As Sherlock was loaded into the ambulance, John tried to climb inside.

"I'm sorry sir," the paramedic said, "our hospital has a new rule: only family members are allowed to ride inside. You'll have to meet us at the hospital and wait in the waiting room."

John's mind went into overdrive. He looked at Sherlock who was still conscious. He could tell that Sherlock was scared from the look in his eyes, even though in typical Sherlock fashion, he was trying to hide it. John was not going to leave him alone.

"But…but…" he began stammering to the paramedic, "I'm his husband!"

Sherlock's eyes dilated from shock for a split second, but then immediately he masked his shock as the paramedic turned to him and asked, "Is he your husband?"

Sherlock cleared his throat and then articulately replied, with a bit of vehemence in his voice, "Yes! Of course he's my husband!"

"Apologies sirs, I'm just used to seeing wedding rings."

"Well…" John began, unsure of what to say.

"We're an unconventional couple," Sherlock finished quickly.

Once John climbed in to sit next to Sherlock's bed, the paramedic closed the ambulance doors and they were off. John's face was still a little flushed from his sudden apparent marriage to Sherlock.

Although Sherlock was still in some pain, the morphine the paramedics were giving him was making him feel much better than before. To distract himself from the pain he was feeling, he decided to focus on John. Seeing the flush on John's cheeks made him smirk. Maybe he could amuse himself a bit with this.

"John, dear, would you hold my hand?" Sherlock found it hard to keep himself composed at the glare John was now giving him. It was probably because of the drugs, but Sherlock really wanted to giggle at John's pissed off expression.

John on the other hand hadn't moved a muscle since he had spoken and Sherlock wanted to milk this for all it was worth so he added for effect, "Please sweetheart?"

John signed inwardly as he quickly picked up Sherlock's hand since the paramedic had started looking at him suspiciously. "You're going to be just fine…honey," the last word said through John's gritted teeth.

Sherlock smirked at him again, but there was also a genuine smile of relief hidden underneath the smirk that reached his eyes. John's glare turned into a reassuring smile and he squeezed Sherlock's hand gently. Absentmindedly (or maybe it was the drugs talking) Sherlock brought his other hand up to rest it on top of John's hand that was holding his. Their eyes locked for a few moments until John cleared his throat awkwardly and looked away. He ended up looking into the eyes of the paramedic who smiled sweetly at him, therefore making John blush all over again.