I walk through the golden school gates I always do every single day. I am on a mission, a big one. My best friend in the whole wide world called Cinderella told me when I was out with her at the weekend that our other best friend Belle is going out with this guy called Adam. Don't ask me why, because I swear the guy's a Beast, and not in a good way. Belle is this adorkable, insecure, always-with-her-head-in-a-book kind of girl and Adam is the bully, the beast.

I spot her with her head in her newest book over on the bench and run over. Her brown hair is tied out of her face in a low ponytail and she is wearing her blue and white hoodie, her favourite. I snatch the book which she grabs for and looks up at me.

"Is it true you're with Adam?" I hold the book at a safe distance.

Belle fumbles with her glasses a little. "Cinderella told you?"

"Yes, not like it matters considering the whole school know," I sit down next to her on the bench. "Belle, you're so pretty and kind and smart. You get top marks in all your classes and still look amazing doing so. Why are you dating him?"

"He has a lot to offer," She mutters.

"Who does?" Cinderella sits down next to me.

"Adam, her new boyfriend," I roll my eyes.

"Belle, you know that everyone in the school wonders why you're even with that guy, right." Cinderella says as Belle takes back her book.

"It's not always what's outside that counts you know," She puts her book in her bag.

"Someone should tell that to Snow," I mutter.

"What do you mean?"

"Well… Okay, I didn't tell you this… promise?" I stare at them.

"Promise," They nod back, intrigued.

"I heard she had a sleepover with seven guys the other night. Seven!" I hold up seven fingers to show them.

"Seriously? I don't care if that girl is fairest in all the land; girl needs to get some standards!" Cinderella exclaims as the bell rings and we walk to class.

"Where'd you hear that from?" Belle asks me.

"My friend Rapunzel heard it, but then again she is home schooled so you probably haven't heard of her... actually, I wonder how she knew about it," I wondered.

"Cool, what's she like?" Cinderella asked.

"Different… She has lots of hair, and I mean lots. Also she runs around asking all these existential questions like 'when will my life begin' and stuff. Oh, and she likes flowers. She paints flowers everywhere. It's weird."

"When will my life begin, I often ask that same question myself." Cinderella rolls her eyes as she we take our seats in our class. Belle and I are next to each other with Cinderella sat behind Belle, but we all just talk together.

"What's happened now?" Belle sighs, spinning around to talk.

"Let me guess… Stepmother?" I say.

"Stepmother," Cinderella sighs. "I can't even hang out with you guys anymore because of this crazy curfew thing. She's always freaking out if I'm home even the littlest bit late! Also, I have all these crazy chores to do. It's like I'm some kind of maid!"

"Well don't be too busy," Aurora cuts in, taking her seat next to Cinderella. "You three are all still invited to my party on Friday. And you better make it!"

"I think I can… And I have just the shoes for the occasion." Cinderella smirks.

"Occasion, I'm always throwing parties? Cinderella, dress casually! But hey, I want to see these awesome shoes of yours so why not? Wear away!" Aurora is always throwing parties. She's the rebellious wild child of the year. She doesn't know who her real parents are, but these three 'Aunties' as she calls them treat her fairly. They give her reasonable rules but she breaks them anyway. You could try to reason with her, but it's no use. She wouldn't listen to you anyway. "What about you two?"

"I'll be there… Can I bring Adam?" Belle asks.

"Oh honey, the rumours are true? Why would you go out with him? I heard Gaston likes you," Aurora raises her eyes.

"Well, I don't like him. He's too… Big headed," Belle rolls her eyes.

"What and Adam isn't?"

"I'm telling you guys! He's changed. He's done this like… complete transformation since we've started dating. I think I really helped him." During the tests that we had to do like, two weeks ago, Adam was really finding it difficult. He was never the best in lessons but the stress really got to him and made him angry – angrier than usual. Belle was the only one brave and smart enough to go round to his place to tutor him. Sure, he did well on his test but that doesn't mean that he's stopped smelling like wet dog.

"Who else is going to this party?" I ask Aurora, desperately trying to change the subject.

"I don't know – yet. I tried to talk to Ariel but its hopeless!"

"Why? What's going on with Ariel?" Cinderella asks.

"Haven't you noticed?" Aurora asks as we all look over to the other side of the room. Ariel is wearing a purple tank top and a green skirt, pretty much like always but Aurora's right: Something is different. Ariel, the girl who is normally all chatty and bubbly and constantly talking about some of the latest things she's found while out and about is sat in her chair typing desperately on her phone (which has a little yellow and blue fish jewel dangling off it). "She's got her first boyfriend: Eric. It's like she's completely fallen of the face of the Earth because no one's heard from her all weekend! She went out and didn't even tell her family. Her dad went crazy,"

"Eric and Ariel, really," Cinderella asks confused. "Weird: I would never of put those two together. They come from completely different backgrounds!"

"I think I've heard something about this," Belle says to Aurora. "Apparently she's completely blanking her family and friends. It's like she's gone mute since she's started seeing him. And you guys give me a hard time for seeing Adam… At least I'd never block you out."

"She doesn't even realise we're talking about her!" I exclaim, and she doesn't. She doesn't even flinch.

"Talk about a dating fiasco," Aurora mumbles. "But yeah, other than that I don't know who is going. Ariel will probably show up, but she'll just sit in the corner texting Eric the whole time. I invited everyone and told them that they can bring a friend."

"Won't your Aunties mind?" I ask.

"Nah, they'll be cool with it. They normally are," She avoids eye contact.

"They don't know, do they?" Cinderella asks.

"No, they don't. And they don't have to. I just have to find a way to get them out the house…" Aurora sits down and begins to plot ideas.

The classroom door bursts open and even Ariel looks up from her phone as she walks in: Jasmine. She's the Queen Bee of the school. She has every guy under the sun fawning over her and yet she isn't even slightly fazed. Some of the hottest guys (some who don't even go to this school) are texting her and she just completely ignores them. Still, I guess it's easy to be picky when you're Daddy's Little Princess. He buys her literally anything she wants which is why she's always up to date on the latest fashion, and yet she still pulls off those blue harem pants.

"Hey Jasmine, you're coming to my party on Friday right?" Aurora asks her.

"Count me in, Blondie." She says as she walks past out middle rows right to the seat at the back. She keeps her designer sunglasses on (which granted, it is summer) and it's weird. I can't help but feeling like she is watching me, from behind those shades of hers that hides her eyes. Watching me, judging me… That's the kind of girl she is.

The rest of the class and eventually the teacher slowly begin to pile in as Cinderella, Belle, Aurora and I talk about Adam, Ariel and different coloured harem pants.