
"You should know that I blame you completely."

It was a nice day in Magnolia. Most of her people wold probably be out and about on a picnic or some other outdoor outing. The sun was warm; breeze was sweet. Anyone sane would take advantage of it. Yet somehow, sanity wasn't even the biggest obstacle keeping a certain three individuals from it (though it could certainly be called into question). Namely, it was jail.

Individual number one was gripping the bars and banging his head against them in exasperation. The guards had taken his sword, which on one hand left him feeling rather bare, but on the other, also kept him from skewering individual number two. Said individual was currently sprawled out on the concrete bench, apparently at total ease with the situation.

A third individual occupied the cell opposite, alone. She absently picked at the sparkly paint on her nails, "I agree. Bickslow, you're buying once we get out of here."

Bickslow grinned. Or rather, her words did nothing to deter the grin that currently occupied his features. He was only mildly afraid of Freed turning around and strangling him, because his dearly high-strung teammate had yet to bring out the really big words. At present, he was rubbing his forehead, either from the aforementioned head-banging, or perhaps for the situation its own. One never could tell.

"You are a capricious individual, I know. But of all the...Why?" Hmm, maybe he wasn't so safe. How many letters in capricious?

"It's not all my fault. If you're going to be my impulse control, you can't just leave me alone in public. I thought you knew that." Bickslow answered, innocently. If one could see beneath his mask, they'd see him batting his eyes like an adorably innocent child. Possibly one that had just taken from the cookie jar.

"How is this..? That doesn't even..." Freed turned back around. He was already in jail, and killing someone probably wouldn't do much for his case. Though perhaps, by then, he'd be eligible to plead insanity.

Bickslow added, "And I mean. You can't walk around looking like that and not expext to be challenged." There was a sound from Ever's cell that could've been out of amusement or distress. Bickslow had that affect on people.

For awhile they lapsed back into silence. But a comfortable one. As sad as it was, getting thrown into jail for public assault and indecency? Not the worst or weirdest situation they had gotten into together. Not by far. If it weren't for having to explain to the master why he had gotten that particular call from the cops, it wouldn't even be that big an inconvenience.

Not that that made Bickslow's actions any more excusable. Freed glowered from where he was, "You're an embarrassment to your team and to your species."

Bickslow positively beamed.