Canadian Chica: Yo all! Sorry I haven't updated in a while, but you try surviving grade 12 and being able to keep up with your hobbies! Thanks to everyone who reviewed, I really appreciate you all for keeping up with this worthless junk I call a fanfiction.

Disclaimer: I don't now, nor have I ever own CCS. Don't sue

"………" Talking

'………' Thinking

--- Scene Change

(A/N:………) Author's notes


A Royal Love

Chapter 12: Captured Blossom

The newly found Princess Sakura looked back upon the place she had called home for so long as it slowly disappeared amongst the hills. Barely a week after awakening to the comforting arms of her father and Toya, she was going back to the home of her birth. To walls that when remembered seemed more like a dream, and to faces that still looked more familiar every day.

Her farewell to her friends, and once family, had been tearful. The four princesses had just bawled as they stroked her hair, and touched her cheek for the last time. Meilin put on her brave face, pretending she was strong enough to see Sakura off, but as her best friend, Sakura could see the tears held fast in the corner of Meilin's eyes. Tomoyo had cried, but their parting would be brief, for Eriol and she would be returning to Tomoyo's home, back with her newly reunited cousin. The Queen was probably the easiest to bid goodbye to, for she truly understood everything. Yelan had kissed her cheek and asked that Sakura come visit soon, and then allowed Sakura to bid her final, and probably hardest farewell. Syaoran had just looked at her, with a lost, sad, lonely, heart-breaking look in his eyes. Sakura tired to reassure him, telling him that they had survived being parted before, and that she would write constantly, but she felt as if each word caused her throat to constrict even more. It was when he simply laid a hand on her cheek, with an expression that clearly screamed that he thought they would never meet again, that she had thrown herself at him and started sobbing on his chest. It only ended when her tiny guardian gently touched her shoulder, informing her that her traveling party was ready to set off. All Sakura could do was give Syaoran a final kiss on the cheek before she ran to her awaiting carriage, never looking back.

Now she sadly watched the palace disappear, and with it, her prince while her new family sat around her. Kero sat in her lap, staring up at his mistress' said face, while her other guardian rode upon a horse outside, in his hidden form of course, but could deeply feel the sadness radiating off her. Toya and Fujitaka had tried to get her to open up, and talk to her as they had for the past week, but no amount of kind words would draw the sadness from her eyes. A heavy silence permeated the air around the party, even though it should have been a happy time.

'He did even say goodbye, he just looked at me… he didn't even say goodbye…' it nearly caused a fresh round of tears again.


Syaoran watched as the last of a pink hem disappeared into the carriage, the door shut, and the carriage left his sight. It was then he allowed for a single tear to fall. Although he wanted to shed more, even bawl like his sisters were doing, he had to be strong. So the love of his life had just left in a gilded carriage, and now he was left without a friend, or hope of ever seeing her again. He knew that, no matter what his mother wished for, or what Ying… no Sakura said. He knew there would be no letter, no visits, and no hope. He saw her father and brother's eyes, never would she be let out of their site again.

"Syaoran?" his mother tried to get his attention, but he could only stare where his blossom would have been could he see their entourage still.

"Cute-descendant?" Eriol laid a hand on his shoulder, but he could barely feel it. The touch brought him out of his stupor though. He turned on his heel and headed back towards the stony walls that no longer held warmth. "Where are you going Li-kun?" the reincarnated ancestor knew how the man was hurting, and felt no need to press him.

"I have work to do. My kingdom needs me" without a glance behind he walked into the castle, trying with all his might to put the green-eyed princess behind him.


It was late at night, a storm had picked up an hour or two ago, and Syaoran read over paper work by candle light in what was now his study. His mother had given it to him in the past week, as he accepted more and more work from her to keep his mind off Yi… no Sakura as she had prepared to leave him. It was indeed fine, with paintings, books, a roaring fire in the handcrafted fireplace, and comfortable furniture, but it all seemed dark and cold to him.

Syaoran rubbed his eyes, he was tired, for all the little work he had accomplished. Much of his time had been shaking her crying eyes from his memory. His mother brought him food and tried to comfort him, but he told her he was beyond that now, and dismissed her. If he wanted, he could concentrate hard, search and eventually feel the suppressed aura he had come to recognise, as it cried out for comfort, but it would hurt too much. So he let her be.

Just as he was about to retire for the evening, something very wrong happened. His quiet study, set with wards against spies, fire, intruders, untruths, enemies, magic, and several other increments, became full with a booming he had never heard before in his life.

"Poor wittle wolfie… lost something precious?"

Syaoran jumped to his feet and drew his sword "Show yourself! And how did you enter my study?"

The laughter increased in volume. "Awww… wittle wolfie is all irate because his lovely little card mistress has left him…"

"Where are you?" Syaoran all but yelled, as he moved stealthily around the room, looking for his assailant.

"Poor little Xiao-lang, can't even protect his most precious possession". Syaoran followed the voice, which echoed violently off the wall, to the fireplace. Inside the dancing flames, he could barely make out a figure, which was quiet clearly laughing at him. Without hesitation, Syaoran struck, cutting the figure, flames, and log all in half.

"I hope you bade her a proper farewell your majesty, for she will be lost to you forever…" the whispered, fading taunt was all Syaoran was left with.

Now that the 'threat' was dealt with Syaoran began to process what barbs were thrown at him, and could only discern one thought, 'SAKURA!'


Meanwhile, the occupants of the Kinomoto carriage had fallen asleep as the gentle swaying soothed even Sakura's emotions. No threat could be detected, no immediate danger suspected, and they all were somewhat relaxed on the cushioned seats. Kero mumbling something about sweets upon Sakura's lap, and Fujitaka's soft snores were the only noises that disturbed the night. Yukito had joined them in the carriage, at the family's request, and now slept soundly upon Toya's shoulder.

It was the pair of green eyes that opened suddenly, as something full of malice, stroked her aura, as one might stoke an animal to see it's meat yield. Before she could awaken her other occupants, Sakura suddenly felt as if her very body was no longer in her control. Something had slipped into her mind while she slept, and no amount of pushing, prodding, or beating would remove it. She stood up, not on her own free will, and headed to the door.

Kero jostled himself awake quiet quickly as he landed painfully upon the ground. His moans and complaints did not stir the others, but he felt as if something was wrong in the air. It was then he felt the strange aura permeating the carriage, and encasing his mistress that now stood poised to open the door to the still moving carriage.

"Sakura?" Kero and Yue were amongst the few who called her by her new name easily, probably because they secretly, and unknowingly, knew. "What's…" he had floated to look at her eyes, only to find them blank. "SA…" before he could finish calling out his mistress's name, his voice was robbed of him, as his mistress's hand touched The Silence card. No matter how he tried to scream or yell, no noise fell from him. Even Fujitaka's snores became silent. He could barely watch as the door opened and Sakura slipped out into the night. Not knowing what else to do, Kero flew as fast as he could over to Yukito and bit his hand as hard as his miniscule teeth could.

The desired effect achieve, Yukito awoke with a start and notice quickly that his reprimand to the tiny beast was not heard by anything. The other guardian then quickly noticed the disappearance of his mistress and together to the guardians ran out of the carriage into the pouring rain, and noticed that they once again made noises.

"SAKURA!" they wasted no time in screaming her name, or transforming into their true forms.

The scream, helped draw her conscious out enough to push out the invader, and allow Sakura to regain control over her body. The scream also served to awaken the King and Prince inside the carriage, and have them run outside of the open door. They were the ones who noticed that their escort had all fallen asleep on their horses, and even the animals themselves snoozed deeply.

Before Sakura could turn and run back to her guardians, glowing chains shot out from the darkness and imprisoned the princess. Her cards fell from the folds of her dress, and scattered onto the floor. Out of reach, and the malicious aura chocking out her own from calling them back.

"KERO-CHAN! YUE-SAN!" her cries were answered before they left her lips, as her guardians, and brother, were already running towards her. Before they could reach her though, another set of glowing links came from nowhere and wrapped around her neck, cutting off her air.

"Stop it right there or I may have to kill the lovely blossom" a voice echoed out. It caused the three to stop dead in their tracks.

"What do you want? Give me back my daughter!" Fujitaka ran behind the guardians, and his son, begging for his daughter. "What ever you want, whatever you desire you can have it, just don't hurt my child!"

An evil laughter surround the ones still awake "And what if what I want, you already tried to deny me? Close to fourteen years ago, you tried to hide you kingdom's most precious treasure away when I came searching for it. Near fourteen years ago, I almost had that treasure in my hands, but it doesn't matter anymore… I have it now." Without anymore warning, the chains, princess and voice all vanished into the night. All that was left were the cards echoes of a malevolent laughter, and for those who could feel it, an explosion of a strong, pink aura.


Syaoran rode hard and fast into the night. His cloak hastily thrown on, and his sword strapped tight to his back. He paid no mind to the rain beating into his hair, or is panting horse. Only a single thought raced through his mind. 'Sakura, danger!' His horse began to slow, but it was easily re-energized with a dollop of his own magic. Syaoran had to make it to wherever Sakura was, no matter how far.

Eriol and his mother had both seen him running towards the stable back at the palace, but he paid them no mind, as he jumped onto the fastest horse, bareback, and rode off as fast as the horse could run. Eriol might have been following him, or someone else, he didn't know. All he knew was that with each passing second, Sakura was in more danger, and he wasn't there to help her.

Barely half an hour later, an explosion of aura swept across the land, nearly knocking Syaoran from his horse. It was Sakura's.

He urged his horse faster, begging every god, every demon, and anything else that would listen, that his horse would run like the hounds of hell were after it, and that Sakura be all right. One must have heard his prayer, because barely an hour later he had made a daylong trip. He saw up ahead a carriage, with what appeared to be sleeping guards surrounding it.

Never slowing his horse, he saw that indeed it was the carriage he had seen off, that Cerberus and Yue were searching frantically for something, Toya clenching his fists tightly, shaking, and Fujitaka on his knees crying. He jumped off his horse then and ran the rest of the way.

Yue turned and drew a bow at his arrival, but no other motion showed that the others acknowledged him. All Syaoran could hear, besides his own rapidly beating heart, were Fujitaka's hushed cries.

"I had her… and I let her get away… she's gone… my baby… my daughter… Sakura…"

Syaoran knew then that all the gods hated him, for sure enough, there were the cards, soaking wet, and that same horrible laughter taunting him. Even after an hour, it still echoed in the still air. Syoaran dropped to his knees and cried then, lamenting his inability to protect the love of his life with a single scream into the night of her name.


Somewhere in darkness, a lovely maiden struggled with her bindings. Chains that cut into her wrists as they held her fast against a cold wall, and a charm that hid, and painfully repressed her aura. Tears streamed constantly from her cheeks, and broken sobs wracked her already tired body.

"My, my, my… what a lovely flower I have found" a darkly robed figure stepped out of the shadows to face her.

"Please… who are you" asking the person to let her go would be fruitless he wanted her here.

"I am your greatest admirer, my dear. I have loved you since you were but a babe, and have always known that you would be the one, who would help me" his long, black hair matched his black eyes. His pale skin barely glowed by the light of the flickering candle he held. He looked young, couldn't have been older then Toya, but something about him spoke of knowledge beyond his years, and evil one cannot acquire in one lifetime.

"You must be daft if you think I would ever help you!" she spat at the man's face, watching as it landed square on his cheek.

"You say that now dearest, but soon, you will not. You will desire what I desire, you will serve me as loyal as my dogs, and you will pay for this" he had flicked the spit of his cheek at the last part. "Perhaps we shall start now…" he laid his candle upon the floor, and touched both hands to the sides of her thrashing head.

Her screams echoed for what seemed to be hours.


Canadian Chica: Done… yes you can hate me. But this is all I got! I'm sorry again that I've been so busy, and I probably won't update again for a while, but I got stuff to do! Well, I hope you guys still enjoy it. Later!