easily replaceable when Wally started going through girls like he went through bologna sandwiches.
But she got over it when she realized how she felt about Zatanna. She hadn't said a word about it to anyone, because she was pretty sure Zatanna was straight, and she was still her best friend so she didn't want to ruin that. Although, she was pretty sure Robin knew, given that he was able to find out who her family really was. But he hadn't said anything about it, so she decided not to bring it up.
Artemis smiled as she watched Zatanna doing magic in the kitchen, helping M'Gann and Donna prepare Thanksgiving dinner. Tula stood in the kitchen watching them cook, bewildered as to why they would cook other living beings.
A lot had changed since that New Year's Eve they fought the Justice League. It was now late November, 2013. Aqualad and Robin were practically co-team leaders. Robin had matured a lot in those years. Superboy was finally accepted by Superman. But most notably, the team's roster had expanded. There was Troia, their most recent recruit, who was Wonder Woman's younger sister. Then there was Tempest and Aquagirl, Kaldur's friends from Atlantis, Garth and Tula. Artemis felt bad for Kaldur, having to watch them be together every day. She shared his pain, due to the fact that Zatanna and Robin flirt every chance they get.
Superboy was spending Thanksgiving with Superman, Wally was spending it with his family, and Kaldur and Garth were both returning to Atlantis for a celebration with Aquaman, but Tula stayed behind. Robin had somehow convinced Batman to let him stay at the cave for Thanksgiving. Artemis and Robin were the only ones on the couch watching TV as the girls prepared dinner. They were watching some anime knock-off of Batman that Robin said was hilariously awful because they portrayed Batman as a bat-monster who transformed into a police officer during the day and fought crime. Artemis did think it was awful, but what she found hilarious was Robin's reaction to how he was portrayed in the show. He was portrayed as a child who can transform into a bird and helps the Batman during police investigations.
"What the hell?! I've never been in the show before! Why am I in the show now?! Why am I a freaking canary boy?!"
"Actually, I'm pretty sure the canary's a girl." Said Artemis, just trying to irritate him.
He groaned angrily as he threw the remote at the TV. When it hit the TV the channel changed to the news with G. Gordon Godfrey. He was known famously for his hatred of the Justice League, which angered the Team, especially Artemis and Robin because he always targets Batman and Green Arrow for not even having powers.
"How is this guy still even on TV?" asked an angry Artemis.
"nruT ffO noisiveleT!" exclaimed Zatanna from the kitchen, turning off the TV. "Don't watch that crap, all it's good for is riling you up." Said Zatanna, giving Artemis a smirk when she says this. Artemis can't help but grin back, but before she could say anything, Robin hopped over the couch and walked over to the kitchen, asking when dinner was going to be ready.
According to Megan, they'd be "Done in a Jiffy", so, naturally, it'd be at least another half hour. Unfortunately for Robin, in that time, he was contacted by Batman, who needed Robin for a "dire emergency".
"Yay! Looks like it's just us girls for Thanksgiving!" shouts M'Gann after Robin left. Zatanna chuckles and grins as she takes the turkey out of the oven. Not much else interesting happened that Thanksgiving. The girls talked and enjoyed their food. Robin returned from his mission just after they had finished eating.
Within a few days everyone had returned and things were as normal as they could be. The Team would be sent on missions, something would go wrong, they'd fix it, and Batman would berate them then turn it into praise from the League. For a while, everything was as normal as it could have been. And it was super boring.
When December came along, things started getting interesting for Artemis. One morning, she was woken up by the doorbell, and knowing that her mom wouldn't get it, she slumped herself out of bed, licked her hand and flatted some of her hair even though it did nothing, and went to open the door. She was surprised to see Zatanna standing in front of her.